Blogs from La Ceiba, Northern, Honduras, Central America Caribbean - page 6


I´m at an internet place making some calls so I thought I´d blog a little. We took the kiddos to the Butterfly museum. They were so excited! They were really in to it and paid very close attention to everything about the presentation that was given. They were able to play with large rhinocerous beetles, tarantulas and huge grasshoppers all indengenous to Honduras. It was so cool to teach them about all the insects that are found in their country. It gave them a sense of pride. Very rewarding. I´ve tried to post pictures but it´s just not going to happen. I finally found a place where I can insert the CD and attach a picture but it takes over 3 mintues per picture. No thanks. I´ll post them all when I get home. Don´t worry ... read more

So, we tried to hook up a cheap ride to a group of islands off the coast of Honduras that are inbetween here and the major Bay Islands of Roatán, Utila and whatever the name of the other one is. The name of the keys that we were trying to get to are called Cayos Cuchinos. Cayos is the word for keys and I´ve been told that Cuchinos means just that Cuchinos. I need to read a bit on their history to get the real answer but that´s what the locals tell me. On the morning we were supposed to go, Saturday, we couldn´t get a hold of our ride to get us to the boat so we weren´t able to get there. It´s apparently a little expensive to get out there and it´s pretty exclusive. ... read more

Returning to La Ceiba brought back tons of fantastic memories...even though the streets were empty and there were rooms available at every hotel. Me, Kailee, Josh, and Sander took the early morning ferry from Utila, and made our way to a jungle lodge just outside of La Ceiba to do some white water rafting (and really, my expectations weren´t very high...i mean, i´ve seen some wicked rapids on this trip!) and some jungle exploring. We got to the lodge, and it was beautiful!! Set on the rocky shores of the Cangrejal river, we got there, had breakfast, and were in a raft less than an hour later! The rapids were, despite doubts, awesome. It may have been the fact that the boats we were in were way smaller than ones i´ve been in perhaps ... read more
Rocks y el Rio
Suspension bridge

I can´t believe it´s already the 22nd. Time is flying by! I´m getting used to my surroundings. I found a place to make a photo cd but I haven´t found a computer that will allow me to post the photos. Oh how I miss certain things that are so easy to do in the States. I also miss the food. It´s pretty much tortillas, refried beans, rice and some kind of meat here in ol´ Honduras. It gets pretty boring after a bit. It´s not India in that aspect. I started school on Monday afternoon. Dennis is my teacher and we are basically reviewing all the fun stuff like conjugating but inbetween the lessons he stops and tells me stories about his life or his friends. All in Spanish of course. So, I can say that ... read more

La CeibaRobertsonI made it to La Ceiba last night. It took forever to get here. By the time I got off the bus I was aching and ready to stand up for a bit. I was picked up by one of my professors and taken to my new home for the next 4 weeks. I´m staying with abuelos (grandparents) and their grandkids are on summer break so they are there too. Their names are Mary and Guierrmo. They also have a housekeeper, which is normal for families that can afford them. They basically become part of the family. The Meyers had one as well who had the most beautiful little 2 year old I´ve ever seen, Jennifer. It makes me feel a little weird because I don´t know what I should do myself and what Olga ... read more it goes. I missed the ferry over to Utila. Decided it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to head back into town, spend the night, and leave early the next morning. Little did I know that it was the local Carnaval. The biggest party in Central America. And I happened to be there for the last weekend of this huge festival. That meant that there were absolutely no open hotel rooms. I went around to about 7 of them, was near tears, frustrated, and couldn't believe my bad timing. I finally found this crappy hotel that would sell me a double room for close to 40 dollars (they usually cost about 4 dollars). I held back tears, and figured I had to do it. They needed cash straight I had to ... read more
Street banners and the cathedral
Parade floats..and general mayhem of colour
Precarious wires...

Today we said goodbye to Roatan and took the ferry from the island over to La Ceiba. From there we took a dirt road up to Omega Jungle Lodge to do some rafting on the Cangrejal River. The water level is quite variable on the river, and it was a little low when we were there, but luckily we could still go rafting. The river was very pretty, clear and a nice temperature for swimming. The lodge consisted of several open-air and screened-in buildings, nicely landscaped, set in the jungle. It was very laid back, with a fridge of drinks and beer that you could help yourself to and a kitchen that served good and reasonably-priced food (nice, since they pretty much have you trapped there, and could charge whatever they want). We stayed in ... read more
Omega Jungle Lodge
Jungle Lodge
Hiking at the lodge

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Northern » La Ceiba January 17th 2007

First Week 1-9-07 So I´m here in La Ceiba, Honduras. After being on the road the past week I feel like I´m now on the home stretch! It´s nice to settle down and unpack my things. Although it's the 3rd largest city in Honduras, the city itself doesn´t have a lot to offer, but it´s surroundings do! Just outside La Ceiba there are tons of beautiful sites! 1-14-07 I finished my first week of spanish classes at Escuela de Espanol Pico Bonito . Learning slowly but surely. My class is 4 hours long, Monday thru Friday. It´s one on one with my profesora, Amparo. My family that I´m living with is really nice! They have 2 daughters, Lisa and Marisal, both in their 20s. My senora, Dunya is the sweetest lady and she cooks amazing food! ... read more
Utila Island
Pico Bonito

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Northern » La Ceiba September 17th 2006

The quick ferry crossing (1 and a half hours) to the island was great, getting to see the island coming closer and seeing the mountains of the mainland behind us. Once arrived we had to walk through a corridor of people who were handing out leaflets about their respective diving shops. We headed to the nearest café to get a drink, get our bearings and go through the flyers - the humidity had really kicked in and was making every task take twice as long as it should. Ed and Matt (an Englishman travelling out here after volunteering for 3 months, who travelled from Dangriga with us) went off in search of accommodation and diving opportunities. Gemma watched the bags with another strawberry milkshake. We opted to go with Bay Islands College of Diving, clearly ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Northern » La Ceiba September 12th 2006

After arriving home from the parade, I took about 15 minutes to pack a small carry on bag full of stuff for a six day vacation to the Carribean island of Utila. For those of you who know me well, this was no small feat. I usually have a full sized suitcase for a three day weekend. I was proud of myself to say the least. After gathering the troops, six of us all together, we sent out to find the Rapidito (small van) to Siguatepeque. Once we arrived at the Siguatepeque bus stop, a walk, one taxi and rapidito ride away from home, we had some lunch and enjoyed the nicest public restrooms in Honduras. For real! The were so clean. What can I say? These things excite me now. Although, I can say, my ... read more
Dazed and Confused
Waiting for the Bus in Siguatepeque
Will There Be Seats Left?

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