Blogs from Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 17


Central America Caribbean » Guatemala December 16th 2015

We made a very short visit to Guatemala today, on a day trip to Tikal, a UNESCO world heritage site with Mayan ruins in the middle of the jungle. Tikal was once a huge city of a few hundred thousand people, but now only a few buildings are visible above the jungle, with more buried beneath it. The site is huge, with only a small proportion excavated. In addition to the ruins, we walked through lots of jungle, seeing spider monkeys, leafcutter ants and the national bird!... read more
Main plaza

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala December 7th 2015

So after an emotional good bye to Xela (which we loved) especially the old school vehicles blasting out barbie girl tunes..... It was time to hit the road to Lake Atitlan. After a crazy bus ride, down some of the steepest mountain roads, honking at the tuk tuks and other drivers to move out of the way, whilst this huge chicken bus sped down the road, we arrived at San Pedro. Lake Atitlan is made up of lots of different towns, all offering different things and these are all accessible by water taxis. San Pedro is built around the volcano named San Pedro. After this we stayed with some friends from Xela in a house by the lake. This was amazing to have a bit of luxury overlooking the lake. We enjoyed lots of mince meat ... read more
Matt trying to get a good deal
on top of Indians nose AMAZING!!

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala November 21st 2015

Hola, So after Flores and Tikal (jungle) I decided it would be fun to go off the tourist track and catch what they call chicken buses. Basically Americas old school buses or little mini buses for longer journeys!! So after a squashed tuk tuk journey we arrived at some crazy bus station. Once boarding the bus, we stopped 10 minutes down the road at a market, where I was sold fruit, sweets, viagra well something like that, some toy with spikes..... After 2 buses and a boat to cross a stream, we arrived at an area which is home to the Candeleria caves. The next day the guy from our hotel, took us out to visit the caves. It was amazing, we went all through these huge caves in the dark with head lights on! The ... read more

Wonderful famous UNESCO Heritage that rules the law of the Mayan World: Tikal National Parks! There are a lot of Ruins that I went to around Belize, Guatemala and Yucatan Mexico that is still remembered! Plus I have pictures to show you the ruins that are around Guatemala which all makes you want to live through history. I'm a Guatemala and Mexico guy always regardless by the way. So I will probably write more travel blogs about Guatemala and Mexico for all my life! Enjoy! ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala November 5th 2015

So time to rock on to Guatemala! Everyone ive met raves about this country, so I bought my lonely planet and am ready for here! We started in Flores, a lovely little Island connected to Santa Elena. We tried the Guatemalan street food and I have to say beats Mexican food!! Then it was off to Tikal, Mayan ruins in the jungle. We spent our first night in the jungle during sunset, we saw toucans, howler monkeys, bats, many different birds, which I cannot name. It was beautiful until the sun went down and the mosquitoes ate us alive!! Yes I have been eaten from head to toe and its always great to know there is malaria in a region after visiting the jungle!! But apparently not for 2 years, shame my jungle bug spray burst ... read more

Holy cow. It's been a very full few weeks, and an incredible few months. I recently finished working at Earth Lodge. I was volunteering here for 3 months and then went to the lake, Lago Atitlan, for a couple weeks to relax and explore a bit before making my way back up to Mexico. I don't remember the last time I posted on here, but its been a while. It's hard now to try to find my experience in Guatemala into a blog post. Overall I'm just feeling deeply grateful and very excited. My time here at the lodge has been so good. Connecting with wonderful people, some I only get to hang out with for a day or 2 during their stay here and some that I live with for anywhere from 4-12 weeks. Everyone ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala October 12th 2015

Our second day in Mexico we rode toward the beautiful Coatzacoalcos area which was quite pretty with the beach and colourful sunset. On the way were wonderful mountain vistas and statues. Villages peppered the highway and the people seemed happy and dressed brightly. People (and children in particular) seemed quite surprised and pleased to see us and waved as we rode by. We enjoyed walking around the waterfront area down by the beach and around the sculptures prior to fivesies in the foyer with Jeff and Dean. Next day we rode to Palenque which was resort like with lots of rainforest-like vegetation and gardens, a pool, lovely whitewash painted rooms with thatched rooves and to top it off, hammocks on our balcony - what more does one need? Well yes, we were able to source beer ... read more
A frequent sight - people selling food and drinks

Lago Atitlan was a stunning location to arrive on my birthday, having had birthday cake and leftover pizza for breakfast on the bus ride over. We checked into our hostel, who insisted on giving me birthday tequila, and had a pretty relaxed afternoon in front of the lake. We also visited the local women's weaving cooperative- so many beautiful handmade materials, but unfortunately no space in our bags (well, none in mine, which is ridiculously heavy and full. Amateur first time backpacking mistake...!) The next day we went on a horse trek up to a coffee plantation and factory, and to a view point just outside San Pedro with stunning views across the lake. The coffee plantation and factory was super interesting - the factory is basically owned be a cooperative of local growers, and buys ... read more

Just two nights, one day in Antigua before heading to San Pedro La Laguna for a few days round Lago Atitlan. The shuttle to Antigua wasn't the longest bus ride (took about 8 hours), but definitely the least comfortable so far! We have spent the day getting laundry done (yay- clothes don't smell cavey anymore!) and wandering around the city. It's a very pretty colonial city, with lots of church ruins and churches that have been rebuilt, pastel coloured shops and houses and cobbled roads. The city used to be the capital, before it was nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 1773. It's surrounded by 3 volcanoes, including one active one, but the clouds meant that we couldn't really see anything!! Very excited to be at Lago Atitlan tomorrow for my birthday :)... read more

Arriving in Semuc Champey from Flores involved two buses and one ride in the back of a pick up truck. Standing on the back of the truck seemed pretty fun to start with, despite the crazy bumps in the road, but after half hour of gripping for dear life on the steepest roads (up and down) I have ever experienced, arriving at Utopia was literally like arriving in paradise. I can't rave about this hostel enough, set close to the river, about 8km from Lanquin, the nearest village, and 3km from the Semuc Champey Park. The hostel is basically a massive wooden hut, with beautiful views, everything made from local wood, delicious meals and the most chilled out atmosphere ever. Each morning I woke up to stunning views slowly revealing from the clouds just outside, no ... read more

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