Blogs from Tecún Umán, Pacific Coast, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean


Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, a 31 de agosto del 2009. Saludos a todos (y todas): Aprovecho estos momentos para saludarlos desde estas verdes tierras guatemaltecas. Dado que perdì mi USB no anexo fotos de Tapachula, paso previo al cruce fronterizo, pero el centro imagìnenselo como el centro de La Paz pero con calles muy muy estrechas (un carril para carros estacionados y otro para carros en circulaciòn), lo cual hace que el tràfico sea de la patada. La plaza central es chica, con vendedores ofreciendo "root beer" natural en bolsitas con popote (sì existe, y hasta ahorita me enterè que la sacan de la zarzaparrilla). Llegué a la ciudad en el dìa de la fiesta de San Agustìn, santo patrono de dicha ciudad, por lo que me tocò procesiòn del santo en el dìa (aquì va amenizada con ... read more
Bienvenidos a Guatemala!
Tapachula, CHIAPAS.
Puente Internacional.

Before I came to Guatemala, I researched quite a bit on the web for information about Xela and Guatemala. I came across the website . This website was really useful to me, especially the discussion board. During my first week in Xela, (when I was still exploring the city) I walked to Xelapages and met the owners- Tom and his wife Mary Jo. Tom is a gringo, and is originally from West Virginia, but spent quite a few years in San Francisco doing trading for a large company. He met Mary Jo in San Francisco, and then have been married for 11 years. Mary Jo is originally from Xela, and came to the United States after high school. They have been settled in Guatemala for the last 3-4 years, and they have a ten year ... read more
Morning on the beach
Debris on the beach
Enjoying the beach

Lazy Sunday - I slept in ´til 9 am which was awesome and just read and learned some new songs. I decided I should get out of the house for a bit, so I came to this little café. I begin reading my book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, and get to a point where it says ¨The Maya were interested...¨ and a woman in indigenous dress comes by sweeping the floor and I can´t help but get confused in the irony of time and place. Yesterday (Saturday) Ambika and I got up around 7 am and went to catch a bus to Tecún Uman, which is the Guatemalan border town next to Mexico. It took about 3 1/2 hours to get there and we walked across the border - which is a bridge over a trashy river. ... read more

Left Puerto behind yesterday evening, having spent my last day there sitting on a beautiful beach looking out at the surf and discussing with Derek the relative merits of the various waves like two old surf bums. Chose not to head out into them, however, as it felt as if the elbow and shoulder joints of my right arm might have been seperated and reconnected repeatedly the day before, each time I threw myself with one arm over my board into an incoming wave. It is possible that this is a young man's sport... At any rate, another overnight bus ride found us staggering out into early morning heat, homes on our backs and thus moving like snails, with no idea (besides a name - Tapachula) where we were, and even less idea which way we ... read more

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