Blogs from Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 112


Hola Amigos, Deze website werkt blijkbaar niet altijd; vandaar nu pas mijn verhaal van 8 december... Ik krijg het niet voor elkaar om foto s direct van de camera op de computer te zetten, dus die zien jullie als ik ze op een cd heb laten zetten. Anyway, ik heb het hier enorm naar mijn zin. De eerste twee dagen waren wat ongemakkelijk, omdat ik eigenlijk alleen Richard kende (Engelsman, 39 jaar, die bij dezelfde familie woont). Maar inmiddels is het echt geweldig. Ik heb aardig wat mensen leren kennen en het is echt gezellig. Antigua is een gemoedelijk plaatsje, waar ik gewoon wat rondloop en relax, in het park ga ziten of in een caffe een kop koffie of chocolademelk drink. Ik rust hier lekker uit en slaap enorm veel... De Spaanse lessen zijn leuk. ... read more
burning of the devil
la casa de mi familia

I´m not sure I can spell the word, lobatomy or what a lobatomy is. Last week in Guatemala was the day of Quema Del Diablo, or, the day to to burn the devil. Thousands and thousands of effigies of the devil burned in the streets. On the other hand, just yesterday was the day of Guadaloupe. A statue of the Virgin was paraded through the streets. Lots of firecrackers and celebration for both, and both are used to help bring in christmas. Perhaps we are sometimes devils, and sometimes angels...if so, no wonder there is no peace in the world Saw a picture of Bukowski today in Antigua, the one with the favorite slut...recall it from the Bowery Poerty Club in NYC...and Bukowski says, Those who don't go crazy have truly horrible lives...Meanwhile, Poet Sharon Olds ... read more
On the Boat Ride
Skipper Dude

Diego's other car is a Porsche but we can't drive it too much...he and others say there is too much resentment here for that kind of car to be in public...That's a relief to James because Diego has in the past been driven by the machine rather than drive it. The machine. He says he was clean and sober before I got there. Then he started to party. He got very blue pill on James. The thing about partying is to remember your Source in the middle of it. All chemically induced partying is a substitute for the feeling of Source. It's the soma of Brave New World and put square under the Agents control--that's what the Agents in the Matrix want. They don't want anyone to drop into the mainframe. So many don't get this ... read more
Clown Act
Caught Peeing
Clown Act

Have been in Antigua. Writing now on a keyboard at Diego's Dad's estate and en espanol. doing craniosacral therapia here on infants and on adults. People keep showing up to work on so may not make it to Tikal or the places of the Mayan. Diego is patient when work is going on, extremely cordial--the vibes seem to calm him. He contributes energy without trying to. Write somewhere on the blog that Guatemala is very much like India. both have lots of Tuk Tuks, for example, the little three wheeled cabs. Then the festivals, celebrations, like the one to Saint Cecilia the other day. Have I mentioned that Diego's sister, Cecila, lives on a coffee plantation..most all in the family had work...we set up the massage table in the center hallway of their lovely and ilght ... read more

Ik ben inmiddels goed en wel aangekomen! De vlucht naar ging prima. We (Rob, Yolanda, Merlijn en ik) waren rond 5.15 uur op Schiphol, waar mij nog een leuke verrassing wachtte, aangezien Suzanne (Tenkink) daar ook was. In Miami ging alles verbzingwekkend snel: veel sneller dan in Londen dus nog 3 uur wachten... Eerst maar even gaan vragen hoe ik aan een boarding kaart kon komen. Gelukkig maar, want blijkbaar was het toch vreemd dat ik die nog niet had. Maar alles werd geregeld (en op tijd want het vliegtuig bleek overboekt). Met een klein uur vertraging in Guatemala aangekomen, waar mijn bagage gelukkig ook was... Ik was inmiddels aardig moe want ik was al ruim 24 uur op na een nachtrust van 4 uur. Ik werd vanaf het vliegveld opgehaald (20.50 uur locale tijd) De ... read more

Yesterday Ryan and I arrived in Antigua, Jord headed east to Belize to sit on the beach. I updated my blog yesterday about the jungle trip, but the webserver had problems publishing it so hence its not there until now (hopefully). This computer has problems with the USB so I can´t get any more photos up of Antigua or the jungle trip, but as soon as I can I´ll let everyone know. We left Flores at 10:30 Sunday night, which was rough because it was only hours after getting back from the jungle. I threw all my muddy gear in the shower and bathed with it before tossing it in a garbage bag and into my backpack. The bus ride was great, no leg room but I had two seats so I slept like a baby. ... read more

Buenos Tardes! Well I just got back from climbing Pacaya, an active volcano about 1 and half hours or so out of Antigua. It was quite the journey! It took about two hours to get up, and all though that does´t seem like a long time, when you are climbing straight up it's quite the workout. It was especially hard hiking it in my jean skirt! I took all my dirty laundry to the laundromat yesterday and forgot to take my jeans out of the bag so I could wear them today. It was something like 7 km up or may be that was in total, I don't remember. It wasn't actually too bad for the first while but once you got to the final part towards the hole up top, it was very steep. I ... read more
View from Pacaya
Finally at the top!!
Lava Rocks...

I didn't think that Halloween was celebrated in Guatemala, I thought it was really just a North American thing and was actually a little sad that I would be missing it, but I was quite wrong... There were quite a few kids running about last night all dressed up in their costumes, but instead of going around collecting candy in their bags, they go around collecting quetzales (currency here) and chant something along the lines of we want money. (My spanish sucks, so I don't know exactly what they were saying, but I think it is something along that line). Anyways, it was quite an exciting night to go out and people watch. This morning I left early for Santiago for the famous "All Saint's Day" celebrations. It's only about 15-20 minutes from Antigua, and the ... read more
All Saint's Day
The two largest kites

All Saints Day and an incredible hangover after last night´s Halloween celebration...We thought it might be a great idea to go to Santiago and see the festival of All Saints Day. Two chickenbus rides later we found ourselves in the middle of a celebration on a graveyard. Us lutherans are used to that graveyards are quiet and dark and a little sad places, so boy were we surprised to different relationship the guatemalans have with their ancestors! A guatemalan man we met, told us that the indigenous population communicate with their ancestors through flying bright coloured kites on All Saints Day. The graves were painted in different colors and there were children running and laughing everywhere and it was truly a happy occasion. Families had picnics on the graves (which I personally wanted to see after ... read more
Us by the big kite
View over Santiago Sacatepéquez
A family by the grave

Sean: Words are almost inadequate to describe the feeling yesterday as we finally reached the top of one of the tallest temples in the Mayan Kingdom and glimpsed the view from above the jungle canopy. Staring out over the dense growth we saw two thousand years worth of history in the other temples of Tikal poking through. Along with the cacophony of monkeys and birds hollering back and forth it truly gives the place an ancient feel. We were definitely not in Kansas anymore. We had such an amazing day. We left Flores at the crack of dawn so that we could get to the ruins an hour away before the heat started in earnest. When we got there the place was surprisingly empty, but we decided skirt the “Gran Plaza” and head all the way ... read more
Long Slog to the Top of the Pyramid
East Side of the Gran Plaza
Acropolis del Norte

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