Blogs from Cuba, Central America Caribbean - page 102


Central America Caribbean » Cuba April 18th 2006

On the 14th headed out to Topes de Collantes for a 3-hour trek (about 6kms). Walked through green valleys and visited a cave with an underground river and rock pool. Water was freezing. Our destination was an isolated, century old hacienda where we camped under the veranda awning for the night. The house specialty was roasted suckling pig which was so delish. Normally I avoid the crackling but this was unlike any I've tasted before it was so crunchy. Good night sleep until the bloody cock started crowing at 5.00am. Next day we travelled a bit in a Russian army truck, and then walked another 9kms to the next hacienda, which was not as nice or friendly as the previous one and very commercial. On the way we stopped at a coffee farm house. Andres our ... read more
Piggy for dinner
Hoofing it
Camping out on the tables

Well, Santiago was a little disappointing in some ways. For a city of half a million people, it felt surprisingly like a little village, complete with horses and carts in the streets, and roosters to wake me up nice and early. Also, there was a lot more attention from people who wanted to sell me things. The music wasn´t exactly spilling onto the streets in quite the way I´d been led to expect either. The coach journey there from Havana was good. I got the 13 hour express overnight service, so saved on a nights accomodation. Which all counts because at $25 a night, it´s not cheap here!! It was bloody cold though, air-con on full all the way!! Anyway, I´ll have more time to explore when I return in a few days, as this morning ... read more
El Yunque in background

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Centro » Trinidad April 13th 2006

On the 12th headed east out of Havana to Trinidad. On the way to the Zapata Peninsula there were endless fields of citrus trees & sugar cane. Stopped for a yummy lobster-tail lunch at a roadhouse and had a swim in the Caribbean - fabulous. Visited the Museum Giron dedicated to the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion by US-supported Cuban exiles against the Communist regime. Fascinating stuff. Stopped in Cienfuegos for a coffee break. A local did a caricature of me, which you generally pay 1CUC. On the road to Trinidad there were thousands of crabs crossing the road to lay their eggs. As the vehicles travelled along and squashed the unlucky ones, flocks of turkey vultures would descend to pick at the fresh road-kill. Our hotel was overbooked so we got upgraded to an all-inclusive ... read more
Museo Giron
Note from Che
Rolling, rolling, rolling

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana April 11th 2006

Apologies everyone but the internet is pretty crap in Cuba, so I have had to download my Cuba trip in dribs and drabs. Cuba Libre - Free Cuba, or another way of asking for a rum & coke. Arrived in Havana on the 10th. Your hand luggage is x-rayed after you pass through immigration. Mini had a camera charger in her bag, and was asked if she had any other electronic items, whereupon she showed them her walkie-talkies. There & then her passport was requested, and she was told to collect it at the exit. After we got our luggage we went to the exit and I got through no problems, however Mini was told to go through Secondary Inspection. A lot of electronic items are prohibited in Cuba such as DVD players & cordless phones, ... read more
Classic car
Taxi !

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana April 10th 2006

So, here I am after all this time. The most important place on my trip. The place I´ve wanted to go for so long. The place I´ve been so excited about... Cuba!!! Well, the day I arrived, it rained. They´ve been starting to have water shortages there´s been so little, but the day I arrived, BAM!!!! Only place I´ve been so far that didn´t have an unusual amount of falling wet stuff was Santiago in Chile (and I guess Iguazu!). It´s almost like it´s followed me from home... Ne´er mind. Well, I had a little walk around my local area of Vedado anyway. I´ve read a lot about the hassle you can get here as a tourist, from people who want to sell you dodgy rum or cigars, blah blah blah. Well, there really wasn´t any ... read more
Coloured buildings...

Central America Caribbean » Cuba April 4th 2006

Where to begin describing my adventures in the wonderous, mysterious land of Cuba? My time in Cuba is probably the most extreme, complete and intense two weeks I've ever experienced. I absolutely loved it, and was absolutely ready to leave when I did. At the same time, I am just as ready to go back, after I catch my breath, earn a whole lot of money, erase my memory card for my camera, eat some good food, and quickly learn to play the guitar, piano, and drums much better, oh, and learn to dance of course. To start with Cuba was absolutely confusing mostly due to the two monetary systems (there used to be three when the dollar was accepted a year ago or so). There are tourist dollars, worth about the same as the Euro, ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Centro » Trinidad April 2nd 2006

Since returning from Cuba I have been asked dozens of times what Cuba was like. These queries mainly come from eager Americans and Europeans who seem keen for reports of a socialist paradise where liberated socialists enjoy the benefits of free health care and enforced leisure time. Each time I’m asked, all I seem to muster is a series of ummmms and errrs before quite meekly finally describing Cuba as “different”. And I suppose that is the truth. Cuba is unlike any country I have visited before. Did I enjoy Cuba? I’m not sure. Yes, parts of it were fun but other parts were solely frustrating and confusing. Did I learn about the system of socialism that supposedly exists in Cuba? I don’t know. I returned to Central America with more questions than I arrived with. ... read more
One horse and two bullock town
The cockfight
The beach in Cuba

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana March 27th 2006

Monday 27th March Well, we have finished our first month in Cuba. In many ways we have really settled in and I am very much getting used to not having to work for a while (I think it is just starting to feel like I’m not just on holiday). My Spanish is improving daily and hopefully by the end of my stay I might be able to understand someone other than our Spanish teachers (I’m convinced the Cubans outside our classes speak a different language ;-)). Much the same applies to our dancing which is coming along slowly. I still have much to learn before I can swing Olga round the dance floor confidently, but we will be happy if we can go dancing salsa together properly once or twice towards the end of our stay. ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana March 23rd 2006

The trade and economic embargo held against Cuba by the USA has lasted for some decades now. America has prohibited American companies and their subsidiaries trading with Cuban entities and prohibited its citizens from spending money in Cuba. (That’s right - I’ve always thought that US citizens were prohibited from visiting Cuba - however the various pieces of legislation that piece together the embargo actually only make it a crime to SPEND money in Cuba. SO for all those Americans aching for some April sun in Cuba I guess you just need to find a philanthropic friend to pay your WHOLE way.) As a result I naively thought that this may mean that American culture may be less prevalent in this tropical island nation. Disappointingly, as I jumped into the cab at the airport bound for ... read more
View from the top
Some cool building
Planet of the Ches

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana March 16th 2006

Snakes at the Lincoln We´d booked our beds in the hotel Lincoln and jet-setted over miami and into Havana for our first leg stop. I should have been wearing a white suit, smoking a big cheroot. A hotel fit for the world´s best racing driver was surely fit for us so our rationalising went. But its been almost fifty years since Fangio checked in, and that should have been a warning. These days, the Lincoln is a sad hollow gaff, like being the last kid to leave in school. Five people for breakfast in a hall fit for 100, a lift that only goes up when you want to go down and always a porter on hand to screw you for another few dollars. But, secretly, I liked it for the same reasons. This place didn't ... read more
Cuba pix 2006
Cuba pix 2006
Cuba pix 2006

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