Blogs from San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 14


After Lindsay talked to the security guard in Spanish and was granted permission to place “an animal” on one of the large stone spheres at the entrance to the National Museum in San José, I knew it was time: GROUP PHOTO WITH HOWL! We spent yesterday afternoon in San José, the capital city of Costa Rica, which is only about half an hour from San Joaquín. The two main attractions were the National Theatre and the National Museum, but all along the way Johnny filled us in about the history, commerce, and culture of the country. In the National Theatre, we were amazed by the ornate details and beautiful architecture. When seeing the marble from France and Italy and the huge amount of gold throughout the theatre, it is hard to imagine that the location was ... read more
National Theatre
What is it?

SO this entry is late--but who cares? No one is reading this but ME! Well, right now at least. Here's a brief recap of the past two day's events: I had a layover in Norf Kuralina for three hours where I finally watched Another Gay Movie in the airport. Looking back at it, it probably wasn't the best idea as there were some explicit scenes. I turned around and a nice-looking older white lady (at least I assumed she was nice--it's Norf Kuralina, right?) was looking at what I was watching. She wasn't mortified so I think she didn't see it. I left the airport to arrive in the city of Alajuela where I thought I was meeting my travel buddy Katelynn. Buuuuut I pulled an Armando and got the time wrong and ended up waiting ... read more

Phase 1 – learn Spanish. Check! Well not exactly, of course, but I have made a lot of progress. I’ve now been in San Pedro (just outside San Jose) for 5 days. On 4 of those days, I spent much of the day at the Costa Rican Language Academy (CRLA). I completed my course today, and in total I found it to be an excellent refresher to Spanish. My comprehension if Spanish has greatly improved (enough that I could participate in a cooking class that was completely in Spanish), and I’ve gained more confidence in speaking the phases and words that I do know. All it all, this phase was totally worth it. Since my arrival in Costa Rica, I have definitely been enjoying the tango between feeling proud and satisfied at overcoming challenges with the ... read more

After such a smooth travel day, things got a little “shakier” on my first night. There was an earthquake! I was so tired that, although I woke up, I convinced myself that I was dreaming. It wasn’t until the morning that I learned that there was quite a large earthquake (magnitude 5.6, whatever that means) on the border of Costa Rica and Panama. For me, this was very remarkable, as I have only experienced one before, but for my host family it was much less remarkable. However, it did give us something to talk about over the rice and beans, cheese, mango, papaya, and pineapple of our breakfast. The earthquake also provided excellent ice-breaking material on my first day of language school. After small talk and coffee, I had a verbal test to assess my level ... read more

Everything went as smooth as silk on my travel day. Both my flights were on time. I had just enough layover time to catch my flight. Customs was a breeze. My bags made it to the other side. As promised, there was a person holding a sign with my name on it just outside the airport. And my host family is fantastic -- plus, they have wifi! I'd say I'm off to a great start! Things definitely started to feel "real" when I stepped outside the airport, when two things immediately happened. First, the humidity started to work it's magic on my hair. Today wasn't that hot, but it's definitely tropical. I can't wait to see what more time here does to my curls (ok, let's be honest, frizz). Second, people were definitely speaking in Spanish ... read more

Not a great blog for me to write today as I havent been very well at all! We woke up at about 9.30 which was a really good sleep as we were asleep by 11pm also. But we really needed it especially me as we had now worked out that I have a chest infection (no need to explain why we knew!) so needed some bed time afer being awake at 4am yesterday and a long day of travelling! Ben got up and went on the short walk that Jacob did with the group around the centre of San Jose pointing out things we may need in the next day, and I went back to sleep for an hour. He came back with breakfast, antibiotics, cough medicine and throat tablets! What a keeper! So, all drugged ... read more

It was an early start this morning for our big travel day down to San Jose in Costa Rica. We got up and wearily made our way to our waiting mini-bus at 4.45am. The sun was just rising as we pulled up at the Ometepe Island ferry station and hopped on for the 1.5 hour journey back across Lake Nicaragua. We arrived back on the mainland, said hello to our mini-bus driver who was the same guy who had driven us from Leon to Grenada, and then Grenada to the ferry for Ometepe. He was such a nice driver, and he reminded me of a Nicaraguan version of Mario from the Nintendo game. We took off from the ferry station at about 8.30am, our guide ensuring us that it wasn't far to the border and we'd ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José February 19th 2013

Geo: 9.42715, -83.6614We like to break up the trip between San Jose and Puerto Jimenez and love the "secret" Costa Rica we have enjoyed staying at the Roca Dura Cafe y Hotel in up in the cooler climate of beautiful San Gerardo de Rivas area.... read more
restaurant Roca Dura
looking out to the futbol field
entrance to Roca Dura Restaurante/Bar

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José February 18th 2013

Geo: 9.42715, -83.6614hiked to Talamanca Lodge and enjoyed meal while working on the InternetWe don't have as much time in San Gerardo de Rivas as in previous trips, but decided to make the best of the time we have and so decided to head up to the Talamanca Lodge and work on some stories up there. The cost of Internet use has gone up to $4.50 an hour but the view out over the valley is quite nice.We did this hike twice and both times really enjoyed the scenery as you walked along. One of the mornings we got to see the milk cans sitting out for pickup and drop off. Also saw the milk truck as it came past.As you walk along this road, you marvel at the people that participate in the Cerrera Chirripo. ... read more
getting closer
recycling trashcans on way to Talamanca Lodge
sign to help you on your way

I guess Egypt was not meant to be for me at this time. With all the political unrest I have decided not to follow through with the plans that I made with my friend Karen. Instead of going to Egypt I have now completed arrangements to go to Costa Rica. A friend of Heather's owns a house - 3 bedrooms with a pool and I am going to spend 3 1/2 weeks there resting after a very busy year. I just handed in my last assignment for the Event Planning Certificate Course I was taking through Mount Royal University in Calgary this past year and I need a rest! I visited with the people last night who own this property - John and Dana. 1 1/2 hours later I can tell I'm going to love it ... read more

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