Blogs from Uvita, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 3


Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Uvita February 27th 2010

Actually we are not in Uvita we are in Neily. Spending a lovely night in our A/C room at my favorite place, Hotel Andrea. We Finished the 4 days of Spanish school in San Juan Del Sur, I (Jordan) believe that the lessons really helped out, I think the others agree on that as well. We Had a few big meals with our friends in the hostel, including plenty of locally caught Dorado. I did the best i could hiding from the sun, which seemed to work very well, as the hammock choose to lay in for a few days was in the shade. We set a day to leave into Costa Rica on Sunday morning ( the 21 of Feb) but Allyne and Jordan went out the night prior and had a few drinks, needless ... read more

Uvita Costa Rica has alot of rivers and alot of small towns, now there must of been a shortage of materials in the sign making factory as they decided to sign post all of the rivers and small streems but very few of the towns. This we notice on our four hour bus jurney down to Uvita (about 100km down the coast for Manuel Antonio) with the repercussion that we missed our stop in Uvita which is strung out along two miles of the highway, we only noticed we had arrived in Uvita when we were nearly leaving. Our first view of Uvita was therefor walking back two miles along the road in the dark to our hostal (Tucan, good value clean and air conditioned). Eairly next morning we headed off on a trek up to ... read more
Uvita, Whales tail beach
Jungle Ravine
Big Old Tree

Kate - Our next stop Uvita which really is tiny. It consists of 2 supermarkets, a restaurant, a shop selling fish tanks????, a Pharmacy and that is about it! Close by though there is Ballena, another National Park mainly dedicated to to the more marine side of things. We stayed in another really nice backpackers and when we arrived is was absolutely bucking it down with rain- we felt so at home. When it is raining like that there is only one thing to do- make a good old cup of PG Tips( steve has been carrying around a box since we found a shop in LA selling english stuff!) and played scrabble, and that is exactly what we did -awfully english of us dont you think??? We knew we wernt going to stay too long ... read more
Our boat
Getting ready for the rough seas
Trying to hide my seasickness

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Uvita November 1st 2007

Ja, saa maa vi til det igen og endnu en gang med heldigt udfald. Da vi var i nationalparken i Manuel Antonio, hvor der var en dejlig strand naesten uden gaester, var vi alle i vandet paanaer Henrik, der skulle holde oeje med vores toej. Det gik ikke saa godt (der var vidst for mange fugle at se paa) for da han skulle i vandet , var badebukserne vaek. Han mente, at de var glemt derhjemme, men det mente konen ikke og ved lidt eftersoegning i omraadet dukkede de op, saa en fraek abe havde stjaalet posen med indhold og saa aabenbart kasseret dem igen. Vi saa mange spaendende dyr og fugle der, ikke mindst et baeltedyr som ifóelge alle de guider vi har haft skulle vaere meget vanskelig at se i dagtimerne, men vi fandt ... read more
Halfdans fødselsdag
Smuk fødselsdagskage
Forbigående ophold i regnen

Hey there! Not a whole lot of news since last night. Were lazy and just went to the beach again today. Wow are those waves amazing. We tried to find a disposable waterproof camera to take pics of us in the breakers, but no dice. The waves can be pretty intimidating, won't hazard a guess as to the height, due to my horrible estimating skills, but they're big! On to Corcavado and the Osa tomorow. May be out of touch for a number of days, no idea how many though, depends if we stay in Puerto Jimenez tomorow night or not. Anyway, avoided getting to badly sunburnt today, although Tyler was much less fortunate-intelligent with the sunscreen. Well, on to Cahiuta after the osa, will be in touch and hopefully more pics! happy semana santa and ... read more

Hey there all! Will once again try to keep this short, as now that I've created a facebook acount, I'm now checking facebook and reconecting with high school friends and such, checking my e/mail, and doing this! But I can't complain, really, here in Uvita. Its a great little town about 17 km south of Dominical on the Pacific. Great long beach, not exactly deserted, as it's semana santa, but it's not too bad. The surf is great to play in, although you have to be carefull of the curent, and the water is so warm that its not even refreshing! Played tonns of beach socer today, there are tonns of games going on all over the place at low tide, and everyone is very inclusive when it comes to soocer. ·Didn't even get badly burnt! ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Uvita December 19th 2006

Hi everyone, We have not updated the blog in a while because we were visting a place that didn't have the internet. To give you all a quick update, we had to leave Boquete early because Lucas got horrible alergies from something that was in the air there. The minute he walked outside he would start sneezing like crazy and his nose wouldn't stop running. So we decided that we needed to leave and headed back into Costa Rica. We spent the night in a really cute town just outside of the boarder called San Vito. The next day we headed to a town called Neily and spent one night there because we were supposed to take a bus early the next morning to the coast. On the way to Neily we saw our lives flash ... read more

Hola amigos! Well it's been a long time since I wrote last time, but I can tell you I have tried.. Uploading a photo has taken about 30 mins until now.. Anyway, this time it seems to work. I don't know where to start. We have traveled all around the country, and Nicaragua, and we've had such a great time. Jenny left today so now I start traveling on my own. So about our trip, I think we have started a new way of traveling - speed traveling. Staying in a place for 3 nights is a long time. Try to squeeze in as much as possible. Do Nicaragua in a week.. Now that I don't have a time limit I guess it will be different. We started off with a week end in San Jose ... read more
Yummy juices...
San Jose, Costa Rica
Montezuma, Costa Rica

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