nancic123's Guestbook

1st April 2018

Thanks for this blog. I've not been to Cambodia, though it's on my horizon. I felt much the same way about Myanmar: friendly people, big temples being overrun with selfie-taking tourists, and a big build up in some areas of service catering to tourists.Don't get me wrong - I appreciate flush toilets, but I don't go to Asia to eat at KFC.
7th March 2018

At crossroads
We were in Vietnam in 2009 and had very much the same thoughts as you regarding Vietnam's choice of path into the future... but after reading your post, I'm left wondering if not choosing one way or the other, is their choice. Of all the dichotomies we witnessed, trying to straddle both communism and commercialism simultaneously was the one that intrigued us the most. We've been longing to go back and do a trip that focused on their vastly different regional food :)
From Blog: Honest Smiles
7th March 2018

Politics and food...
We generally try to avoid political conversations in our travels but we did have a couple while in Vietnam. People were very interested in how free speech and the ability to choose between different parties works. I told them free speech is great but sometimes even the ability to choose doesn't always work out (see: current US president). Ha Ha. They will figure it out and the great thing is, for a change, they will make their own decision. The food was amazing! Cheap, tasty and fresh and a huge step up from what we had in China. We definitely thought it was worth going back. Thanks so much for commenting and reading!
From Blog: Honest Smiles
5th March 2018
Mua Caves Trail

Looks like my kind of place
I was in Vietnam many years ago and afterwards I didn't feel like I needed to go back again. But after seeing your photos I realize I was wrong and in the future I will probably give the country one more chance. /Ake
From Blog: Honest Smiles
5th March 2018
Mua Caves Trail

Second trip....
We saw most of the country on our first trip, but this time we added a couple of places (Sapa and Ninh Binh) that made a second trip worthwhile. We usually just visit countries once, but I think Vietnam justifies multiple visits. Thanks for reading, Ake!
From Blog: Honest Smiles
5th March 2018

Always allow for introspection no matter the speed of your trip. Embrace all the senses to absorb each country. Glad you circled back. Love Ha-noise.... what a great description. Some changes are good and some less desirable.
From Blog: Honest Smiles
5th March 2018

We count ourselves as some of the blessed few who have time to take in what areas we travel properly. We didn't really have that opportunity earlier in life. I think we were products of a "quantity over quality" society and are happy to now have a chance to go back and take a closer look. Thanks for reading and commenting!
From Blog: Honest Smiles
13th February 2018

You blog takes me back to my last visit to Arizona in 2006 but it would be remiss of me not to commend your stunning photography. May I ask you what camera equipment you used?
13th February 2018

These were taken quite some time ago. At the time I was using a very old Canon DSLR. I edit with Lightroom. The area is very beautiful and we were there at a nice time of year with a lot of dramatic skies. Thanks for commenting!
30th January 2018

Wonderful photos
Lovely to see your photos of Yunan with the sun out and the mountains visible. We had some similar experiences to you but I didn't like Dali town, although I loved the lake and villages. We didn't get to Shangrila. Sorry now. Your description has inspired me to go there ... some time. I am enjoying following you on your China trip.
1st February 2018

I think we have to confess that Dali was not our favorite either. Not much to see for tourists, but we did enjoy just relaxing and walking around. The skies were indeed clear and the weather was dry but the temperature was bitterly cold especially in Shangri La. Thank you for following along and commenting. We have moved on to another country now. Much warmer and it's nice to be closer to sea level!
26th January 2018
Wu Mansion

Fantastic reflection
26th January 2018
Yulong Mountain- Lijiang

So many great photos
Waiting for you to open your shop.
26th January 2018
Shangri La

Glad you made it to China.
26th January 2018
Shangri La

We had a good 6 weeks (2 1/2 months if you count Hong Kong). It was not always easy but when we left this morning, we realized we had some pretty good memories. Not sure if this rapid travel is really what we want to be doing really. Off to a new country today. Walking around in the warmth tonight was a nice change. Thanks for the nice comments on the photos and for always reading. We appreciate the support. Looking forward to your Africa trip!
23rd January 2018
Yulong Mountain- Lijiang

As always - your photos are world class
That photo is something extra. Thanks for writing from China. I love China but haven't been there in a while and it seems like I won't be going there any time soon either (Visas are too expensive. It's not worth it)/Ake
23rd January 2018
Yulong Mountain- Lijiang

World Class....
China was a difficult place to travel, but the opportunities for some good photos made it worthwhile. The visa was indeed expensive, but the country itself was very affordable so it made up for some of the initial expense. We enjoyed it, but it was not our favorite place ever. We are looking forward to some warmer climates soon. Thanks for the nice compliments and reading, Ake!
23rd January 2018

The Road to Shangri-la of my favourite parts of China. I have been there twice in winter by car but not by bus, the colours not like your pics but the ambience and charm is unmistakable. Kunming to of the great roadtrips of the World. Lijiang is the destination for lovers...may your time there have met the title!
23rd January 2018

The road from Lijiang to Shangri La was probably one of the best I've been on. You are braver than I if you drove. Our bus driver made some passes we had to look away from. Lijiang was a little cold to inspire love :) Maybe we can return in the spring some time. Thanks for reading, Dave. We appreciate it!
12th January 2018

It doesn't matter what others think!
Find out what you want and pursue it.... you are so right. Great blog. We ponder some of these very same thoughts in a blog a couple of years ago. Dave and I must be indecisive as we take all "kinds" of trips and like the variety of those bumpy Central Asian roads at guesthouses to Blues Cruises and an occasion castle thrown in. We like to have variety of low end, mid accommodations and occasional luxury in our trips and don't like the same format each time. It does make it interesting. I can see the comfort in sticking to one style but we have not gotten there yet. Sounds like you've found your Zen. Keep traveling however it makes you happy.
12th January 2018

I think you guys have the right idea. Variety is the best of all worlds. Travel can be anything we want it to be. An adventure, a challenge, a break from our normal routine or just entertainment. Sticking to just one style, in travel or just life probably just limits our enjoyment of either. Thanks, as always, for commenting and reading!
11th January 2018

'He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior'
Reflecting on travel styles is fascinating, and probably an interesting porthole for introspection too. Sadly, the need to compare ourselves to others (and vice versa) is something society drills into us from the start… it’s a tough lesson to unlearn (even the way people choose to write their blogs doesn’t escape judgement :) ). Andrew and I really try not to judge others on their choices, but when certain travel choices are undeniably destructive to local communities… I find it near impossible not to be judgey :/ I enjoyed reading about the trip to Shenzen, it’s a trip I made often to my favourite tailor in Commercial City. Your photos are even more outstanding than usual - those tones are so beautiful! Hope the rest of your travels in China continue to go well :)
11th January 2018

Judging from all the responses to this blog, our writings on travel styles has caused a few people to reflect on how they travel in relation to others. We all judge others, not just in travel but virtually everything. At it's best, travel forces us to see the world through new eyes. It is difficult to let go of preconceived ideas and prejudices. We all think the way we do things is how others should also. But perhaps, in a perfect world, that is not what we should be doing. Easier said than done, but it is worth our efforts. Thanks for the nice compliments on the photos. It is a photogenic place and good photos are everywhere so we are glad we got a few good ones. Thanks for writing, Ren. We appreciate it!
9th January 2018
Fenghuang Ancient Town

So many great photos
I absolutely love China. I have travelled there several times and for a while I actually lived in Beijing. For the time being we have decided to not visit China only because the price for a visa when you apply in Stockholm is much too high. But if they in the future rethink and lower the cost for a visa we will for sure go there again. It is a country of great diversity and thousands of treasures./Ake
9th January 2018
Fenghuang Ancient Town

Hunan and Guangxi had many photogenic areas so we had no shortage of subjects. We got our visa in Hong Kong and it was expensive but it is good for 10 years. It was over our budget but we really wanted to take advantage of being so close. So far it has been fun, although changing hotels every few days is wearing us out a little. Thanks for commenting, Ake. We appreciate it!

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