Ali's Guestbook

7th April 2012
Juvenile Catfish

is this the biggest size of Juvenile Cafish so far ? permit me with the question because i am potential farmer planning to emback on fishfirming .
7th April 2012

What a great story. This is how thinking out of the box should be
Thank you for posting your story of TravelBlog. I had no idea how it started, so really enjoyed this. Just think of how many more stories you will have for the 20 year celebration. Best wishes. B
6th April 2012

Thank you!
Ali without you this site would not be possible. Travelblog means so much to so many people, as I said in the comment title. Thank you!
6th April 2012

Happy birthday and congrats. Kind of wish I was in KL but then Oaxaca ain't half shabby either during Semana Santa.
6th April 2012

Happy Birthday
Congratulations Ali for the 10th year milestone. Such an inspirational achievement. Best wishes to your future endeavor . [:)]
6th April 2012

Proud Parent!
Well done Ali, (and all the invisible helpers past and present) good blog, reminding me of things I had forgotten! It makes us start to feel itchy-footed again!
6th April 2012

Thanks for uniting all people with the same passion
I have nothing else to say, I completely agree with all the comments above. It is the most inspirational, friendly, helpful website ever!!
6th April 2012

Congratulations, Ali!
I'm a big fan, regular reader, armchair traveler before TravelBlog converted me into a travel blogger, and subsequently Moderator in this fantastic site! This site made friends out of many of us. I have met and gained new friends sharing the same passion for travel with me -- Too many to mention here, but u know who u are, guys. Sorry to miss the K L party. Have fun!
6th April 2012

Great (and i mean great !) story kid. Thanks for makin my travels easy to relay to peeps back home. The kid done good !
6th April 2012

Thank you Ali!
I just want to say thank you for this website. I haven't traveled much in my life but I'm always inspired when I go on travelblog. I love this site and I'm SO grateful for it. From the bottom of my heart thank you Ali & Travelblog staff!!!!!!!!!
6th April 2012

Congratulations, and thank you!!
And fantastically proud you should be!! I still remember first hearing about TB when using the LP forums. Let did I know then that signing up for an account on a blog site would lead me to become part of such a wonderful community. Thank you for taking us all on the journey with you, and may you and TB have many successful years to come.
5th April 2012

happy birthday nice to have the long story highlighted again best of luck with you new venture wish i could be travelling more - small entry coming up in april but at the moment stuck doing mba exams! this site gives me a welcome break - escape from the long hours of revision - and makes me question why i am doing it! I am sure there is a beach hut somewhere waiting for my family and me!
5th April 2012

Happy Birthday TravelBlog!
Re: Quarter life crisis - Looks like good things can come out of a crisis, since it got you travelling and inventing TravelBlog. Around this time 10 years ago, we also went through a crisis, that caused us to up sticks and start again as expats in a new country, so maybe everybody should have a crisis now and again, to prevent getting in a rut. ;) ''I'll visit Silicon Valley spend some time seeing if that's the place for me...'' I sometimes wonder how you manage to get decent jobs and work permits in the various parts of the world. Maybe you will make a blog about that sometime too, if you find youself with any more spare time at all. :) V4.0 looks good, though I certainly didn't see anything at all wrong with the V3.0 that Mark designed so well, appart from the terrible bugs that is. :)
5th April 2012

Well done TravelBlog
I've really loved watching TravelBlog change and grow over the years, I remember Ali setting off for the first Big Adventure in his Dad's campervan , off to catch the train to the airport feeling rather proud of his adventurous spirit. It didn't surprise me though - Ali had always been an adventurous child - the first escapades were when he was four and had managed to open the child proof lock on the gate. He set off in his big yellow pedal car, parked it in the reeds at the canal and went to watch the trains from the railway bridge. Discovering his abscence my neighbour and I scoured the neighbourhood trying to find him, and then I called the police. I was just showing the policewoman his photo as they had found the pedal car, feeling absolutely terrible, when he showed up with two nice girls who were carrying him home. He'd got a bit lost! He was always escaping so I only worry about him when he's flying!
5th April 2012

Many happy returns, and many, many thanks... :)
5th April 2012

And another thanks.
There is very little I can add to what everybody else has already said, so I shall keep it short and sweet. Thanks Ali! As a humble blogger I am happy I found this site, and I appreciate all the hard work put into it. Especially since it means we, the bloggers, don't have to do all that hard work. I shall be curious to see the evolution of this blog site in the next 10 years. Also thanks to all the moderators and all others working on TravelBlog. So thanks and on to the next 10!
5th April 2012

Oh, don't I feel fancy now?
Whoa... I got a mention! Righteous! Ali, it was my pleasure to help. It was my pleasure to get back in touch with you after all of those years. My pleasure to have the chance to meet up, catch up, and experience some travel together. I have always wished that there was more I could have done for you and the site... I felt that suggestions and criticisms were all I could offer back in the Blogger #79 days (that number almost being one of my favorite none awards on this site... #79!). Moderating the early forums were an adventure. Killing spam bloggers was almost fun. I recall the day you dropped me a line, excited, telling me a NY Times reporter might be calling me, and to be prepared. If I was nervous about that prospect, I can't imagine what you felt back then. It's all true, this was so long before what everyone today knows as blogging. Things were so different back then. You really did it man!!!! Congratulations!
5th April 2012

travelblog still is the most user friendly travel blog website ive ever seen. your design is top notch. seriously, you make blogging even for techno-challenged people like me easy. so thank you
5th April 2012

Is there anything more that can be said after all the above?
TravelBlog seems to have a unique soul to it, if a website could be said to have one. Maybe it's a combination of all your hard effort and the love of bloggers shining through. Whatever the case, it's there. Thank you for everything!
5th April 2012

Happy Birthday to Travelblog!
Wow, 10 years...we have been a member for almost 6 years and remember when we first found Travelblog and thinking it was head and shoulders above any other blogging sites. Over the years we have made friends with other bloggers and felt like we were part of a bigger community of travellers. It's great reading the back story behind Travelblog and seeing how much hard work you have put into this site. We are grateful for all your hard work and wish you all the luck with the next stage of your life in the US. Sorry we can't make it to the celebration on Sunday, but we are looking forward to reading the blogs!
5th April 2012

A great big thankyou...
I always knew TravelBlog was run by a small dedicated team but only after meeting you last year did I realise the hard work and passion that you pour into the site. Thankfully it shows, the site is spectacular and you should be proud of what you've created and how its inspired countless numbers of people to see what's out there... Thanks for keeping us connected... It's a pleasure to be a part of TravelBlog and I'll see you on Sunday! :)
5th April 2012

Happy 10th birthday Ail and the TravelBlog team. It's been quite a ride for you, and congratulation on making the site what it is today. I joined in 2005, and the screen shots shown through the years bring so many good memories. I've always looked forward to logging on and making a contribution. TravelBlog is and always has been the No 1 travel website in the marketplace, and long may it remain so!
5th April 2012

Cheers Ali
I'll always be a fan of the site :) wishing all the best for TVB's future. x
5th April 2012

Hearing your story...puts it in perspective...and an insight...into why I have been captured & obsessed with Travelblog for one year and counting. I think it is the personal touch...I feel it in the site...people out there...and in the Travelblog organisation...they are actually interested in us humble bloggers...definitely not the feel of a big corporate machine. And now I know why. It's because you did not sell remained your baby...part of your personality. Thank you Ali...from all of us have added something amazing to our lives...sharing our travel stories & photos...with like-minded persons...from all over the World. Best Wishes for your future. Here's to you..!
5th April 2012

Happy Birthday!!!
Well done on 10 years of hard but productive work.

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