Blogs from North-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 498


Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai January 11th 2005

Arrived at Chiang Mai at 10am to sweet smell of lesser toxic smog. Found Hostel (and a hangin' blocked toilet) - now we're doin it proper style. That's where we are now about to leave for the city - and a Thai Massage - that's what we're talkin about, BLISS... laters... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai January 11th 2005

Many guide books on Thailand only partially cover the subject of health and well-being while traveling in the country, so I would like to give you some advice about protocol, health, and the law. Hopefully it will help you to enjoy your travels in Northern Thailand. P When you arrive in Chiangmai, it helps to know a bit about transportation within the city. At the airport, train station, or bus station, you will probably be met by the representatives of various guesthouses and hotels and tour operators. If you have a specific place in mind and you don't see the specific signboard, you can always call the place to have someone pick you up from the train station, airport, or bus arcade depot. Taxis are available at the airport, with a price of 150 baht to ... read more
Chiang Mai, Thailand - Buddhist Temple
Chiang Mai, Thailand - The Thai "Wai"
A "Songthaew" in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai January 6th 2005

What do you do when things don't go as planned? Make some lemonade, add some Mae Khong (Thai whiskey), and share with friends. The short version of this story is: I left Koh Samui early, because I met a girl in Chiang Mai that I wanted to spend some more time with, and I really, really dislike all the tourists (farang) here. For reasons that I won't go into, she isn't here. Anyway, I've been welcomed in by one of her friends, Ja. Travel books describe Thais as warm and friendly, but it goes beyond that. She is giving me a place to stay, showing me the sights, and being a really awesome person. Ja is goofy, caring, and bubbly. Her friend, Ganjana, is a little more reserved, but just as sweet. She's dating a German, ... read more
Ganjana and Marco

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 26th 2004

I am having a nice time traveling and I have met many interesting people. I shared a room on the train with a nice guy that lives in Hiroshima, Japan. We ended getting a guesthouse together and rented motor bikes taking them all Northern Thailand. I made a nice Thai friend by the name of So. We did some sight seeing and went to an amusement park. I just returned from trekking in the mountains for 3 days and it was fantastic! We stayed in hill tribe village huts, ate wild fruits, went swimming under waterfalls. Bamboo rafting, and elephant riding. The friends that I made on the Trek were from Australia, New Zealand, England, Sweden, and one from America. Last night to celebrate Christmas we went to the Art Café an Italian and Mexican restaurant ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 12th 2004

I'm deleting the text from my old travel blogs here, but leaving the pictures for posterity. Or something. ... read more
Dog at the village temple
TYAP makes kratongs
Dinner at the River Bar

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 12th 2004

Oui bon okay. Je suis la depuis pas mal longtemps. J'ai un appartement a Chiang Mai,je m'habitue a la vie locale, apprend a ne pas me faire totalement fourrer (juste un petit peu) et je me promene ici et la. J'ai appris a conduire ici, d'abord un scooter, puis une moto, et finalement un pick up manuel (ca c'est pas mal) - imaginez conduire du cote gauche, assis a droite, avec le stick a gauche .. et je conduis meme pas manuel! haehaehae. tk c'etait bien. brennen a eu peur. Donc donc donc .. je vous laisse ici encore quelques photos des deux dernieres semaines. Nous quittons ce soir (lundi le 13) pour le sud, alors les prochaines photos seront des palmiers, du sable, et mes grosses cuisses blanches et poilues. Yay! Il faut vraiment que ... read more
Doi Pui
Loi Khratang
Ze Ride Home

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 10th 2004

We flew from Singapore to Bangkok on the 4th of November and a few hours later we picked up the night train to Chiang Mai in the north of Thailand. We headed up this way as Chiang Mai is becoming known as the cultural/bohemian centre of Thailand and also because we had booked ourselves onto a conference (The Effects of Globalisation on Minority Peoples in South East Asia). We thought it was going to be cooler in the North but it was still about 32 degrees (90) most days. We went on a study field trip for 4 days visiting the hill tribes and staying with local people. We split into different groups, Denise went with the group looking at local education and indigenous knowledge and I went with the group looking at arts and crafts ... read more
Denise in village hut
View from an Elephant!
Chiang Mai Hills Hotel view

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 2nd 2004

so we just finished up loy krathong festival last weekend and there were many a time i felt my life could have been in potential danger and that was only on thrusday. it got really crazy on saturday but i decided to stay in for that. on thrusday alone in the area where we were there probably about a firework going off every second; some right at your feet, some beside you, some in the air. it was pretty crazy and i just kept saying how crazy it was. i eventually got to light off some fireworks of my own though and after a little to drink i accidently lit on off on my hand. it only hurt for a second and then i forgot about it. on saturday from my placem i could hear about ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Rai November 23rd 2004

well, i've been back now from chiang rai for a couple of days now and i have to say there are some key differences between chiang rai and chiang mai. First, there is less traffic and pollution in chiang rai and thus i felt compelled to rent a motorbike at jess's encouragement. i only fell off it once but it doesn't really count because we were stopped. she just happened to get off when i wasn't prepared and the bike came toppling down on me and i came toppling down onto a nearby garbage can! and then as i tried to lift the bike off me with it still on i accidently revved the gas and was running down the street holding onto it! quite embarrasing and a lot of people were staring but after lunch ... read more
The Food Market in Chiang Rai
Wat Phra Keow
This is a Wat Tha something something

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai November 23rd 2004

Ok so here are some random pictures from along the way. hope you enjoy!! ashlee... read more
The Terry Fox Run in Chiang Mai
Muay Thai
Me and Mandy

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