Blogs from Taiwan, Asia - page 126


Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 5th 2006

Today I woke up quite early-7am. I decided to head right out and walk somewhere. I had no particular destination in mind-just to see what I could see. There is always something to find walking around Taipei. I walked up Chengde Rd taking photos of buildings. I like the contrast between the old, run down buildings with their myriad building materials, and the new, modern buildings, all right next to each other. I continued up this road for a while. Then I saw signs for the Confucius Temple so I started up that way. What a gift this was. I feel like I was drawn to this place-both because I woke up early and that I just wandered in this direction. What I saw at this Temple was simply astounding and so moving. First there was ... read more
Traditional Dancers Getting Ready
Beautiful Hoop Dancers
The Somber Dancers

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 5th 2006

BBA donated 500 NT under my name today so I can write on an unglazed tile which will be used to renovate the "Meow" in Keelung. We were by there today and spent almost an hour doing traditional Buddhist temple things. I also found out that this year is a shitty year for dragons and that I need a lot of help. Printed on a pink piece of paper is the 12 Chinese zodiac signs and below the signs is a short synopsis of what's ahead in the year. Beyond the gloom and doom, one of the things for dragons was the danger of bankruptcy. Well, that's close to reality, isn't it! So BBA spent another chunk of money, in the form of donation, of course, and now the folks in the temple are going to ... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 4th 2006

Well I slept for my 12 hours last night, although at 4am I woke up and felt rather awake as it was 1pm Montana time for me. I fell back asleep and finally got up at 9:30am or so. I showered then headed out to start my first full day back in Taipei. I got a coffee at Mr. Browns then walked around to find the nearest Wellcome Market so I could buy water. Along the way I found the Dadaocheng Wharf, then walked up Minsheng Rd to catch the MRT. On my way I got some great photos of some stores. Then a bunch of fireworks went off and it was part of a parade. There were many Buddha characters and a big procession. I got some good photos of this too. After that I ... read more
Dry Goods on DiHua St
Parade Characters
Towering Taipei 101

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 4th 2006

This morning I woke up early, 7am ish? This is going to sound pathetic, but I woke up and looked at my new cellphone, wishing someone would call me... Ring, damn it, ring! And of course no one called. You losers. Call me!! I wanted to get online and check email, upload my pix, so I tippy toed to Guava's room. His door was locked. $@%^!. By then I was wide awake, out of bed, internetless, and still craving fruit and all things fiberous... I think Guava heard me giggling his doorknob; he came out a couple of minutes later. We watched cartoons until about 8am, and that's when it hit me. If he's awake, he could buzz me back in if I went out by myself. I know, this is so stupid, why am I ... read more
Playing with a bowl of water

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 3rd 2006

You know why? (The logic here may be hard to follow) Because I'd be wasting money. This isn't really the vacation/holiday that I imagined for myself. I imagined I'd spend some time with the relatives but mostly be walking the streets myself. I didn't realize that I'd be escorted everywhere by someone. I suppose it's very sweet and caring of them to think that I can't manage to navigate around town... I went out with SBA today again and everything that I felt was worthwhile to buy, she vetoed. Maybe veto is too strong of a word, b/c I suppose I could pull out my own money at any given time and pay for things myself, but I can't figure out if I'd be insulting her if I didn't let her pay for me, seeing how ... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 3rd 2006

Hey Sally! Ok, so the deal with the turtle in those photos... 3 days ago was the birthday of a (my very bad, literal translation here) local earth god? Earth as in land, dirt; god not as in all supreme being but more like a secondary god who has influence locally. So for good luck and prosperity, you're supposed to go to his temple (in Chinese it sounds like "Meow") and light incense and donate money and buy a sweet rice turtle? Hey. I'm not making this stuff up. That morning BBA had called in to purchase a turtle. I'm thinkin the original idea is that you have to show up in person to arrange for this but old people these days... And along with the turtle you're supposed to write a little message on a ... read more
The Mother of all Turtles
Puppet Show

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei » CKS International Airport March 3rd 2006

My flight landed in Taipei this morning at about 7:15 am. It was great getting my first glimpse of Taiwan from the air-awesome to be back. It was much quicker getting my bags, visa and money exchanged this year. I then quickly found the bus into town and off we went. All I could think was, "I'm back baby, I'm back!" Once I got dropped off at Taipei Main Station I found a phone and called John Lee-the manager of the Happy Family Hostel. I lugged my bags about 2 blocks and got checked in. My room was only NT$7500 for the whole month, plus the deposit. Great deal at only US$279. So after I checked in I headed out so John could prepare my room. I got an o.j. at the Circle K, then went ... read more
My Girlfriend
View from my balcony
Looks Tasty

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 3rd 2006

We left India on Thursday after a full day of sightseeing in very hot Indian weather (it was about 35 Cel) and arrived in Taiwan on Friday night. It took two connections and three airlines - Silk Air, Singapore Airlines, and DragonAir - to arrive in Taiwan on Friday night; Singapore is our new favorite airlines. Of course, since we had showered Thursday morning, we were extremely dirty; our feet were looking exceptionally tanned (a little help from India dirt and dust). Our Taiwan host Jon (a friend from Binghamton) picked us from the airport. We had almost forgotten about Western lifestyle but are happy to be back in the modern world. Jon has provided us a mattress on the floor of the living room which has been perfect (our sleeps have been exceptional here). Also, ... read more
At Jon
Taipei Market
Street Stand

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 2nd 2006

BBA = aunt SBA = aunt CU = SBA's husband guava = SBA's son (not 'little cow') Second full day here. I'm sleeping at SBA's house and using her internet. Originally I thought I was going to be at grandma's but a. they don't have internet, b. they sleep early, and c. i'm too messy? It's been pretty uneventful so far. I'm eating a lot (and have some photos to show for it), mostly carbs and doughy things. I really want fruit but I guess it's not quite the time yet. I went walking with grandmother for a bit today inside "the Mall". She had to run an errand in the bank and I took my blood pressure. wtf? It was free! Y'all may be glad to know that I measured 102/67 with heart rate of ... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Kaohsiung February 20th 2006

Driving a scooter. It was something I was dreading for a really long time. As soon as I arrived and started to meet people, I was told of foreigners who had lost limbs, gotten brain damage, broken bones etc etc. So, naturally, my first instinct was NOT to jump right into learning how to drive. I was certain that I could make it in this city with my two legs as transportation - and maybe the bus from time to time. Well - I soon came to two realizations: (1) apparently the bus runs on its own schedule, and (2) I am far more lazy than I had remembered (why should I walk up the street when I have a perfectly good scooter in the garage?!) Anyways, I decided that when Faye left for her vacation ... read more

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