Blogs from Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Asia - page 2


Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 8th 2009

This is dinner tonight, and don't let the happy little squid fool you; it's incredibly hot.... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 6th 2009

I was hoping to have a driver pick me up from the airport, but since there was so much of a mishap with the weather and what not I wasn’t shocked that there wasn’t anyone. Almost instantly there was a guy on me that spoke very little English and really wanted me to ride in his taxi for a bit more than locals pay. Normally I would have put up more resistance, but I was tired of lugging around my luggage, and I wanted nothing more than to finally settle in and take a nap. I said fine, I’ll pay the astronomical price and at least I’ll be there. It was about an hour drive, and he was going really fast. We finally got to Bundang, and I realize that this guy had no idea where ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 3rd 2009

I realize that I haven't been writing as much as I want to, and I haven't put pics up. My only excuse is that I've been super busy. Between learning the new job and exploring this massive city I've been constantly busy. I think that this weekend should slow down a bit. I also want to apologize about not responding to the comments you guys have been leaving. I have been reading and really enjoying them, but I find myself getting online right before school or bed, so I'm either rushing myself or really tired from walking around all day. I'm not going to talk about the cab ride yet, because I'm planning on going to bed soon, but I'll mention some of the things that are different here than they are back in the states. ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 2nd 2009

I finally made it to the apartment! The location is amazing, one minute walk from the school; one minute walk to the subway station; places to eat and drink everywhere, but, as you guys know, it was very difficult getting here. My crazy itinerary had me going from Milwaukee to Minneapolis to Tokyo (Narita) to Seoul (Incheon) with, at max, a two hour layover between any of those cities. When I reached Minneapolis and found out that a Typhoon was rocking Tokyo and my plane was delayed three hours I knew that this was going to be a struggle. The flight was fine. I slept a lot, watched movies, read, and ate, uneventful. When we got into Narita, however, the chaos ensued. A lot of people missed their connections, including me, and a lot of people ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang August 30th 2009

I've done a lot since I last posted. I may have mentioned before, but I am basically on my own now until the other foreign teachers arrive, and I haven't started teaching yet, so I have had a lot of free time. One of the things I've started doing is intensely learning Korean. I'm working on learning the alphabet and have started reading a bit. Koreans recommend learning to read before anything else. So many Korean words are just English words with Korean inflections. Coffee is kuh-pee, ice cream is iceh-cream-ah, and the list goes on. Plus, once I learn how to read I may actually be able to order at a restaurant. As of now I've been going to places that have pictures or an English menu, or ordering things I know the names of. ... read more
Pagodas at Yongsan Park
Mall in Bundang
Changyeonggung palace

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang August 27th 2009

First posting... this will be somewhat short, I am meeting another foreign teacher (technically my boss) in a bit. I arrived on Aug 25th. Received an amazingly warm welcome from the 2 directors of the school and a Korean teacher. They were genuinely excited to see me. It felt quite nice. I was the 2nd of 5 foreign teachers to arrive. There will be 3 Americans, 2 Canadians. My apartment is great! I have a little studio with HEATED hardwood floors. A huge window looks out to the street and other high rises. Unfortunately I have no curtains so I definitely feel like I am living in a fish bowl My boss has been amazing. She took me shopping, showed me around the area. She speaks Russian, so that will definitely help me miss home a ... read more
view again
my bed

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang May 19th 2009

Yup, we've made our final decision, and we¡¦re coming home. After long and careful consideration, we¡¦ve decided that it¡¦s time to go home. We¡¦ve enjoyed the year of adventures and being a part of another culture, but we¡¦re excited to come home to family, friends, and our home. Also, in other news - Mike has made some career changes in the past little bit... He¡¦s decided to go back to school part time to Regent Seminary and is taking his Masters in Christian Studies. As well, as Mike has truly felt the calling into full time vocational ministry, we sort of felt like, why not now? So, after much prayer and meditation on God¡¦s calling for our lives, Mike has recently accepted an associate pastor position at Cascade Community Church in Abbotsford, BC. He will be ... read more
art project
I'm not really sure where we are at this point...
Cherry Blossom Festival

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang April 25th 2009

April 10, 2009 Well, here we are again! The weather is getting amazingly warmer, we only have two and a half more months of school - life is good! Today we are on our way to the airport to pick up my (Amy’s) sister who is coming to visit for 2 weeks! We are going to pack those 2 weeks with as much as you can see/do in Seoul, South Korea, so stay tuned for the next blog! A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to go to one of our co-workers baby’s first birthday. It was actually incredibly interesting as Korea celebrates babies so differently! I think after the baby is born, they don’t leave the house for something like the first 100 days, so that the baby doesn’t get sick. Then, in ... read more
First Birthday party

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang March 20th 2009

Here we are again! Sorry it has been so long since the last blog, it seems as though life hasn’t been that exciting lately. But, I will definitely try to be better at writing more often! February was a short but good month. A new teacher for the grade 7 classroom arrived, and Mike and I sort of took her under our wing to help her get acquainted to the way things worked in Korea. We actually even found our way to Costco! For Valentine's Day, Mike and I went to a nice restaurant called ‘Il Praga’, it is an Italian type restaurant. I actually can’t remember the last time we went on a nice date like that! The same parents of one of Mike's students that took us for the crazy Chinese took us out ... read more
Amy's new classroom

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang February 9th 2009

So I have just a really quick funny story to tell you before I tell you about our trip to Beijing... We have noticed that doing laundry in Korea has been different. Our clothes seemed crunchy, and for a while I have wondered about the type of soap we are using. I had bought a Korean English dictionary recently, and so I decided to investigate further... I brought out the soap bag and started looking up characters I saw on the bag in the dictionary. I thought the dictionary would be easy to use, but I usually can’t find the word... so out of the whole bag of soap, I found 2 words in my dictionary... lifetime and silverwear. Uh oh. Yup, you guessed it. For the past 4 months we have been using dish washing ... read more
Inside Pearl Market
Pearl Market
At Temple of Heaven

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