Blogs from Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Asia - page 4


Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 22nd 2008

Hello friends and family! It has been a bit of time since the last blog, we've been gone for a week to Jeju Island and with the combined lawsuits going on with the major internet companies here it's been tough to get online. But, here we are! I am exhausted tonight, got home from school at 7:30, got a $5 pizza around the corner and am now trying to wind down. So, the blog may be shorter and I won't be able to tell you about all of Jeju, but it'll be a start. First though, I must tell you the hilarious happenings here before we left for Jeju. Mike and I are still amazed at the craziness of the cab drivers here. Thursday morning before our week off the cabbie took off while Mike was ... read more
July-August pool

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 7th 2008

Yah thats right, Jeju Island. Chusak holiday is coming up and since we have a week off we decided to introduce ourselves to the beautiful southern tip of South Korea. We are excited, our first break in what seems like years. Apparently there is a submarine ride for 20 bux, and natural spring waterfalls and other cool things to see. We cant wait to send everyone some pictures. The week was good, nothing much happened other then we tried Korean BBQ (Best Ever!!!). We have been hesitant trying authentic Korean because it hasnt done very good for our bowels before, but we decided that Friday night would be the night and it was well worth it. Its exactly like Canadian raquellete if you've had that before. This is a short post mostly cause we just wanted ... read more
Our apartment
Amys closet
Pick a store, any store

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang August 24th 2008

Well Hello and welcome to South Korea, district of Gyeonggi-do, area of Seongnam, in the city of Bundang. Arg, try telling that to a taxi driver. It has been a gruelling couple of days: sporadic internet, busy school, crazy traffic and good shopping (expensive but good). We arrived safely with no hassel at the customs office when we arrived. It was nice seeing a big sign with our names on it as we arrived in the ariport. The driver (no english at all) curtiously drove us what seemed like clear across the country, to a quaint little apartment (70 square meters in size). The apartment came as a surprise as it was smaller, and a little more "basic" then perhaps we were led to believe, but nice none the less with some amazing views of the ... read more
our view
our view
our view

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang March 3rd 2008

Honestly, if you found something good, I mean really really good, would you want to share it with others at your own expense? I've debated on whether to write this article. Until now, I have felt as though my favorite restaurant in the world is busy enough without me recommending it to others. I mean, this place is packed with locals during dinner eating hours just about every day of the week. There has been no need for me to augment this rush thus causing my waits to eat there to be longer and more frequent. Think about it for a second. What if it's so good that you don't want others coming and ruining it for you? Well the time has come for me to share it with the world. The first reason is that ... read more
Pictures like this have altered the course of lives
Bride and Groom's Parents
The Owner of The Best Korean Restaurant in the World

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang February 18th 2008

So eventually I had to teach my kids the happiest song in the world (also, my favorite), and in doing so it was only natural to also make them dance around like little Earth, Wind and Fire prodigies. Eat your heart out MJ.... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang February 12th 2008

OK, so once upon a time I was a drama queen. I know, this is a difficult thing to admit, and if there's any place a girl should be able to let it all out, it’s her blog. It's taken me a long time to get here, to the place where I can admit my problem....I mean, my problem of days of yore.....but here I am, naked to the world; recovering drama queen. God, I feel so much better....... So now that that's out of the way, I will now attempt the least sentimental approach possible for a sentimentalist like me on such an emotionally charged topic as....leaving Korea. Now for those of you that are here, and are not leaving anytime soon, I realize you may take a slightly different viewpoint. Hear me out, I ... read more
William and I
Tom, Harry and I
Random Korean Signs

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 3rd 2007

Through the Looking Glass.... My parents will arrive on Korean soil in T minus ten days. A few months ago I was completely unable to wrap my head around this parents, in THIS context, as part of THIS life. Last year it wouldn't have even been a possibility. And a few years before that I was going to finish my second degree in Calgary and get a job in Alberta...skiing in the winter and imagining hot, exotic places somewhere in Neverneverland, existing silently in a steamy breeze on the ouskirts of reality. And a few years before that, I don't even want to think about it. Oh how cliche it is, but life happens, and never according to plan. Or maybe it is just that plans change, and the more daring we get, the more ... read more
Gym time at the Park
Swans and the Han
Dinner as the sun sets

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang June 24th 2007

It was only a matter of time before I played baseball in Korea. It doesn't matter if I hadn't even seen a baseball field in Korea for the first six months. I was determined to not only find one, but to suit up and get a game in (be it sandlot, amateur, or professional). It ended up being amateur. Here's the story. The Chance Encounter It's just another average night in Korea. I'm walking home from dinner with my brother and a Korean girl we had just recently befriended. We're in Sunae plaza where we live and I notice a gentleman across the way wearing a baseball uniform. Without hesitation I head towards the man in the uniform to ask him about playing baseball in Korea. As I'm walking I ask our Korean friend if she ... read more
My bro is Number 2
My Catcher and Me
Bundang Weapons Pregame

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang April 10th 2007

Korea is about the size of the state of Indiana in terms of land area. However, Korea has 7 times as many people living on that area of land as Indiana has (47.5 million to 6 million people). To attempt to put this into perspective, take Indiana and everyone that lives there and then add everybody that lives in the most populated state, California, and dump them in Indiana. Then you'd still have to add another 5 million people, say Colorado, and that should set the scene for the Korea I'm about to discuss. See, when you have so many people living in such a small mass of land, there tends to be some differences. Here's a small one: there are no late games. Have you ever been watching a sports game, say baseball for example, ... read more
Polluted Seoul
The Group
Climbing Up

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang April 6th 2007

There wasn't anything too special about Easter this year. We made Easter "baskets" (just a small paper cup with two holes in the top and a piece of colourful string attaching them - which only holds 1 egg!!) and then coloured eggs with the kids. Other than that it was just another Friday. My Easter dinner on the Sunday wasn't anything special either...I just bought a 5,000 Won ($5) pizza from a local establishment called Pizza School. It was just another day here in Korea... Here are some pictures of my new class - Class Rose. One boy (Tommy) was away, so I don't have any pictures of him yet. Enjoy! ... read more
Stephanie and Scarlet
Molly and James

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