Blogs from Chinatown, Singapore, Asia - page 10


Asia » Singapore » Chinatown July 15th 2010

Went for a wander around the museum last night, however foolishly turned up about half hour before closing time. Luckily as we were turfed out of the Relic Museum we wandered into the nearby Hindu temple in time to watch a ceremony accompanied by drums and painted men. So last evening wasn't a completely wasted venture! Learning from out mistake we got up earlier, and headed straight for Chinatown for round two of the Tooth Relic museum. Well the temple is absolutely beautiful. Gleaming red and gold walls, hangings and chairs, all focused on three huge golden depictions of Buddha. There was an area to purchase candles and incense as offerings and also scriptures at the desks for devotees to study. The museum begins on a higher level, so we got the lift up and walked ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown July 10th 2010

Singapore - June 21 - 23rd , 2010 We arrived in KL a week before our scheduled flights to Borneo, and a week is too long to spend in in this city. We hoped on a 6 hour bus that would take us to the southern most point of continental Asia, the city-state of Singapore. The closest thing we can compare it to is Dubai... it is a place that revolves purely around business. It is modern, clean and full of money. Consequently, there is not too much to do for two cash strapped backpackers in this place. We stayed only two nights, mainly because we were sleeping in a 6’x 6’ box on bunk beds, but also because the city is more expensive than its neighbours. We spent the day in the city center, walking ... read more
City Hall
Financial Center

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown June 24th 2010

Clark Quay Think relaxation is overrated? Are you always burning the candle at both ends? Then Clark Quay is for you. After dinner at Boat Quay, well-heeled party goers stroll towards Clarke Quay. Night live here will keep anyone charged till dawn. Latin, Jazz, and Disco bars give head-spinning options. So, most people choose to go bar hopping here. This epicenter of nightlife has many themed bars and clubs. Clinic Bar features a hospital ambience complete with hospital wheel chairs, white linen room dividers, and operating room lights. The drinks are served from the dripping intravenous (IV) tube that is attached to a blood bag on a pole. The famous London based Ministry of Sound dance club is located here as well. On weekends, it is common to see Audi R8’s, Lamborghini’s, and Bentley’s parked here ... read more
Clark Quay
New Bridge Road
New Bridge Road

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown June 18th 2010

Today was purely a day of lazing around and transport. As Martin wasn’t feeling well (a bad head cold started the night before), we took our time getting up in the morning and opted for the easiest breakfast in Asia- McDonalds. It was already hot at only 10am in Melaka, squelching any desire we might have had to walk around the town some more for exploration. With the heat and Martin’s cold, we spent the morning in our fan-only room, just reading and relaxing until checkout at noon. At that point, we moved downstairs for another hour of reading until a taxi driver (arranged by our guesthouse) picked us up and took us to Melaka Sentral, the same bus depot as the day before. We both quickly got lunch to eat and hopped on our even ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown April 26th 2010

Songkran is the Thai New Year festival and what a quaint ceremony is portrayed. It is celebrated by gently sprinkling your partner on their shoulder with water. Well may be a few hundred years ago but today gangs of youths block the road and tip dustbins full of cold water over passers by. Unfortunately our camera was just not equipped to deal with this nor our wallet. We eventually found a street cafe where we were able to shelter and watch this ceremonial drenching. We stripped off and carefully laid out our clothes, camera and money neatly out in the sun to dry. The money made it but I'm afraid even with CPR the camera didn't! This tale neatly leads us onto Singapore where we went camera shopping. Well according to the guidebook nine of the ... read more
Lion Fish Fountain Singapore

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown April 13th 2010

Singapore 2: Judgement Day Arriving back into Changi Airport, we were determined to try and have a better time in Singapore for the three days we had there before our flight to New Zealand. We lugged our bags onto the MRT and sat watching the world go by on our way back to Chinatown where'd we'd stayed previously although this time at the 'Beary Good Hostel' instead of the hostel from hell where we'd ended up previously. Of course it was expensive by asian standards- £11 each for a dorm bed instead of the £6-7 per room in Indonesia. At least the places was nice, with a big TV and much needed wifi. Having decided that trying to shop for anything in Singapore would simply end off with stress, raised blood pressure and poverty we decided ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown March 23rd 2010

SINGAPORE Well we had a nice comfortable flight to Singapore, with nice food and a few bottles of wine! We even managed to exchange the big pillows we were carrying around of a couple of smaller airline ones! Yeah! We brought our EZLink card for the underground metro system and jumped on the train to Chinatown. Walking along the road in Chinatown we spot the bar that is below the hostel and check in. Our room is three buildings along on the first floor next to the kitchen. It is above a shophouse so nice and quiet. But the room is small, enough room for the bed, a tiny wardrobe, dressing table and room for the door to open! I don’t know why they don’t take out the furniture, so we have room for our backpack! ... read more
Colourful sculpture
Clifford Pier (1)
Clifford Pier (2)

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown March 1st 2010

Singapore will be the 1st destiny in year 2010..... I plan to travel to Singapore on 12-14 April 2010.... Main places to go: - Chinatown - Singapore Flyer - new opening Universal Studio - and the most important....esplanade concert hall to watch JAMIE CULLUM yaaayy !!!!! if there's anyone interest to join me, just let me know, i'll show you detail budget and plan or we can discuss together! Cheers, T ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown February 26th 2010

Kia Ora :) Hope every one's had a great week. So last week I finished my second blog entry at the start of my first day alone, in Nuwara Eliya... Wednesday, 17 Feb - it was the first day I'd spent on my own during our trip. Nigel showed off his machoness by climbing Adam's Peak in TWO HOURS! Adam's Peak is 2,243 metres tall (7,359 ft) and it took Nigel two hours up and two hours down - very impressive! But with the bus journey there and back it meant I got an afternoon of Sari shopping and a nice walk around town. I really enjoyed the colder climate in Nuwara Eliya and met some cool people too. I was quite nervous that I'd get hassled without Nigel around but it was a pretty safe ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown February 23rd 2010

When most Americans my age or older think of Singapore, they remember the 1994 incident involving American Michael Fay. While traveling in Singapore, 18 year old Michael got himself into trouble for theft and vandalism and was subject to getting caned (essentially whipped on the rear by a rattan cane) six times. Bill Clinton intervened and the sentence was reduced to four lashes. My lewd and unruly behavior at times gave me great pause when entering the city. If things like chewing gum and jaywalking are illegal and subject to immense fines, I can only imagine the penalty for some of my tendencies. Singapore lies within the Malay portion of the world, a land of islands at the midpoint of monsoon winds. The monsoon winds, blowing from the northeast the first part of the year and ... read more
Singapore Sling

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