Blogs from Pokhara, Nepal, Asia - page 7


Asia » Nepal » Pokhara March 29th 2014

23-29 March, Pokhara Exchange Rate $1AUD = 86NRP (slightly less than Kathmandu) The trip from Kathmandu to Pokhara is only around 200km, however it took 8 hours for the bus to negotiate the winding bumpy “highway". We rode with Mountain Overland for $14USD one way per person. The bus was comfortable and clean, and was only around 40% full. We stopped about 4 times for toilet and tea/lunch breaks. The trip takes around 1 hour to get out of Kathmandu and then hugs the mountainside, winding its way gradually downhill and then uphill again, all the way to Pokhara. The roads are quite shocking in some places. Even with a seatbelt you find yourself flinging out of your seat as the bus rocks frantically from side to side. You need to hang on for dear life ... read more
Phewa Lake
world peace pagoda
sunrise sarangkot

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara March 26th 2014

After a very good massage and beers in Kathmandu (plus 10kg of washing), it was time to see some more of what beautiful Nepal has to offer... and in a less strenuous fashion! So we organised a 4 night getaway that took us to Pokhara (gateway to the Annapurna treks) for 2 nights, and then to the Royal Chitwan National Park to some jungle safari action! We flew to Pokhara from Kathmandu (our last regional flight, thank goodness!)... This flight was actually pretty flash, we were served a cup of orange fizz and a lolly! The poor hostesses really have a tough job getting up and down the aisle, its about 1.4m high max, but still smiling! Pokhara is a great town set on a lake, with waterfront cafe's and restaurants, boats on the water and ... read more
Atop an elephant
Rhino and babe in a swamp
Elephants like to carry logs

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara March 19th 2014

After another day of rest next on the agenda was a day titled Tibetan encounter. Craig was suffering from pretty bad food poisoning so he wasn't able to go, so it was just me and the guide Thupten. The Tibetan encounter day was extremely interesting as well as enriching. Apart from what I googled the night before the tour (so as not to seem too ignorant, and so I could ask questions to Thupten to get the best experience) I didn't know a lot about tibet apart from the 'free tibet' signs held my long haired hippies you see and that the Dalai Lama had to flee his own country and cannot return for fear of his life. There are three Tibetan refuge settlements in Pokhara and many more around the world (there are a lot ... read more
Making the thread for carpets
Dahl Baht - Traditional meal of rice, stew, lentils and spicy sauces all mixed together
Buddhist monestry

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara March 12th 2014

We decided to dive right into the trekking and booked the 4 day Ghorepani for the day after we arrived. We booked only a guide for 18 dollar a day and would find our accommodation and food as we went along. There are loads of tea houses which you can stay in for around £4 a night for both of us and which also do food and drinks and have showers. This saves on having to carry too much stuff and supplies. We wanted to be able to take our time and not be in a group as we thought we would always be at the back and everyone would be waiting for us, so just me and Craig was a better idea for us. The trek to Ghorepani - Poon Hill (Pun Hill) which is ... read more
Steps = doom!
Day two! Made it to Ghorepani
View from the tea house in Ghorepani

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara March 10th 2014

We travelled local style to pokhara..this meant we were on a small, overcrowded bus with Nepalese dance music blaring. We swerved and honked our way to Pokhara which was a 4 hour drive and tried not too look out the window and the extreme drop down to the river. Pokhara is a town which overlooks a huge lake, and is surrounded by the Annapurna mountain range. It is beautiful and lived up to all expectations we had had. It's a world away from advice if coming to nepal..get here as soon as you can. It's a little higher elevation wise so it was a little cooler than Kathmandu, the air was clearer and things were at a lovely slow pace. We stayed at lakeside which is where most of the travellers stay. People come here ... read more
The Annapurna range
Holi festival
Holi Festival

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 7th 2013

Resumo: O poder da mente! “and now I wanna a million dollar” (rs); Estou Bem! Conheci Kyle na fila da embaixada da Índia em Catmandu. Ele me ajudou a entender um pouco mais o processo de como tirar o visto. Ficamos conversando por um tempão. Falamos um pouco sobre o Nepal, sobre alguns bons livros, sobre o que eu estou fazendo, sobre o que ele está fazendo. Anotei as dicas que ele me deu. Rapaz muito inteligente. =) Continuamos conversando por email. Falando sobre o que estávamos fazendo, ele em Catmandu e eu em Pokhara. Procurei em mais de 10 livrarias o livro que ele me indicou: Blue Sweater – Jacqueline Novogratz, mas não encontrava. Encontrei somente na Amazon. Pensei: como seria bom se eu tivesse um Kindle. Obviamente perderia o prazer de ler o livro ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 6th 2013

Resumo:Visitei um vilarejo distante; a comunidade precisa de apoio; eco-turismo; voluntariado; Estou Bem. Estava meio perdida. Andava com um mapa na mão. Nesta hora um moço ofereceu ajuda. Agradeci, mas disse que não precisava, pois me achei no mapa. Estava exausta. O corpo estava destruído após quase 5 dias de trekking. Não aguentava mais andar. Esperaria o ônibus. Depois de quase 20 minutos o ônibus chegou. Estava lotado. Impossível de entrar. Ok, ainda tinha um pouco mais de energia para andar os 30 minutos até o destino final (não passou pela cabeça pegar um taxi). O moço então ofereceu carona na moto. Hesitei. Ele insistiu. Ok. Em 5 minutos eu estava onde eu queria estar. Agradeci. Ele perguntou o que eu estava fazendo em Pokhara. Disse que estava como voluntária e que iria para uma fazenda ... read more
On the Top!
Jagan & Ram

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 6th 2013

Resumo: Discussão de um casamento que não deu certo em público! Preciso escrever agora sobre algo que eu nunca vi na vida. O vilarejo em que estou agora se encontra para discutir um casamento falido. Que? Sim, as pessoas se reúnem para escutar a estória do casal que não deu certo. No começo estávamos em umas 25 pessoas, mas com o tempo ficou mais e mais. Acho que estávamos em 40 quando resolvi sair. Inicialmente eu achei que o marido tinha traído a esposa. Ele ficou 2 anos no Oriente Médio trabalhando. Milhões de Nepaleses vão para fora, é a maior “fonte de renda” do país. Depois descobri que era a mulher que tinha relações extra conjugais durante este tempo. Era difícil de entender a situação porque a esposa não parava de chorar. Ela na verdade ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara November 25th 2013

Resumo:Quase que fiz “Arte”! trekking pelos Himalayas! Roupas novas! Estou bem! Cheguei em Pokhara-Nepal ontem a tarde. Logo me instalei em um lodge onde parte do dinheiro ajuda uma escolinha para crianças carentes. =) Butterfly Lodge. Falei com um montão de gente que queria vender o serviço de guia para o trekking que quero fazer aqui. O preço varia de USD 13-25 por dia para o guia. Nada mal. Mais os meus gastos com acomodação, comida … Hoje, no entanto, acordei com a sensação de fazer sozinha. Sim. Sozinha!! Sei que não se faz trekking sozinha porque eu posso me machucar, desaparecer, etc. Mas escutei dizer que esta trilha (Poon Hill) é relativamente fácil. Hummm. Coceira!! Procurei na internet informações a respeito de mulheres fazendo trekking sozinha no Nepal. Óbvio que todas as dicas eram: NAO ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara November 20th 2013

After a few days in Kathmandu to rest after our trek, enjoying a massage at the Serenity Spa (bliss!) and pizza and sizzling brownie at the Roadhouse Cafe (the BEST dessert in town...and pretty darn good pizza as well), our recuperation was complete and we were ready to move on. So to Pokhara it was! After a 7 hour bus journey that that takes you along a road missing sections due to landslides and with steep drops on the side that when you are too close to them, the bus driver’s assistant sticks his head out the window and bangs on the outside of the bus to say when to go and when to stop...really the only thing to do is put your music on, close your eyes and hope for the best! Pokhara is ... read more

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