Blogs from Daman & Diu, India, Asia - page 2


Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu January 15th 2010

After our unplanned stop in Ahmedabad and the hiatus of Jaipur it was good to finally reach the welcoming palm trees and the promise of a coconut prawn curry after we had freshened up. Finally some warmth. We shed our scarves and blankets with glee and prepared to kick off the shoes and get some sand between our toes. Beaches were for the most part pretty deserted, Australian beaches spoil you but we were lucky to spot a very large turtle on one which was obviously putting out the feelers for a nightly egg laying foray. Two days we sat around with the occasional short walk to the beach. Graeme doing a lot of reading and swimming in the pool, Meryl of course spending most of the time on the laptop. Sightseeing withdrawal symptoms on the ... read more
Old Haveli
Indian family swimming

Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu December 19th 2009

Leaving the fort city Junagad behind at threeish, we left towards the GIR National Park - only Home for Asiatic Lions. The road towards GIR was good with different shades of green farms of wheat and coriander/parsley. Saasan village looked to me more developed as compared to Tala village from where we have entry for Bandhavgarh National Park. It was 7 pm by when we reached GIR. First thing to do was to attend the Light and sound show offered free by forest department at 7 pm. Government Forest Lodge is recently renovated and so in good shape. It has all range of stay available. They also have tents available. Next day we got up early and were at the gates by 6:00 am. There were not many visitors as compared to Bandhavgarh and Kahna ... read more
Gir Lions
Gir Lions
Gir Lions

Asia » India » Daman & Diu October 5th 2009

I think I’ll just ignore that last post and put it back as far as possible in the depths of my mind with the half rotten dead dog we saw on the side of the road in Ellora and the person who got knocked off their moped in Panaji. After some “do we, don’t we” discussions about Diu we decided “we do” and hopped on a bus from Aurangabad three days ago. Despite not providing the picturesque beaches we thought it might, Diu has been a nice break from the cities, cars and noise. We hired another scooter and as sure as the Lonely Liar said it would, the roads are REALLY good for Indian standards. We stayed at the highly recommended Hotel Sao Tome Retiro, a fabulous old white washed church with a few scrubby ... read more
The catch - Diu, Gujarat
Fish - Diu, Gujarat
Hello Sailor! Tom's boyfriend - Diu, Gujarat

Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu October 2nd 2009

I arrive in Ahmedabad, Gujarat's largest city, for a spot of 'sorting stuff out' before moving on. Home to 5 million people, Ahmedabad is a sprawling, noisy city, but one with history hidden in amongst the chaos. The old town contains some beautiful old mosques, the Teen Darwaja ('triple gateway') and a bustling bazaar. I wander amongst the market stalls, and my overriding impression is of a friendly city... the people are very inquisitive and polite, and on the backstreets, children vie for the attention of my camera lens (which, I should point out, is now in a fairly bad way... it won't focus properly and has attracted an army of bits, which I can't shift, creating a resident flock of birds in the sky of any photo I take!). After doing my sorting of things ... read more
Photo 5
Photo 10
Photo 16

Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu June 11th 2009

It was the best of times... It's no secret that India is a land of contrasts. Be it from accounts on these pages, or other, more reputable sources, evident it is that North is starkly different than South, East markedly changed from West. Language, food, culture, history, religion, geography all vary considerably as one shifts in and out of different states and cities- in a land of 1.15 billion people- a sixth of the world population- no less than seventeen official languages are spoken, and no less than 600 dialects. And you'd be hard pressed to find two places as different from each other as Mumbai and Diu, my latest two stops on the subcontinent. Mumbai, dubbed the Maximum City, lives up to its nickname. I arrived only a few weeks before the monsoon, and the ... read more
Something smells fishy
Extra Extra!
How we Diu it

Asia » India » Daman & Diu March 25th 2009

Jaan kylla suuresti kaipaamaan Diuta! Huomenna lahdemme jatkamaan matkaa Dwarkaan, joka on myos rannikolla ja Gujaratissa. Olen unohtanut mainita, etta Diu on oikeastaan oma laaninsa. Tama alue pysyi pitkaan Portugalin hallinnassa ja ihmiset taalla, jotka ovat syntyneet ennen vuotta 1961 ovat edelleen Portugalin kansalaisia. Ensimmaisina paivina ihmettelimmekin, kun niin moni kertoi meille olevansa portugalilainen. Sen jalkeen eras seta selvitti meille asiaa ja han tuntui olevan hyvin tyytyvainen Portugalin kansalaisuudestaan. Monet tulevat tanne Diulle, koska taalla on halpaa viinaa. Se on taalla yli puolet halvempaa kuin muualla Intiassa. Mielestanui taalla on kuitenkin paljon muutakin koettavaa kuin juominen. Itse asiassa me ei olla juotu kuin muutama olut. On ollut sen verran vasynyt olo, etta olemme alkaneet aikaisin nukkuun. Jokin pieni terveysongelnma minulla on jalleen, kun vasy... read more

Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu March 24th 2009

Olen viime kirjoituksissani kertonut paljon tekemisistamme. Nyt ajattelin pohtia jalleen Intian olemusta. Milta Intia on nyt uudelleen tulemiseni jalkeen vaikuttanut? Aikalaillahan samanlaista se on kuin muistelinkin, samanlaista kuin idassa pain. Intia on meluinen, yhta aikaa taynna karsimysta ja iloa, se on mopojen toottailya, pakokaasuja, hiekkapolya, vehreita palmuja ja vareissaan loistavia kukkia, se on nuorten miesten yhteiskunta, (minne tahaansa katseeni nostankin, lahes aina se kohtaa uteliaasti katselevan nuoren miehen) upeita temppeleita, ihania sadunomaisia pikku-palatseja, junia ja ihmisia ahertamassa erilaisissa fyysisesti vaativissa toissa. (kantamassa paansa paalla raskaita vesiastioita, hakkaamassa kivia sepeliksi, ompelemassa ym) Kirjoittelin tuon maaritelmani Intiasta vain ajatuksenvirtana. Tallaisia juttuja minulle tuli akkiseltaan mieleen. Toivottavasti siihen e... read more

Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu February 5th 2009

How we love you. Take all of that tension and stress from the past 8 weeks of travelling in this country, and just let it melt, melt, melt away. I am not ashamed to admit that, though I was not fully aware of what was happening at the time, I was most certainly functioning on my very last nerve when we arrived here in Diu. Of course the regular stresses of travelling in India had been accumulating but also for the past week we had been going along at a far quicker pace than usual and cramming more sights and activities into our days than we are used to. So, YES, it is quite normal to feel as I did, absolutely ready to drop to the ground, kicking and screaming OR make a mad dash for ... read more
Church right next to our place
Jesus is huge in Diu

Asia » India » Daman & Diu » Diu August 13th 2008

Nach abenteuerlicher Fahrt im Sleeperbus, P meint man koennte dort glatt seekrank werden, inklusive unfreundlichem Wecken und "Change bus, quick!", in Diu angekommen. Diu ist etwas anders als das bisher gesehene Indien. Von den portugiesern ueber Jahrhunderte verwaltet(und offensichtlich nicht einmal ausgebeutet; zerbomt hat man hier dann spaeter nur die Nebenorte) hat es eher den Charm einer suedeuropaeischen Kleinstadt, als einer indischen(von den Kuehen mal abgesehen). Es gaebe hier, waere das Wetter schoen, Grillpartys, betrunkene Touristen, und Lobster. Schon bei der Ankunft muessen P. und J. allerdings feststellen, dass ihr erhofftes tropisches Paradies im Moment ein wenig anders aussieht... "Ein Scheissslalom" wie unser Italienischer Freund richtig bemerkt. Obwohl man sich ja mittlerweile schon einen aufmerksameren Blick auf die Strasse angewoehnt hat, ist es hier besonders wi... read more
Our Church - ja wir wohnen hier!
J als beliebtes Photomotiv

Asia » India » Daman & Diu January 30th 2008

Nice place for relax. After one month of vegetarian food we bought some fresh fish at the port and cooked on the beach. WOW!!! Nice to meet Partap: the cook of Oh Maria restaurant... read more

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