Blogs from Liaoning, China, Asia - page 25


Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian April 28th 2008

So yes, this is possibly my last entry to those of you avid readers of mine (if I have any). It was suggested to me that I continue writing, however I have previously decided that I am no longer a traveler and that this particular blog site may not be suitable for me. Don't worry I will let you know when I select a good blog site for me what my new page is. Also I have recently discovered that the writing on this page is too tiny and very difficult for me to read (as I write). 90/60. I heard a slightly sad "joke" today in class. I was in a business intermediate class talking to the students about media. One of the students had already brought up the Carrefour incident. For those of you ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Shenyang April 24th 2008

Hong Kong was a hoot. The mountains were shrouded in mist, so no tram up to the top, but I had a great time on "Hollywood Street"--the antique area. I was so thankful that everyone spoke English. Decided to stop in at a restaurant that was wholly occupied with locals, and ran into the first language problem. Nothing was is English, and the wait staff was confused as to what I was saying, and I had to fill out an order form. My neighbors had a great looking hot pot, so I just gestured for them to order the same thing for me. They left shortly, and another couple sat down. As I was finishing the delicious soup, the girl leaned over to me and said, "Why are you eating here?" I told her it was ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Shenyang April 13th 2008

Det har været en rigtig god weekend! Mine naboer flyttede jo, som jeg vist også har sagt, i lejlighed. Denne weekend holdte de så fest både fredag og lørdag. Jeg havde egentlig ikke den store lyst til at tage med, men endte med at gøre det alligevel, hvilket jeg er rigtig glad for nu. Jeg fik snakket en del mere med pigerne, også dem som jeg ikke kendte så godt i forvejen, så det var rigtig dejligt. Ellers skete der egentlig ikke så meget til de fester, i hvert fald ikke der er værd at nævne. I dag var jeg for første gang på "sightseeing" i Shenyang. I morges skrev jeg til Jihee fra min klasse om hun ikke havde lyst til at tage med, og det havde hun. Så kl 11 gik vi mod parken, ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Shenyang March 27th 2008

Så er de første 2 uger af skolen næsten ved at være overstået, og jeg er ved at komme ind i en rytme med skole. I torsdags kom michael jo :) Inden han ankom havde min 30 årige koreanske klassekammerat Liu (et eller andet) inviteret mig ud og spise sammen med sin kinesiske kæreste (Carrie var hendes engelske navn). Det hele var egentlig lidt underligt, især da vi kom ind på en ret fin restaurant. 7 retter menu for 100 yuan cirka, og han inviterede, dvs. han betalte! Havde jeg lidt skidt med, men ...Sådan er det. Maden var rigtig god, og jeg var stop proppet, eftersom jeg havde vænnet mig til at spise mindre og mindre efter at jeg har været syg (det er ovre nu, især efter en weekend med Michael!). Efter spisning gik ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Shenyang March 18th 2008

I går var så min første skoledag. Og hold da op hvor var jeg nervøs. Nok mest fordi jeg ikke vidste hvor meget jeg skulle forberede, hvordan timerne foregik, sværhedsgrad osv. Første time var Kouyu, som er en form for samtaletime. Dog ikke helt som derhjemme. Vi gennemgår en tekst i vores bog og så går jeg ud fra at vi skal snakke om den i morgen. Læreren virkede rigtig god - Song Xin. En forholdsvis ung kvindelig lærer som har undervist på Liaoning University i 2 år. Hun snakkede højt og tydeligt, og så var hendes kinesiske let at forstå. Hun virkede rigtig sød og nem at snakke med. Kouyu har vi 3 gange om ugen 2 time, som også var i går var. Yuedu. Det er en form for tekstlæsning. Teksten, som jeg heldigvis ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Dalian December 6th 2007

Just got back from three months in Dalian. Highlights include:- - Trying some calligraphy and being told in no uncertain terms that westerners can't do it. Chris' 'tu' character apparantly 'looked like teacher's plane'. - Carting a big, blue dice and a monkey around the finer places of Dalian. Both, surprisingly, made it home. - Being told by my landlord that my rent was going to increase by 400% if I wanted to stay an additional two weeks at the end of my contract. - Conquering a number of fears and insecurities. - Being completely humbled (again) by not only children's natural tendency to show emotion but also the warmth and goodness that (Chinese) people can show.... read more
ESA at Halloween
Sunset over Xing Hai Beach
The Big Bull in Kai Fa Qu

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian November 24th 2007

"Mom, Can you tie my shoes?" You look down at your seven year old kid holding out his shoe to you. "Sure, sweetie, I'd be glad to." My conversation with student 1 (a mother of a 2 year old son) "How do you teach a child to do something? You know, they have to have interest in something before they do it." "Of course, they do, they're a child. So you just make everything into a game or a song and praise them when they do it." "I do that but after they master it their grandfather just takes them out to play. The next time they just go out to play again. I don't know how to make him continue doing it." "You mean your grandfather is teaching the child it's OK not do whatever ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian November 21st 2007

My fiance told me a really interesting story last night of his grandfather. I asked him why his grandfather didn't seem to enjoy talking too much and he told me that his grandfather was an extremely smart man who really enjoyed to read, talk about politics and culture. He said that his father used to work for the government but during the cultural revolution he decided not to work (as his job during that time was to beat down and hurt all those who had cultural jobs). I told him that his family should be really proud of him for sticking to his opinion and doing what he thought was right (and what I would have done too). But he said that instead his family had always been upset with his grandfather for not continuing to ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Dalian October 6th 2007

I can hardly believe that I have cycled so much in 7days'holiday. From Qingdao(where my university is)to Dalian(a coastal city in northeast China),and I also passed the city of Yantai(145mailes away from Qingdao). Today I have come back to my university ,and I have eventurally believed that it 's true !I have survived !I have made it!I have come back! I used hesitated a lot before ,because my racing bike has gone.For sure someone will lend me a bike ,but I didn't think I can borrow a bike which can last so long time .However one of my friends made up his mind to join in this trip,and this is his first trip in China .I did not wanna let him down,so I have come . I biked to Dalian with a cycling club in ... read more
bride and bridegroom
Big size bikers

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Dalian September 27th 2007

Wow ,I just can not believe I will cycle to the city of Dalian this Sunday! I am both nervous and excited ,the trip from Qingdao to the city of Yantai is 145mailes(230km),and I have to arrive in Yantai in 12hours ,so that I can catch ferry to Dalian .then I will cycle to Lvxun .Wow ,such an excited journey! Dalian I am coming ! ... read more

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