Blogs from Hainan, China, Asia - page 14


Asia » China » Hainan » Sanya December 17th 2009

Had a wander around the area, looked at some stalls and shops. Finally decided on breakfast and bought some yoghurt and Dragon fruit (gorgeous) and ate it on the beach. Generally a very lazy day on the beach soaking up the sun, scorching but really nice. After fighting off loads of Russian speaking Chinese we found a spot for tea, the Rainbow bar, where we both had a fat burger and a beer. Long awaited!!! ... read more

Asia » China » Hainan » Sanya December 16th 2009

We arrived in Sanya bus station at 1pm in the blistering heat dressed for rain as it had been in Yangshuo. Our tops were sticking to us in a matter of minutes. To find our hostel the only instructions we had were get on bus number 3 or 4, obviously these buses were going two directions, so I guessed left, after a few minutes we were no wiser and standing with all the weight of our bags on a packed bus, not so fun. Fortunately I picked the right(correct) way and we jumped off and head down a small alley with tanks full of live but funny looking fish and crabs and octopus's. After check in we head straight for the beach and had some beer. After catching some rays we head for food, having no ... read more

Asia » China » Hainan » Haikou December 15th 2009

Woke up to our first day of rain in Yanshuo, fortunately we were leaving today. After breakfast we finished packing up and began our travels to Hainan! Our bus to Guilin was stopping constantly trying to gather any stragglers to bump their wage for the day I guess! It ended up arriving in Guilin far later than we anticipated but we were lucky that another was running in an hour. After some corn on the cob and spicy sausage we were loading onto the bus. No room in luggage section so all bags were rammed in the aisle, clearly not designed for walking on. We had picked a sleeper bus just to sample but the bed was tiny, nowhere near enough room to lie out fully, although Laura was really snug. As we set off it ... read more
Night Bus
Crossing The Ocean

Asia » China » Hainan November 17th 2009

The Revenge of the Killer Fish After the inconclusive battle with the Nemo Killer Fish, the sea creatures regrouped and plotted a grand revenge on unexpected territory. How unprepared we were... After leaving the beach resort Sanya behind us as we successfully battled the Nemo Killer fish, we took our well deserved rest in Wuzhishan, which is named after the mountain nearby with the name (surprise, surprise): Wuzhishan. Ok, we could have hiked to the 7 fairies mountain top, but alas we decided to savour our nautical victories in a nearby hot spring resort village (whose name keeps on evading me...). But anyhow: we went there overcoming once more several obstacles: the police who stopped our bus (from Wuzhi to the no-name village) and wouldn't let us go... and the motorized tricycle from the no-name village ... read more
Our tricycle in unhappy times...
The revenge of the Killer Fish!!!!

Asia » China » Hainan November 16th 2009

The Tail of the Dragon and the lovely road to get there... Salutations from the tropical island which is blessed with the poetical name of Hainan. After our cruelsome travels on the mainland of the Sleeping Dragon, we got the inspiration to visit what used to be called 'The tail of the Dragon', the island of Hainan. For centuries this island was considered as 'The entry to Hell' as hardly anything is here and the local inhabitants are still one of the poorest of China. However the tide has changes and right now loads of charter planes fly in with in ther belly the Russians in their speedo swimsuits and the Chinese with the Hawaiian shirts..... The island is kinda tropical, so that's why we're here. Just to unwind a bit from the previous two months ... read more
Diner on the beach
Agi's weird digestive...
Lifeguard Chris

Asia » China » Hainan » Sanya November 14th 2009

We slept in a bit and decided for breakfast we'd get something quick at the bakery down the street from our hostel. The bakeries here are strange. Most of the baked goods come wrapped in plastic and taste a bit different. You can still find something good though. The plan for today was to meet up with two others and go to Nantian Hot Springs, arranged by our hostel. Originally, it was just going to be the two of us, but the more people that went, the cheaper the overall price would be for the taxi ride there and admission. It takes about 50 minutes to get there from our hostel, so anything to cheapen the price.... The two people the joined us: John, a Canadian in his mid 60's. His daughter is currently teaching in ... read more
Coconut Milk
Coffee Hot Spring

Asia » China » Hainan » Sanya November 13th 2009

Knowing we wanted as much time in Sanya as possible, we got up early to shower, pack and head out of our hostel by 8:30am. We headed out to the main street, flagged down a taxi easily and 15 kuai later we arrived at the South Bus Station. There were tons of people outside yelling "Sanya? We take to Sanya!" but we decided it'd probably be safest if we took a real bus rather than hopped in someone's gypsy cab for the 3.5 drive down to Sanya. 78 kuai per person gets you a rather cushy seat on a comfortable air conditioned bus, complete with 2 movies (in Chinese, of course). We bought some muffins and water and boarded our 9:20am bus. Apparently it used to be a lot harder to get between Haikou and Sanya, ... read more
Dadonghai Bay

Asia » China » Hainan » Haikou November 12th 2009

As I write this, Martin is downstairs possibly losing our money in a poker game with random guys we met at the hostel. Luckily 100 kuai is only around 15 USD, so he can't lose that much. :) Haikou is an interesting place. There really isn't much to do, and we weren't expecting there to be. It was a VERY cheap flight, and a cheap place to stay for a couple of nights...but not necessarily a 'must-see' on your tour of SE Asia. We had talked to enough people about it to be prepared though, so that's good. We probably could have booked just one night here and been satisfied. After checking in and getting settled at our hostel yesterday (Wednesday), we set out to explore the city around us. We went to a nearby restaurant ... read more

Asia » China » Hainan » Haikou November 11th 2009

Well, we made it. Barely. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7:40am, and we live a quick 5 minute bus ride away, so we woke up at 5:20am and aimed to catch a bus no later than 6:40, which we thought would be the first available bus. We to our bus stop at 6:30 and waited and waited and waited.....We were getting nervous, but didn't want to take a taxi yet. We should have. By 7:00 no bus and no taxis were around, so we ran to the main road where finally a taxi cut off three lanes of fast moving traffic and picked us up for a 20RMB ride t the airport. By bus it would have cost around 4RMB. The taxi driver must have figured out we were in a hurry, and blatantly ... read more

Asia » China » Hainan » Sanya November 7th 2009

As I was leaving Bo'ao, the innkeeper gave me a ride to the city where I needed to catch my bus, quite an upgrade from the little local bus I had taken on the way there, packed to the gills with people. It was at the bus station that I got my first hint of the difficulties of traveling during Chinese holidays, as I had to wait almost 2 hours for my bus. Part of that might have been because I was taking the express bus, which was the peak of luxury--huge reclining leather seats, minimal music, no stops--all of which were quite welcome (I'm sure I would have enjoyed the local bus as an experience, and I might have gotten to see more of the island, but I'm always at high risk of getting motion ... read more
Nike BNA
Dadonghai Bay
Dadonghai Bay

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