Blogs from Bukoba, North, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba October 30th 2017

(Uploading the TravelBlog entries has been a trial. Please pardon the delay and enjoy the story '3 weeks later'.) In 2010 KARUCO was a dream. Now look! Thank you ETI Donors! HERE's THE NUTSHELL 1. OCTOBER 29 was the KARUCO Dedication & Inauguration. What a celebration! 2. ETI was honored at the ceremonies as the "First on the Field", "Courageous Pioneers", "Invaluable Support", and thanked for being the lead that other partners in Europe followed. 3. Ten (10) of us from Team ETI were on site, meeting partners and celebrating KARUCO. Thank you Dennis & Sungsook Kim of EVS Engineering who... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba September 12th 2016

5.7 earthquake hits Kagera Tanzania. Our Tanzanian partners are safe personally but the communities are affected with 2 dead in Karagwe and 23 in neighboring Bukoba. Our partners report that KARUCO's buildings and water tanks appear sound and will be inspected more completely in the near future. Please pray for the hundreds who were injured and for those who lost loved ones and property. . read more
5.7 Earthquake

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba January 25th 2016

Monday is here. Let the baseline begin! Chris Johnstone met with the evaluation team early and went over the directions and game plan for the day. Assa, Horace and Enoch will help Drs. Katabaro and Johnstone with interpretation of items. Assa, Horace and Enoch are employees of ETI's partner, KAD and will be 'instrumental' is interpreting items that have been translated into Swahili by the KAD Team. Today's village for data collection is Nyakahanga - not far from Kayanga or KARUCO. ETI is hoping for 40 villagers to participate in the data collection. But since it is our first time, we do not know what to expect. Our goal is to get a feel for conditions (economic, and in terms of social roles of men and women as well as practices that harm or sustain the ... read more
Drs Katabaro and Bagonza
Eval Team's Assa
Eval Team's Horace

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba August 22nd 2015

Karagwe University College's Coordinator, Dr. Katabaro sent ETI the first brochure for the university (KARUCO). In an area where Internet is spotty and where it took me four hours to upload a photo the last time I was there (2015), this brochure is quite an accomplishment. The story is being told globally of this small band of people in a remote area of Africa who have partnered with others around the world to make a profound difference to the local Tanzanian community. "Transformation" (an overused but appropriate word) is visible due to the efforts of Karagwe Diocese (KAD) and the men and women in Karagwe committed to making KARUCO happen. Take a look at the first brochure from KARUCO! Take me to the Educate Tanzania website: read more
KARUCO Brochure
KARUCO Groundbreaking

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba December 3rd 2013

The purpose of this blog entry is to let folks know about the connection to the Educate Tanzania website at We want to be sure that everyone knows they can access the Travelblog site: Don't miss the latest goings-on and be sure to keep up with the latest in construction, program development, faculty recruitment and development, student recruitment, admission and retention; and of course - evaluation and assessment. Life is exciting with the crew of volunteers we are proud to have as part of the ETI family. Join us as we forge head. Be part of the story.... read more
KARUCO Campus Site
KARUCO Groundbreaking - Oct 2012
World as 100 People

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba December 3rd 2013

With great need comes great opportunity. Instead of feeling sorry for people and offering pity that does no one any good - ETI sees the problems in Karagwe as "Great Opportunity". Catch this video and see for yourself why so many want to be part of this amazing story. read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba April 18th 2009

Hello! I am having a few days' relaxation in Bukoba, on Lake Victoria in North Tanzania, and thought I would share some of my recent adventures with you. Two weeks ago, the day finally arrived when I had to leave Milingano and all the friends I have made there, and of course the children. It was an emotional moment, especially after several days of goodbye parties, singing, dancing and festivities. Even the four of us prepared a little goodbye song that we sang to the entire school and teaching staff, and I also conducted my school choir in a performance of their own, as well as getting the whole assembly singing a simple round that I had taught to the children over the weeks I was there. I think all of us felt that, although it ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba March 24th 2008

Ausser ein paar Zebras, hielt sich unser Einblick in die Fauna des Landes etwas in Grenzen. Bisher sahen wir ein Cameleon, was zutraulich auf Tobis Hand kam und dann doch nur fauchte, einige bunte Echsen und einige Muecken. In Bukoba erweiterte sich nun der Hochizont unserer gesichteten Tierwelt, wir konnten aus naechster Naehe eine Ratte beobachten, die sich erst zutraulich zwischen unseren Beinen im Speissesaale unserer Unterkunft tummelte, um dann im schrank mit den Fruehstuecksutensilien verschwand. wir mussten die Vorstellung etwas unterdruecken, wie die Ratte auf dem Brotkoerbchen sitzt und wir rattenuringetraenktes Brot zum Fruehstueck verzehren. unseren Hinweisen folgend reagierte das Personal erst eher gelassen, erschracken dann aber selbst als sie dem Tier persoenlich gegenueber traten. ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba March 24th 2008

Nach einigen Tagen Bukoba, machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Ibwera (ca 20 km) zu Mikael und Eva Lehnberg, schwedische Missionare, die in einer Musikschule unterrichten. Mikael ist der Pflegebruder von Tobis Mama aus Schweden (der Bruder von Bjorn, der seit Jahren mit einem Hilfstransport durch die GUS-laender faehrt. Die Fahrt dauerte ca. 4 h. Zuerst mussten wir warten bis das Buesschen voll war (Toyota-Bus mit 20 bis 25 Leuten + Geraeck), was ueber eine Stunde dauerte. Bei Geschwindigkeitshubbeln mussten einige aussteigen, dass der Bus drueber kam. nach einigen km, hielt der Bus mitten im Gruenen, der Fahrer verschwand und ueberlies uns dem Ungewissen. Nach ueber einer Stunde kehrte er mit einigen Schuelern zurueck, die ebenfalls einen Platz im bereits ueberfuellten Bus fanden. Nun ging es endlich weiter zum Zielort in die Berge. Lehnbergs empfingen ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Bukoba March 24th 2008

Am Sonntag besuchten fuer zwecks Gottesdienstes die Anglikan Church in unserer Nachbarschaft. Wir verstanden kein Wort, doch war es schoen unter anderen Christen zu sein. Die Kirche war uebervoll, einige sassen draussen; der Gottesdienst dauerte 3 Stunden. Da wir nichts verstanden, standen wir an der falschen Stelle auf um uns vorzustellen, wurden daraufhin herzlich empfangen und stellten uns spaeter nochmals an richtiger Stelle vor. Auf der Strasse wurden wir spater noch mehrmals freundlich von Leuten gegruesst, die ebenfalls im Gottesdinst waren.... read more

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