Blogs from Province du Nord, Rwanda, Africa - page 5


Woke up this morning at 5:15 to see the gorillas. After an hour car ride to the national park office, we signed in and were put in a group with a dual American/Rwandan citizen who lives in Richmond. We were assigned our two rangers, who told us about the family of gorillas which we were going to see as well as about the mountain gorillas in general. Volcanoes National Park is right up against the borders with the DRC and Uganda. Both the DRC and Uganda have national parks on the other side of these borders. I use the term "national park" very loosely with the DRC, as it is really just uncontrolled wilderness. Together these parks encompase the entire Vertugas Mountains, which are a small chain of volcanic mountains, including three active ones. The last ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Nord June 11th 2009

Observation: Red Eminem shirts are really common here. Question: How does a four year old Rwandan living in a remote village 45 mins walk from the nearest road end up with a "Hillary Duff 2005 US Tour" shirt? We went to a crafts associations today in a very remote village about a two hour walk from Ruhengeri. After working our way down from the mountains into a giant valley, we walked the last 45 mins on raised dirt paths between 8-10 foot tall beanstalks. Saw another Project Rwanda bike- that makes four so far. The fgirst thing we did was make banana beer. We took mildly rotten bananas and peeled them, thowing them into a wooden tough carved from a log. After that we mixed in shredded banana leaves with the 200 or so bananas we ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Nord June 10th 2009

Last night after dinner all the water in Ruhengeri ran out. It came back on at around 3 PM today. According to some of the locals, the water goes out once or twice a week during the dry season. We left this morning for Imbabazi orphanage, which is in a very remote part of the country near the Congolese border. We drove an hour down a paved highway out of Ruhengeri, and then moved on to a terribly made dirt road which basically consisted of volcanic rock with some gravel to "level" it out. On the way we saw lots of interesting things. -A UNAMIR refugee camp for civilians fleeing the conflicts in the eastern DRC -Groups of convicted genocidaires in pink and blue prison jumpsuits working on a drainage ditch under guards armed with assault ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Nord June 9th 2009

Uraho! Amakuru ni mesa. Rwanda is great. I once again slept a lot last night, a solid 10 hours. Woke up feeling like I got hit in the back of the head with a brick though. Heh, bricks. I'm fine now. I think it was mostly dehydration. This morning we left in our small group of just 6 of us (Mickey, Dann, Mary, Kelsey, Ms. Overbo and myself) to go work at a brickmakers' association about 4 miles outside Ruhengeri. Greg (our Rwandan friend from Amahoro Tours) gave us a lift, after we pushed his land rover a couple blocks to get it started. The association is in a large clay quary on a bluff above a road and a swamp down below. While we were there we learned how to do all the basic jobs ... read more

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Nord June 8th 2009

Slept a solid 11.5 hours last night. Toally wiped out from going 48+ without any sleep. We left the ghuesthouse at around 10 this morning for Ruhengeri. Lucky for us, the road between Kigali and Ruhengeri is one of the few paved roads in Rwanda outside the capital. It was quite a trip. Rwanda is called the land of 1,000 hills, but it should really be called land of 1,000 mountains. The topography is ver similar to that of Colorado. The travel experience was similar to the mountain passes in Colorado was well, excepting the fact that there was two-way traffic on the roads, along withj people walking on the side. The whole country is filled with farms: sorgum, bannanas, soybeans, regular beans, potatoes, corn, cows, goats. We stopped at some sort of fuel depot on ... read more

Wow, oog in oog met de mountain gorilla’s in Volcanous National Park. Wat een ervaring! Na wat wikken en wegen hebben we toch besloten dat het bezoeken van de gorilla’s een must do in Rwanda is. Het mag dan extreem duur zijn, dat vergeet je en de ervaring is onvergetelijk. Gisteren zijn we eerst naar de immigratie dienst geweest voor informatie over ons visum, we wilden van ons single entry visum een multiple entry visum maken. Dit bleek toch iets ingewikkelder dan gedacht. Maar we gaan hoogstwaarschijnlijk nog wel een buurland bezoeken. Daarna hebben we de bus genomen naar Muzanse (voorheen Ruhengeri). Nadat we buskaartjes hadden gekocht en in de bus zijn gaan zitten moesten we opeens betalen voor de bagage, bijna net zo veel als dat ons eigen kaartje kostte… Dit was niet afgesproken dus ... read more
Een teenager

24th February On Tuesday morning I started my journey in anticipation of going gorilla trekking the next day. Colin dropped me off in Kabale in the morning so that I could walk to the petrol station where the taxis departed to the border. I say taxis but in reality they are actually men who own cars and charge a couple of pounds to take people to the border of Rwanda! So I load my bags into the boot of this man’s car and jump inside. There are two women sitting in the car. “Aghandi,” I said, which means: Hello, how are you? “Neeje.” Came the reply, which means pretty much the same thing. The next thing I know another woman and three of her kids climb into the back. It was cramped with a child sat ... read more
The silver back
Armed Guard

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Nord December 28th 2008

Wczoraj internet w Rwandzie nie dzial. Byla niedziela. Tak powiedziala nam pani w recepcji w hotelu. Wyruszylismy z wulkanicznego parku rano i zaczelismy sie przesuwac na polnoc, Najpierw klasycznie przez gory i herbate, a potem zaczal sie zmieniac krajobraz…Wioski zaczely sie robic jakby bogatsze, co prawda nadal lepianki, ale przynajmniej z kwiatkami na froncie. I nadal hordy dzieci, ale w ogole ludzie to sa strasznie mili, jak sie czlowiek tylko do nich usmiechnie, to odpowiadaja usmiechem. Jedziemy wiec i jedziemy przez te wsie, jak nagle Augustin stwierdza, ze w zagrodzie jednej z chatek robia bananowe piwo. Zatrzymal sie i wlezlismy na tyl domu, gdzie rodzina faktycznie w niedziel popoludnie zajmowala sie wyrobem piwa, ktore potem transportowane jest rowerami na market w plastikowych kanistrach. Nie udalo nam sie do konca zrozumiec, jak przebiega tu process fermentacji, ale ... read more
To w fioletowym kuble to bananowe piwo

Po 9 godzinach marszu przez jakies 17 ekosystemow, w tym pole, babmusowy zagajnik, dzungle, potem znow bambusowy zagajnik, potem znow dzungle, krzaki, lokalne jalowce, upal, mgle, mrzawk i ulewe, bloto, pokrzywy, malpie odchody, moge powiedziec, ze wdzialam najwieksza w Rwandzie grupe goryli gorskich - Susa. A zaczelo sie tak.. Tak jak pisalam wczoraj, Susa to najwieksza grupa, do ktorej najdalej sie idzie, niektorzy bardzo chca tam isc, inni mnej, bo z gory sie boja, jeszcze inni chca isc, a potem zawracaja w polowie drogi, bo sie okazuje , ze za daleko i nie daja rady. Ta grupa ma okolo 40 osobnikow. Inne maja po kilkanascie sztuk i sa nizej. Wczoraj, czekajac na nasze golden monkeys smialysmy sie z tym wszystkich ludzi w pelnym ekwipunku, ktorzy wygladal jak Indiana Jones, tylko pejcza im brakuje, wyobrazajac sobie, jak ... read more
Mr Goryl.
Dzieci o stop gorylego wzgorza.

Wczorajszy dzien mial polegac tylko na przejezdzie kilka godzin wyboista droga, ktorej przedsmak mielismy juz poprzedniego dnia - wczoraj mialo byc dwa razy dluzej. Okazalo sie jednak, ze byl to jeden z najciekawszych dni - a tu wsrod dni konkurencja duza, bo w sumie codziennie dzieje sie cos ciekawego. Otoz wczoraj wyruszylismy z Moriah Hill Resort nad jeziorem Kivu - pieknego miejsca z plaza, gdzie zebrala sie na swieta miejscowa elita - including tuzin tlustych nieznosnych murzynskich dzieci. Pierwszy dzien swiat - wiec ulicami przechadzaly sie eleganckie tlumy. Wiedzac, ze tego dnia nie beda nosic nic na glowach, kobiety zdjely turbany i okazalo sie, ze maja pod nimi afro w stylu Nefretete - prostokatne wysokie fryzury, umajone kolorowymi wstazkami. Do tego ubrania typu togi - zawiazane na jednym ramieniu - wygladaly wszystkie naprawde dostojnie - zniknely ... read more
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