Blogs from Addis Ababa Region, Ethiopia, Africa - page 23


Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 28th 2008

Hi all so its been just over 3 months since I left England you better all be missing me! I am currently in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, sadly we didn’t need an escort through northern Kenya which was a shame, although once we arrived here we was speaking to another truck who actually had to have a convoy the week before because sum1 was shot a few weeks before that. It worked out the shooting was around where we had bushcamped aswell which is pretty cool. So had a couple of nights at the foot of mount Kenya which was nice the campsite was beautiful and I upgraded to my own cottage which had a 4 poster bed and its own log fire not bad for about $10, definitely one of the best places I have ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 24th 2008

Here are some fotees at last! ... read more
Lake Tana!

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 24th 2008

A few more newer ones ... read more
Stranded in Gashena
Lalibela town
St. George's Church, Lalibela

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 23rd 2008

Hi! This is nothing at all to do with my East African trip really. It's a report I wrote earlier this year about the (lack of?) progress being made towards the UN Millenium Development Goal Number 6 re: Malaria. It was supposed to be an article for a journalism competition but ended up being an essay really. Anyways, now I've got somewhere I can actually publish it, I'm gonna stick it on here. More Ethiopian-related blogging to come soon though! Cheers, Ben 'Malaria Death Toll 'Unacceptable' United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has branded the annual malaria death toll ‘unacceptable’, given that the disease is medically preventable and treatable. Three years on from Live 8 and renewed promises from G8 leaders to work towards the UN Millennium Development Goals, the annual malaria death toll stands at three ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 23rd 2008

Kovas writing… Going to a professional sports game is always exciting. We went to the club soccer finals of Addis Ababa. We found out that there was this soccer game on Saturday, and through much confusion we got tickets. The stadium benches were cement stairs. There wasn't a scoreboard and no TV screen. This amazed us considering it was Ethiopia's national stadium. The actual soccer game was basically the same as at home, but there were many other things that reminded us that we were somewhere else. Ninety-nine percent of the spectators were middle-aged men. There were street venders selling snacks, but when we looked at the refreshments, we were surprised to see regular bread buns along with lollipops, nuts, and Samosas, a triangular deep fried burrito type of thing. The way they sold the nuts ... read more
Doing Drills

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 22nd 2008

Vasara dictating….When our family traveled south, one evening we were invited to go to a dance party with the Hamer people. The Hamers don’t wear too many clothes. The men wear short skirts and the girls wear animal skin skirts. They are very pretty. We drove with our jeep for 15 minutes into the desert. We arrived at a group of small huts. These huts are round and made out of grass and mud. There was no electricity so it was very dark. We kept our headlights turned on so that we could see. When we got out of the car, small boys and girls who were almost naked took our hands. They were very friendly and cute. They led us to the center. There was a circle of young teenage boys, and adults were mixed ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 16th 2008

Sunday 16th November 2008 Although I had suggested that we organise a first Ethiopian Remembrance Day as part of my VSO placement in the National Road Safety Coordination Office in Addis Ababa, I had had no involvement in its organisation after a first working group meeting. I wasn’t sure what would happen on the day but I was very impressed by the whole event. The event had started 30 minutes later than planned, but showing a drama about a road crash filled the time. Then came several speeches by dignitaries such as the Minister of Transport, the Commissioner of the Federal Police and the Director of the Transport Authority. Unusually, the Minister stayed for the whole time - I have often found in the past that Ministers deliver a speech and then leave. It was always ... read more
Victim of a road crash
Victim of a road crash

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 15th 2008

Ruta writing…Living in Ethiopia is fascinating from the perspective of seeing things you’d rarely see at home in Chicago. Sadly, this extends to the physical ailments of the Ethiopians. In the streets there are so many people with deformed limbs, golf ball size tumors in their necks, facial deformities, elephantitis in the leg, skin rashes, oozing conjunctivitis, etc. Strikingly, there are an amazingly large number of blind people, both functioning within business and schools, but also begging in the streets. How sad when even my untrained eye can identify untreated cataracts that have stolen someone’s eyesight. But as with many of the development issues here, it’s inspirational to learn how much progress is being made. Across the street from our home, there is a NGO dedicated to restoring sight called ORBIS. Interestingly, they have a Flying ... read more
Blind with walking stick

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region November 11th 2008

Vasara writing…when we drove to Arba Minch, we took a boat to Lake Chomo. It wasn’t so simple to just go to the lake. We first had to get our tickets from the National Park office. Mom and Dad weren’t happy because we had to pay tourist prices which is a lot of money. We drove 30 minutes through mud and swamp to get to the lake. A taxi coming back got stuck in the deep mud. 15 Ethiopian men pushed out the taxi. By this time it was getting late. We got into the boat and saw egret birds and pelicans right away. A colorful rainbow was in the sky, and a pretty sunset was beginning. We rode in the boat for 15 minutes and then saw eyes above the water looking at us. It ... read more
Photo 4

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa November 8th 2008

Having swallowed bitter disappointment at the cancellation of a planned trip to Ankobar at the last minute, I returned home to formulate ‘Plan B’ over a cup of coffee. I had stayed overnight with a couple of VSO volunteers in preparation for a 6.30am departure. By 7.30, I was at home deciding whether to spend the day moping, or whether to do something, anything, more constructive. The latter easily won and so by 8.30 I was on my way for a day as a tourist in Addis. First stop was the Misrach Centre, an NGO that supports blind and partially sighted people (and only five minutes walk from my house) to buy birthday presents for Molly, my niece. Then I headed to Holy Trinity Cathedral. Having paid my 30 birr entrance fee I mingled with white-swathed ... read more
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Arat Kilo
Sylvia Pankhurst's Grave

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