Blogs from Addis Ababa Region, Ethiopia, Africa - page 20


Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 13th 2009

(Ruta writing) TTTM’s Adanech Safe House has a striking photo album that shows a picture of a woman when she arrives at the safe house, an explanation of her story, and a picture upon her leaving. Wow. Sometimes the transformation is dramatic, not only in her physical appearance, but significantly in the expression of hope and happiness in her face and eyes. Here are 2 stories that I am summarizing from TTTM literature. The pictures that I have attached are NOT the stories that I list here. For privacy reasons, I do not know any of the exact stories of the people included in these personal pictures. Woman A - Sexual abuse - When parents died, went to live with grandmother. When grandmother died, went to work for and live with neighbor. When neighbor died, went ... read more
Kovas and Vidas volleyball

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 13th 2009

(Ruta writing) One of these amazing charities that is benefitting from some of the gifts and donations that you have asked us to forward is called Organization Against Gender Based Violence (a.k.a. Tsotawi Tikat Tekelakay Mahiber/TTTM). This organization supports mainly women and children who are victims of abuse. TTTM operates one of the only “safe houses” in Addis Ababa for the women who truly have no other options of where to go. Sadly, the women who come to TTTM have suffered beatings, abduction, sexual abuse, human trafficking to the Middle East, domestic violence etc. TTTM offers them food, shelter, arranges for counseling, medical care, legal assistance, etc. To better prepare the women for the future, the organization also may help teach women new skills (such as cooking), life skills (such as self confidence, assertiveness, and physical ... read more
Preparing lunch
Preparing lunch 2
Mother with Child 2

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 11th 2009

Fish and Daniel picked us up about 10:00 for a trip to the Merkato - the largest open air market in Africa. We wandered around for a couple of hours and were amazed by the variety of goods for sale - foodstuffs, mats, baskets, furniture, building materials, carpets, -- if it’s not there, you don’t need it. Cheryl was fascinated by the donkeys. Daniel told me that if one owns a donkey, he can earn up to 100 Birr (about $9) per day. Goods are transported around the Merkato on peoples’ heads, on donkeys, and even on trucks. Most store keepers in Ethiopia come to the Merkato to buy their goods in quantity and then truck them back to their home town to be sold for a profit. People, trucks, cars, mini busses and donkeys coexist ... read more
Merkato - Addis Ababa

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region February 10th 2009

Sara, as I mentioned earlier, is the sister of Misrak, our church secretary and her mother also attends our church at home. Sara spent seven years in the US and when her visa ran out she was forcibly repatriated to Kenya. Sara and Mickey, her 28-year old nephew, who is a pastor, picked us up from the hotel in his car about 11:00 and they took us to the Rodeo restaurant for a nice lunch (no injera). By about noon, Michael left to pick up his 3 ½ year old daughter, Caris (which means, “grace” in Greek} from her pre-school nearby and brought her back to the restaurant. She had a marvelous time playing in the restaurant gardens, on the stuffed horse, in the fountain and all around. After lunch, they took us to Mickey’s home ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 9th 2009

Here it is, one year later after the harrowing car accident that Lauren and I endured on the way back from Weliso on Feb 9, 2008. I can't believe its actually been a full year since we ended up in that ditch. And yet almost on a daily basis I either think about the accident or my body reminds me that it is still on the mend. I'm not sure how many times I've retold the story of that eventful day and yet if I had to do it all over ago I would. Yes that's right I would. I believe that things happen for a reason. That there aren't any "coincidences" in life. I'm grateful for many things from that experience; from the people we encountered along the way that day to Lake Weliso, our ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 9th 2009

Since 2001 we (mostly Cheryl) have sponsored Emebet Tsegaye a young girl in Ethiopia through Compassion International, a Christian organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO, USA. They have corresponded every two to four months with the letters translated and forwarded each way by the Compassion staff. When we first started getting serious about this trip, part of the timing was nudged by the fact that Compassion is holding a 10-day Ethiopia tour that actually started today. That coupled with our summer church’s tour of the Holy Land starting in late Feb (more on that later when we get there) we said “This Is The Year To Do This”. When we contacted Compassion about the tour, we found that it would involve a lot of traveling around the country and visit various project. We “might” be able ... read more
Finally we meet!
Coffee Ceremony
Emebet presents a gift to Cheryl

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region February 8th 2009

Since we were unable to spend the day with our friend, Sara, we booked an all day tour to the capital city with the tour people who picked us up from the airport. Our tour guides were Fish and Daniel of Tom Tom Tours. Fish is actually a nickname (no kidding?) for Fiseha which is a Ge’ez name which means fun. Ge’ez is an ancient language that centuries ago was replaced by Amharic, the current national language. Ethiopia is inhabited by 83 tribes and including the minor ones, over 200 separate dialects are spoken. Amharic was established as the national language to replace Ge’ez much as Italian replaced Latin. The area and people were originally called Abyssinia by the Persians and when the Greeks arrived they named it “Ethiopia” which means “burnt face” in reference to ... read more
dinner at Yod Abyssinia

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region February 7th 2009

We left home on Friday 6 Feb, complete with our luggage for our two and a half month trip to thirteen countries. After one plane change and another intermediate stop for an hour and a half in Khartoum, where we couldn’t get off the plane, we finally made it to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. During our four-hour layover in Amsterdam we called our friend, Sara, in Addis. We tried to use our new Skype capabilities to call her cell phone and got completely gerschplatzled (don’t you just love it when I talk technical?) so we had to resort to our AT&T cell phone. We were hoping to connect with her for church tomorrow (it’s now Saturday) but found that she is at the end of her three-day mourning period for the death of her uncle. She said ... read more
Movie on the plane

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 1st 2009

(Vidas writing) We love our laptop computers! We use them for almost everything homework, movies, playing music, e-mail, blog, internet, even as a light source when the power goes out every week. The only problem is that we’re used to safe computer use, few viruses, and lightning quick unlimited internet and computer games. Only when you move to a developing country do you realize how technology is part of everyday life. In America every supermarket and restaurant having scanners, constant flow of electricity and safe outlets, every body having email and a computer. Here it’s a little bit different. The thing we were very worried about was that we would have internet. We discovered that there was dial-up. Dial connects from the phone lines to the internet. It is also the world’s slowest internet connection. It ... read more
Watching DVD on laptop
power outage

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa January 29th 2009

(Ruta writing) Driving outside of Addis Ababa, we save seen some beautiful, old trees that could relate fascinating history if they could talk. It makes one wonder how completely amazing this African continent must have looked before people took over more and more of the land. Unfortunately, through the course of history and development Ethiopia, like many other countries on this continent and others, has deforested most of its land. It’s stated that only 3% of its original forest remains. On the bright side, there have been significant recent efforts to replant trees. The Entoto region just outside of Addis has dense greenery due to replanted juniper trees. Nevertheless, whether in North America, Europe, or Africa, old, gnarled, massive trees are truly one of nature’s wonders. Here are some pictures of trees that we've admired and ... read more
Vasara stuck in tree Simien
Tree in Bale
Tree Simien Lukas

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