Bulgakov and the honey market

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October 9th 2006
Published: October 9th 2006
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Sataurday we went to see Bulgakov's house. He was a famous Russian author. His most well known book is "The Master and the Margarita" which is about the devil coming to Moscow and wrecking havok because no one believes in the devil anymore. His house was awesome. It's a museum now but the most off the beat museum that I've ever seen. The house had all sorts of old victorian furniture and old phones and things from the 1800s. On the walls were creepy illustrations of different events in Bulgakovs' books. To top it off, there is an old man dressed like a Russian general from the 1800s who sings and plays an accordian as you walk in. And there is a huge black cat who lives in the house (who represents the cat in the book who can walk, talk, take the metro, ect and who belongs to the devil).
After touring the appartment we went to a nearby appartment where Bulgakov lived but is now a private appartment complex. Tourists aren't supposed to tour it, but they made an exception for us. On the walls there was all sorts of crazy graffiti. "Bulgakov lives", "I am Lord Voldemort", and illustrations of black cats.
If you're ever in Moscow I highly recommend that you visit Bulgakov's house. But read the books first.
After seeing the house we visited sites from the novel-patriarch's ponds where the devil first meets the master. And then we saw the house that Bulgakov's last wife lived in (the house is thought to be the model for Margarita's home).
It was one of my favorite excursions.
Then Sunday I went to the honey market at Kolomenskaya. It was incredible. There were hundreds of stalls with every type of honey imaginable. When you buy a jar of Russian honey, the honey is just from a particular flower. And honey from different flowers have very different tastes. It was tons of fun because all the booths gave out free samples so I got to try everything. So far my favorite honey is made from the "Lipa" flower. I bought four different types to bring home for everyone to try. Russian honey is sooo much better than American honey.
Well that is enough for now. But I posted some pictures of my coat under my previous entry, "Gold October", so take a look.


29th January 2007

whats good
im happy that you went to russia and experient some stuff i hope you had fun

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