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August 10th 2013
Published: August 10th 2013
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After some days at school for enrichment, I was able to enjoy some time off with friends at The Red Resteraunt or better known as "swechuan cuisine" in China town. To me It was an amazing and a different experince because I haven't been outside my area in Chicago. Although I have been to several places in Illinois, around the states, and parts of México, it was a new experince based on the intricate cuisine and the atmosphere. After my visit to China town, I was able to think of what I had to do. I wanted to bring a new experince and have new experinces myself with different ethnicities and cultures. Reason being, is that my new experince enlightened me by showing me what I have been missing. Overall, in the future I wish to travel and have new experinces around the United states and in other countries. In the end, it is an experince I will not forget.


1st September 2013

Hi Adrian! Thanks so much for writing. You seem like a person really interested in people and in the world. Hopefully this class will add to your exposure and growth as a person. You've earned 25/25 on your summer travel blogs.

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