Knackered in the Amazon

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February 14th 2013
Published: February 14th 2013
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Its early morning on valentine’s day and we are in Manaus Brazil. Manaus is the capital of Amazonia.

Spent the last two days in Cartagena Colombia doing a bit of touring. First for a wander around Bocagrande, the new, built up part of the coast and a bit like a Colombian version of Miami beach. Then a day trip to the Caribbean islands of the Islas de Rosario.

The islands were disappointing. Very barren and besides a hotel on the one we visited – not much else. Also the journey back to the mainland was a bit hairy. The wind strengthens considerably in the afternoon and the hour long journey back was very very choppy.

So a quick summary on Colombia. Bogota and Villa De Leva, 6 out of 10. OK but not a must see. Cartagena, 9 out 10. Much more expensive than anywhere else we went in Colombia but brilliantly atmospheric with great restaurants and the old walled city is a terrific place to meander & chill out.

We left Colombia on Monday at 7:00am. After 2 flights and a 5 hour layover at Panama airport we arrived at the Manaus hotel at around 10:00pm the same day completely knackered.

Spent yesterday touring. Here that means the Amazon river. First a boat trip to see the meeting of the two rivers, the Rio Negro and The Amazon. Then lunch in a local jungle lodge followed by a boat trip back to our hotel. Dinner at a local river fish restaurant with a few too many Caipirinhas.

I know its been snowing in London but you will not be surprised to know that it is swelteringly hot here and we are in the middle of the wet season. If the sun comes out you fry. I can’t put in simpler than that.

Today we leave Manaus early for a 150 mile drive North West by road up the side of the Rio Negro to a jungle lodge in the middle of completely nowhere. Hopefully there will be some good wildlife spotting…

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14th February 2013

Hot stuff
Hello you 2. What a trip you must be having. It really sounds as if you have landed in places where the closest most people will get to it is by seeing it on HD television. I have not even heard of many of your destinations. I can't imagine how much you are missing it here. I went last night to the shiva of Alvin Rich's father. Don't know if you knew. Otherwise, same s##t, different day. Same for you, I suppose. Keep well and enjoy.

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