Haggis in the Morning

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Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh
July 22nd 2006
Published: July 22nd 2006
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Hello everyone!

So we took the night train from London to Scotland last night. It was a 7 hour ride - so we got a half decent nights sleep. I have to say it... Edinburgh is sooo much better than London. When we first got off the train there was a nice fog covering the peaks of endless beautiful, towering buildings. We stayed in Old Town (just a small part of the city) all day - and as you'd expect every building is old and beautiful. We wandered around Edniburgh for 3 hours waiting for the restaurants to open up for breakfast... Alex had Haggis for breakfast, I chickened out and went for the equally-cool-and-adventurous scrambled eggs! We spent some time looking around St. Giles Cathedral (so beautiful) and then learnt all about Scotland's history at the Museum of Scotland. We're going to head out to a pub now and have a few pints of some local beer... Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to see Edinburgh Castle.

We miss you all now! I told you it'd come with time!

Tamara & Alex


22nd July 2006

We are having way more fun than you
Hi Alex and Tamara, Today we stripped off about half of the wallpaper in the bathroom and i'm going to paint the garbage bin tonight when it cools off (32 deg C) so drink a pint for us. Francine says hello. Enjoy.
23rd July 2006

Glad to see you guys made it! Alex, well done with the breakfast Haggis. What does it taste like? Tamara, sorry to burst your bubble but scrambled eggs arent that adventurous... Did you see any werewolves in London? Bojo: My Iraqi buddy tells me that there are several street venders that sell the United States flag in Iraq. Also, the red, white, and blue flag aparently sells better than the Iraqi flag over there.
24th July 2006

Hey what time is it ?
Hey again, guess you can tell I am just getting such a kick outta this so here I am , not drunk again but just typing again......anyway it is just after midnight and we were wondering, what time is it there?? :] okay, now how the heck do we make a frown, happy stoned faced on here??? have fun love mom

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