New Day, New Adventure!

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Castiglion Fiorentino
September 11th 2011
Published: September 11th 2011
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I love this door, I've started a collection of door pictures during this trip. Weird I know, but theyre so different here!
Hello again!

I'm trying to get better about posting pictures each day because I know it's more interesting than my writing lol so here are some from today! We went on a 7K hike today, which I want to say is about 4.5 miles or so...either way, it was pretty tough! But I felt bad for the people that heard it was more of a wine tasting type thing & wore sandals :-/ We saw so much from where we were, it was unbelievable! At the very end we ate in the shade of a vineyard at picnic tables. When we showed up they had huge bottles of water & wine & awesome food waiting for us! was the perfect lunch. Then a couple of my girlfriends & I went to find a restroom at the top of the hill for my roommate because the owner of the vineyard told us there was one up there....the other girl with us, Kristen, saw a door with a key in it & ran to unlock it, assuming it was the bathroom...but nope, it was an older man's house & he came out in his underwear with his big ol' belly hanging

Me & Carolina
out, wondering what we needed hahaha then he let her use his restroom. It was hilarious, we were giggling the whole way back about it. Then they took us back to Santa Chiara one truckload at a time. It felt like home to hop in the bed of a truck 😊 Fun ride, he was hauling down those country roads, I got butterflies a few times!

That's about all that happened today, not a whole lot I know...I figure if I keep writing a little at a time I'll keep up with it better 😊 It's really cool to see the number of views on my blogs & hear from some people I haven't heard from in years. I'm glad I can inspire some people to travel, I feel like everyone needs an experience similar to this...even if it's only a couple weeks. Travel while you can...if you keep putting it off you never will! It'll change you, I'm telling you it will...I've already learned to love washing my clothes in a bucket & hang drying them, there's something very relaxing about simple is beautiful. Try it! 😊 xoxo

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18



I looked up when we were hiking & this is what I saw, love it!

Carolina, Melissa, & Ty

Our school is on the hill to the right :)

The girls! :)

Obviously not a puppy, he joined us on our hike. This dog is HUGE! & check out the clip on his head, otherwise he can't see lol
Beautiful treeBeautiful tree
Beautiful tree

I love how it covers the whole porch, such a cool tree :)
Truck rideTruck ride
Truck ride

Me & Ty!
Truck rideTruck ride
Truck ride

Such a fun ride back!
Cooks & Guides!Cooks & Guides!
Cooks & Guides!

they were so friendly! loved the food too :)

Roomie Carolyn! This is the view we had at jealous!

Beautiful setup! It was perfect!
Kitty catKitty cat
Kitty cat

Meow :)

Me & Carolyn (roomie)! This is the view we had at lunch!

12th September 2011

love u
im so excited for u Tay! U have to go to the Greek islands.. even if u just go to 1!
12th September 2011

So pretty. U look happy n relaxed!
12th September 2011
Beautiful tree

That is beautiful!!! Can you bring one of those home to your Momma and ME??

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