WILL LYON April 13th

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April 13th 2006
Published: April 14th 2006
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Yesterday is done-an awesome feeling,but it has taken its toll on the feet.I started yesterday at a fairly punchy pace on my own,pushing through the 1st 2 checkpoints stopping only for water,but no rest.The 1st 20k were good,& I was happily entertaining myself.By the 33K mark I'd bored myself & hit a low patch.It felt like the terrain for most of yesterday was dunes,dunes & more dunes,though the reality is probably about only half.My feet are slowly & steadily going downhill.I can't count the blisters,suffice to say that I have taken a couple of pictures one shouldn't see immediately before eating.My 2nd largest toe on left foot is also now infected & swollen to the size of my largest & constantly throbbing.The Doc has taped it up,but think it may slow down the pace a bit tomorrow.Apart from that & a disintegrated right heel things are looking good.Moral in our tent,& in the camp is brilliant,& there is no doubt we will all finish.

Tomorrow we go to war,& will win!

Lots love,Will


14th April 2006

Will, you can do it!
Will, I know you are going to war tomorrow and I know you will win because you are invincible! keep fighting! btw, please keep taking pic on your feet. I want to see something which make me can't eat! :-)
14th April 2006

Your messages of 13th and Your feet!
14th April 1750 GMT: You all know what to do, as long as the doctor has treated and passed keep going and no need to worry. The soreness must be excruciating at times but you'll get through, I know. Congratulations, all of your messages have been immensely inspiring. This is a physical journey, but also a spiritual one and you'll probably only know the impact of that when you have completed and had a chance to reflect. Certainly, I suggest, this is evident to us the readers already. Very exciting now that your destination is in sight. Also, if relevant, perhaps the particularly bad weather conditions have kept enticing mirages off the horizon! As usual, sending this via all routes, so please excuse the repetition. Best love to you All and look forward to your final report. . Dad
14th April 2006

plasters and savlon
Mella is on her way - she got the flight, and is carrying every known foot treatment we could find in Boots - though myself, I think the crutches have the edge! Have sent blog, but just in case, am sending this as well. With loads of love and awestruck congratulations
14th April 2006

your throbbing news
I am empathizing with your second toe as I write. From the pictures there are a great many taped feet around there. No close ups yet ... good that you have documented yours. I know all the photographs of each of your personal journey will be so amazing. Looking forward to everyones wrap up comments. Love to you all as well.
15th April 2006

Triumph in Sand Dunes
Well done, congratulations to all of you, very proud, Susannah just told me on the telephone you came in 305th, which just about puts you in the top third of the original number of you who started. You must be feeling so elated on a truly fantastic achievement. Going through all the details of the Entrants I was reckoning to myself that about a third were British (I wonder how many of them finished), there three OAPs of 69, another ten or so of 62/63, and a goodly gaggle of 50s . . amazing, or plain out of their minds; might have a go myself next year, if you want to repeat! All love Dad

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