Happy New Year!!!!

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April 13th 2006
Published: April 13th 2006
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Up to Phuket

The miles are racking up. Damn, we've come a long way.

Cheeseburger in ParadiseCheeseburger in ParadiseCheeseburger in Paradise

You know I had to have one of these! Trelle, it was actually cooked unlike the one in Roatan!
That's right folks, it's yet another new year. Today Thailand celebrates it's new year which is a raucous good time. Though we didn't get to partake fully in the festivities, we can tell that they do it right. As part of the celebration, they have huge water fights throughout town. People drive around in trucks, cars, scooters, scooters with sidecars, etc. and douse each other with water from huge trash cans inside of whatever vehicle they are using. For the most part it's all in good fun and it's actually quite nice seeing as how it's so damn hot out there.

We got pretty wet today for a lot of reasons, Songkran being only one of them. We have completed day 3 of 4 in our PADI open water diver certification, which is pretty cool, but also the reason we didn't get to join the party in full force. Today we did 2 dives off the beach next to the one we are staying on. We saw scorpion fish, Kuhls Sting Rays, Whiskered Pipe Fish, Giant Blowfish, Lion Fish, and a whole bunch of other fish. We also worked on buoyancy, clearing a 1/2 full mask and a full mask, and diving with compass orientation. Fun stuff...okay, maybe the last few weren't as cool as the actual diving but apparently it requires some skill and you can't just dive in and swim around down there. Tomorrow we have 2 more dives off a boat so that should be cool. We then plan on taking a day trip Saturday to Ko Phi Phi either to dive or just to hang out.

We've been having a great time here at the beach. It's pretty darn relaxing, the people are nice, the seafood is cheap...what else could you ask for really? I've always said I wanted to live in the mountains but I'm starting to see the allure of the beach. Teresa learned how to body surf with my excellent teaching being the reason. I was surprised to hear that she had never done it but then I remembered that girls like to lay out and soak up the sun. Doesn't work to well for a white boy like me so I have to find reasons to stay in the water.

Anyway, that's about it. We just wanted to give a quick update. We'll get photos up sooner or later but it's hard to take time to sit at a computer when you can be out at the beach (or watching cable in your air conditioned room, the first one we've had in a while).

Hope all is well and we'll talk to everyone soon.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


Great  and cheap seafood!Great  and cheap seafood!
Great and cheap seafood!

All the restaurants had the merchandise in ice where you pointed at what you wanted.
Then we'd eat it!Then we'd eat it!
Then we'd eat it!

This guy was so yummy!!!!!!
Koh PuKoh Pu
Koh Pu

This is the island where we did our check out dive. It means Crab Island.
Great ViewGreat View
Great View

This is the view from our bungalow in Koh Tao
Chance, bourbon and SweetypieChance, bourbon and Sweetypie
Chance, bourbon and Sweetypie

This is the Thai bourbon that we drank and the cute little dog that befriended us at our Koh Tao bungalow. She was our pet for the entire stay!

17th April 2006

Happy New Year to you!
So glad to hear from you and it's wonderful that you are having such a great time! Nothing makes me happier than when you're happy and right now I'm very happy! I mean air conditioning, cable...what could be better! Take care of each other. Love, Mom

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