WILL LYON April 11th

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April 11th 2006
Published: April 12th 2006
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I have 1000 characters to share my thoughts with u..my approach to this race has been to view the first 3 days as a non event in terms of pain to the body.That means I only allow myself to think that I am feeling fine,regardless of the 8 blisters I sliced off my feet before getting to the start line this morning.Conditions are tough at the moment & water rationed.I am told it is hotter & more humid than it has ever been here before.People seem to be dropping like flies (I am attracting flies for different reasons!),with the fallout rate high.That said spirits are high & we have a great team in our tent.Tomorrow I will attack with as much vigour as I can muster.After tomorrow mentally i am nearly home.Physically not quite.I still cant give a coherent answer to why im doing this but crossing the finish line will,without question be one of the best feelings I have ever had.Please keep sending messages,they are a massive boost when we get into camp.Onwrds & upwards, lots love,Will


12th April 2006

Your report 11th, also your e-mail of 11th via webmaster
Dear William, Keep going well done all of you, you really sound in a good frame of mind. I've reminded Dominic and the Others to e-mail you; having said that I hope you are receiving mine because your e-mail of 11th via webmaster asked me to click on their site to despatch e-mails, didn't quite understand. Certainly appears this end as having gone. Let me know in your next message if practicable. Keep the smiles of those children in your sight. . all love Dad
12th April 2006

Your update 11th
Re your update 11th: not sure if some (if any!) of my previous messages have got through to you but shall send this via another route on Dabaroud which Alexander suggested this morning. Sounds though you all are really on hour way now sure that you will finish the course. When the sand and everything else is attacking you just think of all those smiling children. . . and leave the blisters alone. The conditions sound incredible, just keep going and congratulate yourselves on what you are doing, as we do. . . .all love Dad
12th April 2006

It's Chloe's Mom
Will, Though we have not met I like your stradegy. I have hopes for you all that the night run will in a similiar way shake up the mind enough to find a new race if you will. It is hard to imagine that this 21st MDS is perhaps going to be noted as one of the more challenging. The hydration/electrolite issue is enormous but it sounds like you have a tent full of clever teammates and that you are all taking good care of each other. Give them all a big cheer from me. Jeanne Ruggles
13th April 2006

So proud of you
Hiya, it's Jason here...Have been following you and your team mates' journals everyday! Though I don't think I will ever do this in my whole life, it gives me a lot of ideas as to how tough it is to survive and to compete in the desert while reading the journals! Only a couple of days left, be focused and positive and I'm sure you'll finish the race well!
13th April 2006

Sand Dunes
13.4.06: I feel as though I have got stuck in a sand dune trying to work out if my messages are getting through and which route is the most sure! All of your updates have been very interesting and inspiring and, a long with everyone's messages, you are all to be congratulated tremendously on a magnificent venture. You are going to make an immeasurable difference to so many people's lives. Also when you go back to work you be full of confidence and "kicking ass" all round. God bless and now start to reap that immense satisfaction from what will be a lifetime's achievement
13th April 2006

Is it chocolate mouse time yet?
Egads you guys. What a stage? I confess that an interested bunch of us were a bit concern last night hoping of course NOT to to find out that one of you had been airlifted to France via the darbaroud website. Luck of the Irish, poor fellow. They reported hypothermia which brings to mind cold but more likely in your case calories. So, it may well be dessert time. Hugs to all you Sahara Runners.

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