Beautiful, beautiful Copenhagen...

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Europe » Denmark
August 7th 2010
Published: August 7th 2010
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We are here!

Along the canalsAlong the canalsAlong the canals

Typical houses along the canal
After an extrtemely long day and night of airports shuttles, airport lounges, cramped airplane seats and 12 hours in the air, we finally arrived in Copenhagen at 2pm on Thursday. Our hotel room is comfortable, although a bit small by American standards, and right in the center of things. The breakfasts and buffet dinners offer a huge selection of Danish style food that is fresh and tasty.

On Thursday, our first afternoon consisted of a walk around the area of the hotel but we had to make it an early evening because we were both exhausted. The following day, we spent much of our time on one of those double decker tour buses that take you all over the city, and which allow you to hop off and hop on again. We visited a place called Christiania, an area on an island established in the early '70's by young people (Danish hippies), which used to be an old army post. The inhabitants pretty much do their own things there - have there own laws, etc. and the Danish government pretty much leaves them alone. I found it quite interesting - no cars are allowed, graffiti art all over the place,

House in Christiania
tiny little houses with liittle gardens and lots of people with dreadlocks. It was as if time had stood still in Haight-Ashbury! We also hopped off the bus to visit the Danish National Museum for the rest of the afternoon.

Copenhagen has an incredible mixture of old and new architecture but no really tall buildings like in most other cities we've visited. There are lots of charming brick 4 and 5 storied buildings with stores on the ground floors and homes in the upper floors. The inner city has beautiful government buildings and churchs, and lovely row homes bordering the canals. Towards the sea, there are many newer buildings made of glass, stone, and steel but are also lovely to look at.

Another thing we immediately noticed are the many bicyclists here. Every main street in Copenhagen has lanes dedicated to bicycles and there are probably more people biking than driving. Everyone yields to bikes here.

Today is our last day in Copenhagen - tomorrow we take the overnight ferry to Oslo.

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7th August 2010

Glad you arrived safely and were able to rest. Weather still very cool here. I am going to Austin, Texas where is 100. Have f un. Laura
8th August 2010

It's a Beautiful City
Ralph and Randi: it's a beautiful city, I saw it many years ago in the winter time. I just read Mike's comment about Ralph wearing love beads and flower in his hair. LOL. Now there is a picture. Have a great time!
9th August 2010

From your sis
Will be following your travels. All is well here. Divorce was final as of July 30!

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