Flying to Copenhagen

Norway's flag
Europe » Norway
August 4th 2010
Published: August 4th 2010
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Ralph and I are off again - this time to Denmark and Norway for three weeks. Neither of us have been there so it should be a whole new adventure for us. And, of course, I'm combining my family research with our vacation. Last fall, I finally discovered the actual farms where my Norwegian great, great, grandparents were born. So now we have a reason to visit the Lillehammer area in the central mountains, and the fjordlands on the west coast. Fortunately, no volcanos have erupted recently so we're safe to fly!

Our plane lands in Copenhagen Thursday afternoon, where we'll relax for a few days and get used to European time. Then we take an overnight ferry to Oslo, Norway. After a four day stay in Oslo, we'll pick up a car and drive into the Norwegian hinterland for two weeks.

We'll be sending out the blog every few days with some pictures to our friends and family. Please feel free to comment our just keep in touch. We'll talk again in Copenhagen!


Randi & Ralph

P.S. Please root for our beloved SF Giants while we're gone!


4th August 2010

What about A-Rod trying to get 600? Steinbrenner family does not have to pay $600M of taxes because o f Bush tax cuts. George died in a good year =. Am back from NJ. Have a fun time.
4th August 2010

Have fun!
Hope you have a great trip - look forward to hearing about your adventures!
5th August 2010

Mom, I decided I want a viking hat. I realize you're space is limited so i figured you could just wear it. =) Love you.

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