Chile Provides Some Added Spice

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April 5th 2006
Published: April 15th 2006
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Hello & welcome to todays special Chile edition of Travelblog.

Lets start with the 3 day ferry crossing from Puerto Natales, in the very south of Chile, up through the glaciers to Puerto Montt.

Despite being very scenic, the boat itself was lacking a bit in entertainment and comfort. The food was decent enough but by the 3rd day cabin fever was starting to set it. At one point in the journey we had to cross oceanic waters and the waves reached 7 metres as we battled to hold onto our bunks.....
On a positive note, we were treated to a final ´party´night of bingo and disco. It was similar to a wedding reception in that it was so bad it was good. And no matter where you are in the world a party just ain´t a party without ´Loveshack´, ´Girls Just Wanna Have Fun´and a Grease Medley.

After thankfully arriving in one piece we decided it was time to get the blood pumping and headed back across the Argentinian border into the beautiful city of Bariloche. We spent the first day on bikes taking in the majestic scenery: lakes, trees, mountains, fresh air was just what we needed and after 40kms (plus 2 sore bottoms) we headed back to base.

The following day we headed for the hills again to paraglide over the city. The views were even better than before and it was a fantastic experience. Later that night I got taught a lesson in 5 a side football by the locals. Despite having the physiques of Jan Molby they also had the touch of Ronaldinho.

Further up the countryside we stopped in Talca to visit a few vineyards, and although not quite up to the standards of Mr Cofone´s homebrew it was an enjoyable tour - especially the tasting bit. We can also reveal that Anna is now hooked on Cabarnet Sauvignon.

In our final stop before Santiago we visited Valparaiso - another colourful and disctinctive city with lots of steep, cobbled avenues leading up to the houses in the hills. It also has a fantastic beach and bay area which made for splendid views once you´d taken the lifts to the city´s peak. To top it all, we stayed in a lovely family run, multi-coloured ´victorian´style mansion house, with rooms decorated á la grandma´style (check it out !!

As for Santiago itself, it was another vibrant and friendly city with lots of picturesque plazas, streets and cathedrals.

Our next entry will be coming from Peru after we´ve done the mammoth 4 day trek up to Macchu Picchu...blisters here we come!

Ciao and love to all xxx

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Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


4th April 2006

What's that on your face zio Nathan?
Hello Zia Anna and Zio Nathan. We saw the photos of you and we just wanted to know what that thing is on zio Nathan's face? Mummy thinks you look a bit like Antonio Banderas and Daddy thinks you look like Uncle Albert. Not sure who they are but we think you look cool! Zia Anna you look great in the green picture and we just wanted to say how much we miss you both. We all love you and look forward to speaking to you soon. Nonna Maria is still our crazy lovely Nonna and she says 'Allo my darli' and 'I luvva you very muchi'. Take care and lots of love, Elisa and Fabio, Mummy, Daddy and Nonna Maria xxxxxx
5th April 2006

Another puntastic catch up...
Your tale of the 3 day ferry ride recalled memories of a ferry crossing in my youth... Er, all the way across the Channel to St Malo. OK, it wasn't 3 days in duration, but without a cabin, and no "wedding disco" for entertainment, it certainly felt like it. Anyway, seeing you in a woolly hat, you might care to know that Spring has finally sprung here in London... I think. You know, it's always hard to tell! Anyway, I look forward to the next installment; it should be a good one if you're soon to reach Macchu Picchu. Awesome place. Anyway, laters fella. Mx
5th April 2006

More puns....groan
Hiya Globetrotters Is it me or are you getting hairier and thinner each picture? (sorry Anna!) must be the LLama steaks! Bring on Peru!! Love you guys Pa and Val
7th April 2006

I am worried about that animal that is taking over your head Nathan. Thankfully it hasn't reached your nose... yet. I look forward to seeing its progress. ... What's it's name and what are you feeding it? What experiences guys! I can really imagine you two dancing to Grease, grinning wildly, exaggerated by the sauvignon and realisation that you are still alive! You are stretching comfort boundaries. What are you eating? Anna, how did you manage to pack what looks like a fashion shoot wardrobe into a back pack? You're like that girl from crocodile dundee, all the gear and matching fashion accessories in the outback! Beautiful! Are you managing to wash your stinky hair from time to time? Must be hard keeping Nathan's big head clean! Can't wait to hear the next episode! I miss you, Love Lizzie xx
12th April 2006

Livin' La Vida Loca!
Hola! It is Jane (Cuva) from Woking....These photos are amazing- remind me to never show you ours from the last couple of years as they are very dull in comparison! You both have a lot of cojones to be going up paragliding. Thought I would lend a hand with a few spanish phrases that might come in handy for your 4 day hike (did a degree in it so it's nice to be able to use it once every 10 years): Hombre, como me matan estas malditas piernas! Cuando llegamos a la cumbre, hay un Macdonalds o algo que tengo hambre! Will try and think of some more useful little phrases for your next adventure!! Take care and enjoy the views! Jane

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