The animals went in 4*4

Published: April 1st 2006
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So after the inca trail we decided to have one more day in Cuzco to chill out before heading to Uyuni to do a tour of the salt plains of Bolivia. As usual our journey started off in style as we jammed our backpacks into a tiny fiat uno and headed off down the road, about 30 seconds later the boot popped and Jems backpack went rolling out into an oncoming car! Luckily the car managed to break in time otherwise the backpack could´ve caused some serious damage!

Not detered we got the backpack back in and headed off to Uyuni on another long bus journey. We managed to finally book a tour once we managed to change some money - note to travellers, there are no ATMs in Uyuni so get money beforehand.

Anyway we set out on our excursion which would take us back to San Pedro first stop the train cemetary then through the salt plains of Uyuni, past several fantastic lakes, past volcanoes, geysers and some hot springs.

Luckily our tour only had the three of us, the driver and the cook which meant we all got window seats and could enjoy the incredible view. Personally i reckon the 4*4 couldn´t take any mopre weight after our backpacks went on the roof so they had to settle for just us!

The salt plains were incredible it looked like snow all around us , all you could see in any direction was the clear white salt meeting the blue horizon. As we drove on, the salt plain became a very shallow lake which i had much fun playing in. Unfortunately i was alone in my games as Jem cut her foot open (yes again!) and gina´s inca war wounds (blisters) were paining her!

After the salt plains the terrain changed to desert and there was muchas fun 4*4 action which encouraged Jemma´s tourettes - constant "yeah" was to be heard after every bump or wheelspin!! We arrived at our first hostel "Bella Vista" - Good view my ar*e!! Its a tiny town in the middle of nowhere with no running water, electricity only between 7 and 10pm and a population of C. 40 people 100 llama and about 8 billion flies!!

Our second day once again we became two backpackers down... This time i went first then gina, both violently sick 😞 We have discovered a pattern though, no not altitude, not food poisoning... It appears our stomachs are seeking out the worst toilets of South America and deciding to fall ill there - fan-bloody-tastic!!!

Luckily we pretty much recovered overnight and so the last day i was able to enjoy the hot springs - although we had to strip and jump in pretty quick as it was freezing, and then after much deliberation jump back out again and redress before icicles formed on unthinkable areas!!

I won´t rant on too much about the views as the pictures will explain much better than my english possible could....

Next blog New Zealand woo hoo!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


1st April 2006

new jobs
I see you are all getting trained up for new jobs. Gina and jem testing the railway for british rail and fiona as a barrow girl at surrey street market.Stand by me - a good film, I would like to see how fast you could run if a train came up behind you like on the film.Plenty of salt around then girls it looks pretty amazing but I bet you had to be careful about rubbing the salt into your wounds.the spa looks good I would'nt mind that but it's the cold bit after that might be a bit off putting.Every time we get a blog it makes us realise how much you are seeing and doing and how exciting it all is for you. Lucky girls. may be Jemma has had the rough part with coping with Gina and Fiona being sick. Good on yer jem. Love to you all Den and John xxxx
2nd April 2006

Salty scenes
Trust you to find a wheelbarrow in the middle of the salt plains - so you thought you'd bring back some free samples - no thanks. Its quite a coincidence that whilst reading your blogs there have been several TV programs mentioning the same places you visit. Tonight the Planet Earth program visits the Atacama desert - so I'll watch out to see if any of you feature as one of the unusual birds - greater pickled backpackers perhaps. Anyway my geography of south america is much improved after reading your travelogues - 'of all the bars in all the places' Coming next on a screeen near you 'antipodean adventures' - cant wait.
2nd April 2006

Just updated
ELO, we have just got back from Cuba, so have been getting the updates of your adventures, which have made great reading. We do intend to do the Inca trail before we get to old and hopefully before they impose the restrictions. I like the raft on the river with all your smelly belongings, which by now could do with a wash.? Most people tell me that NZ is just like home but with better scenery and less people, we will see. Love to all Jan/Mal Page
3rd April 2006

Hi Trio
Brilliant pics yr taking, what memories yr all going to have for years to come. I thought salt was good for cuts and sore skin, maybe you all should have indulged! Enjoy N.Z, I`m sure you`ll all have a fab time. It`s great receiving all yr blogs, such a good way to keep in touch. Stay safe and continue having fun! Lots of love Jem.....Janey xx
3rd April 2006

Goodbye South America
Well you have seen a lot in your 2 months in S.America. You have entertained many with your experiences. Jemma even had a bit of luck when the car missed her rucksack. Your photographs taken in the water brought back memories of years ago of Scotland where if there was water you had to go in it. You have seen fantastic sights and I look forward to seeing New Zealand through your eyes. Love to the 3 of you Joan xxx
7th April 2006

Nice pics - very envious!
hello! just a quick line to say hope you're having a fantastic time! Terribly jealous! It looks so warm and inviting - I wanna go! Moved into the house! SO when you return from your wanderings around the world you can come up and stay in Northampton and check out the house! Take care - love you lots, Cums xxx
14th April 2006

Journey so far
Got to say girls, although it has taken me about an hour to go through all of your travelblogs, (I am home for the easter weekend) they are very entertaining and I am very very jealous!!!!! Been really nice in Ireland over the last couple of weeks, have even ventured to get out the vest tops!!! Keep up the separte emails - one clean and one not so clean, so that I am updated and anytime you want to call - be my guest. Missing you all (more than I actually thought I would). Take care of yourselves and each other. Lynz, Garret and Sasha XXX
23rd April 2006

So gratifying to hear you girls are having such an amzing time! Betsy how comes you seem to be the only one who doesnt have foot problems, are they made of asbestos or smthg? So I guess you are in NZ now, can't wait to hear about that! Betsy guess what - in true Barbados style I am off on a work trip to Br....Br......Brazil! which should be cool. Will let you know how it goes. At least that will go some way to numb my sheer jealousness! Take care Simon xoxo

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