The way, (h)om(e) and beyond...

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February 21st 2010
Published: February 21st 2010
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Hello Everyone!
I haven't blogged in a while and I apologise for that. Internet time was either hard to get to and/or very expensive.

I want you all to know that I have cut my trip short and that I am at HOME in Ottawa, safe and sound. I have had an amazing 6 month journey and I will write all about it so you can find out more. I will write it in a small e-book and send it out to everyone to read at their leisure.

The reasons I cut the trip short are many, but suffice it to say that it was mostly because, even tho I was enjoying myself immensely, I just missed home, family and friends more and more. After about 2 weeks of wishing I was at home every night, I thought it was time. When I made my decision to come home, everything fell into place right away to make it happen very quickly!

I am VERY happy to be home and would love to see each and every one of you that are in the area. So please get in touch and lets make a date to get together...I MISS YOU!!!

Much love, light and blessings,
Jackie Oh!

PS...bring hugs!!


21st February 2010

I have missed you so much!
Hi Jackie, You have been on my mind soooo much lately - my energy must have summoned you home as well as that of all your good friends. I have wondered about you, hoping that you were okay and just hoping that you were continuing to enjoy your journey of further enlightenment. Please let me know when you will be back in business - because this ole bode could sure use some energy work! I know that you will be inundated with queries, so I will anxiously await your e-book. Cheers and blessings! Janice (Gregory)
21st February 2010

Welcome Home!
Hi Jackie, So happy to hear that you had a great trip and that you are home! I can't wait to see you, let's make plans to meet up soon. Hugs, Annika : )
22nd February 2010

welcome home!!!
Hi sis!!! Soooo glad your home and hopefully we will get together very soon, everyone says you look wonderful and I can hardly wait to see you.. lot so love xxxoooo
22nd February 2010

Cant wait...
Hi Jackie! I know that you have tons of friends and people that will be on the list to see you. Perhaps sometime in March, I can book an afternoon or evening to have a Reiki treatment/Indian head massage and some angel card readings with you and just catch up and hear all about your journey! Glad you're home safe and sound. I promise I will bring you a hug with my visit!! LOL Peace Mary Lou xo

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