Countdown to liftoff...

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March 20th 2006
Published: March 20th 2006
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Charleez AngelsCharleez AngelsCharleez Angels

The only photo I could find of us (hardly current of to be so young...) :)
Hi there everyone!

Welcome to the blog of Kristy (Stuey) and Susan (susan). Also known (now) as CharleezAngelz on account of our dog being named Charlie, and our house being on Angel street. (ah yes, it all comes into place)

Anywho, in exactly 11 days we will be blowing this popstand and flying to London, then Lyon, then Paris, then London (again) then Tokyo, and then home again.

This is Kristy's first ever trip overseas, and the first one I have done in like 10 years - so it is very exciting.

And thanks to all of you who are interested in our trip, we hope that our entries will not bore the pants off of you (too much).

Recent news is that Kristy bought herself a Digital SLR camera, so hopefully we will be uploading some pretty amazing pics on our trip.

Other recent news is that my hometown of Innisfail (which my parents only left about a month ago) was this morning blown apart by cyclone Larry (I so would have gotten like two weeks off of school - it's just not fair!!!) so long suckers...

and finally in the news arena we are both getting more than a bit scared and nervous at the thought of travelling so far...

But, onward and upward

It is going to be bloody unreal!



21st March 2006

Can I hav sum bred? I sor it up on da stove and I want it. My belley iz rumbeling.
21st March 2006

hooray for adventurous adventurers!
29th March 2006

Wear is the reemoat?
Mummees... The Ellen show haz finushed and I wanna wach Reddy steddy cook. I carnt fined the reemoat and I mite hav eated it.
29th March 2006

First human to make comment
I don't get first anything very often, so I have to take it by the balls when I can! Have fun! Sorry I'll miss you we're home in Oz.
5th April 2006

Love that chocolate
Boy did I eat a lot of Easter eggs - all better now but i did spew and my poo was pretty. Eddie has begun to talk nicely to me again.

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