Dude where´s my coach?!

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz
March 13th 2006
Published: March 14th 2006
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So we left San Pedro believing we still had luck on our side despite having to wait 6 hours for our coach, but oh no we soon realised we were sh*t out of luck. Made it about an hour outside Calama when the coach started making strange noises and grinded to a halt - so there we are stuck in the desert in the middle of the night waiting for a replacement coach - feeling a bit annoyed when out of nowhere the tv came on and it was Herbie!! All on the coach were then content for the hour long wait, even though it was in spanish we loved it!

So our next coach arrived and we all trotted on two by two and set off again. All was going well for about 10 hours until once again the coach grinded to a halt, not mechanical problems this time but a road block so our coach had to do a bit of 4*4 action off roading. We all had to get off as it attempted to cross a stream, by this point were all getting a bit agro as we were beginning to feel the affects of the altitude and the gunshots in the distance were troubling us somewhat!

Well obviously we lived to tell the tale and made it to La paz puffing and panting now like old grannies! Due to tiredness and sickness we decided the only thing for us was a bit of healthy food and good nights sleep so headed to the local Burger king to line our bellies - yum!

Next day we headed off to La Paz zoo, with myself and Gina all excited about seeing the animals. Well there were monkeys, tigers, pumas, leopards, llamas and the most special needs bear you would ever see! He was trying to push the water back into the water fountain - proper funny!

So after cooing at all the cutesie animals we figured we better do a bit of sightseeing and headed off to Valle de la Luna (numero dos). Had a number of walks you could do, none of which were too long so we did them all. It was kind of like Raiders of the lost ark which was fun until the thunder and lightening started so we figured it was time to hit the road!

Next day we went to a local cafe to absorb the bolivian atmosphere and muchas lemon meringe pie Jemma! Quite fun people watching as there are the older bolivian ladies in full traditional dress, then other travellers like us sticking out a mile wearing skimpy vests and shorts as its just too hot for us despite the fact all the bolivians have full winter gear on. At one point a young guy said to us "Beautiful ladies, its not santa cruz!" , in other words its cold put some clothes on you strange english people!

In the evening we decided to give BK the swerve and head out to the bar we were at the previous night to eat. WELL.... oh my god i have never had such a good meal - gorgeous lasagne for me and fish and chips for the girls followed by an equally delicious desert (so i´m told). My belly as usual let me down so couldn´t experience the full delight!
May sound strange to get that excited but it was great food, great wine and a live band that played Beatles song all evening and it was only 30 squid!! For all travellers that fancy it, it was called Mongos and we can 100% reccommend it.

Off to Copacabana on the bolivian side of Lake Titicaca now so best go, for all you that add comment, thanks its great to hear from you but its sometimes nice to know who you are so could the real me and anonymous please stand up!!!

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14th March 2006

Fiona- good to see you're having a ball, and have taken much personal pleasure in that I'VE BEEN TO MOST OF THE PLACES YOU HAVE!! (Nothing worse than a gloating backpacker...) Shame you have opted to miss out the World's Most Dangerous Road mountain bike trip while in La Paz as that was a blast... if a bit scary. Get yerselves a nice woolly jumper in La Paz to prepare for those chilly high altitude evenings on the Inca Trail! Suerte DJ
14th March 2006

glad your still enjoying yourselves and looking after each other! Could you not have got your grundies on and fixed the coach yourselves???????? havnt you learnt anything after all these years Jemma? anyways, keep safe and catcha l8erz!!!!!!!!! xxxxxx
14th March 2006

film buff
Maybe it was time to give up your day job. You're writing such a witty travelogue perhaps this is your true forte. Certainly you have avid readers. My comments still only get in about third place despite hourly blog checking . I dont know how the others get in so quick. Good idea using film titles - misspent youth watching videos all night? Whats this with fish and chips and burgher king - spoils the image along with all the exotic place names. So you heard gun shots - told you to watch in the bad lands of la paz - maybe Clint Eastwood will show up in one of your movie pics next. beunos notches
15th March 2006

me is Mum
Hiya to you all. Once again great reading. What would you do without BK or McD's........starve. I presume it was a bit 'hairy' for that long on the coach - well until Herbie arrived. How are you getting used to the altitude - effecting you more than you thought. The zoo looked exciting You all look much slimmer than you started - all this exercise you are doing obviously. Great to hear from you all and take care - don't get arrested. Mumxx
15th March 2006

Well the blogs are coming thick and fast and we are green with envy. It has been snowing here so tee shirts and shorts have not yet sen the light of day! More like long johns! Glad to see that you are all enjoying the travels - love the photies. Look forward to the next edition.
15th March 2006

shots in the night
Well girls I guess that they are not the shots you are all use to at night I bet the ones that you are use to don't go with such a bang even though your heads might feel like they are banging in the mornings after consumption. I love people watching cos there are some really strange people about (I wonder who was watching you three).The name of the place you ate at was quite apt I thought 'Mongo's' did you feel a little at home?The zoo sounded fun we are glad that you all managed to get out ok.Enough of the wise cracks apart from the coach journey being a bit testing it sounds like there is still fun being had. Take Care love mum and dad xxx a kiss each x one for luck
15th March 2006

'Special' Child
Flots, special bear for special you, I like that. You have always been a special child, i'm still waiting for that phonecall!!!

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