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October 23rd 2009
Published: October 23rd 2009
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Well people, as you can probably see by now; I'm landed safe(?) and sound in Delhi.
Not too much to report from the trip over. No exciting stories to tell like the person that was sitting next to Richard Reid on their plane journey over the Atlantic.
Heathrow was a bit of a bore until I got my bags checked in and was able to let loose in the bar. Four sixty a bottle?!!! The pain of forking out such astronomical amounts of money for a bottle of Magners where somewhat relieved when I met a Canadian girl in the bar that was stranded in the airport for the night. What a lady! Haha. Of all the nights that I've been stranded in a airport, why couldn't this have been one of them?!
Plane to Oman was pretty uneventful - Thank fuck! Few beer and just chilled reading Jamie Carragher's book, which I have subsequently just finished. Great book, very honest interpretation on his days at the Pool and his views on the happenings at the club. Anyway, stopped off in Oman for an hour on stopover. If I thought I looked out of place on the previous flight, this one was X times as bad. One white boy amongst however many Asians that were on the plane. I suppose it broke me in gently for what I was heading towards. Stop staring at me!
Got in to Delhi about 2 o clock and waited about an hour and a half to get through stupid bloody health checks, immigration and baggage reclaim. Got picked up then from man at the hostel in a taxi.
Hahahahaha ha, what a taxi ride!! No lanes or nowt here, cows and what not walking up and down the street. 'Beep beep beep' seems to be these people's version of the highway code. Put it like this; I wouldn't want to be on an acid flashback anyway!
Got to the hostel, which may I say is immaculate. Haven't stayed in many but this place is like the Hilton compared to the ones I have stayed in. Clean as a whistle, free breakfast, free net and pasta and bottle a beer in the evening. Plus free airport pick-up. Enjoy it while I can me thinks as the rest of the ones i'm going to be staying in are going to be a lot worse than this. Staying another 3 nights now until monday as I want to see the Pool game on sunday. The district the hostel is in isn't exactly 'well aff'. Haven't seen much of Delhi yet, but what I have seen of this place is both heart wrenching and eye opening. For the people who say they've had a hard up-bringing in life, maybe so, but spare a thought for the little lad I seen walking down the street the last day. He was no older than 4 or 5, was about the height of up to my waist, with no shoes on, a bag tied round his head with a club hammer in his hand collecting scrap metal. If this is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the people growing through it definitely aren't reaping the rewards. I decided 2 days ago that I would try to walk to the ATM instead of getting a tuk-tuk. Bad idea! I happened to stumble upon of the slums of Delhi and was immediately surrounded by about 20 little Indian kids demanding money and trying to rip my pockets off me. Had to turn swiftly on my heels and settle for the mad tuk-tuks.
My plans for today are to go now and book my train ticket for Kathmandu, have a bite to eat and hit the 'Garden of Five senses' with a bag of beer (40p a 650ml bottle). No photos yet, but will have a few up soon whenever I get round to buying batteries for the bloody thing.
Hope all is good back in the land of hoods. Will chat to you's all later.
Keep the Peace!


28th October 2009

Dat dat dat dat dat da da da. Dat dat dat dat dat da da da........
30th October 2009

I was int Cork.........6 Euro a pint!...........ppppppffffffffffttttttttttttt

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