The hills are alive with the sound of barking

Published: March 14th 2006
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So... we arrived safely in Santiago - I nabbed the window seat to once again compete with the Japanese on tacky photo taking. View of the Andes was spectacular - seemed stranged to see that just an hour after leaving BA.

Due to us being on a pretty tight schedule we decided to leave Santiago immediately to go onto Valparaiso as we have to fly back out of Santiago next month and can spend more time there then.

Valpo was just a two hour bus ride out of Santiago and just from the airport to the hostel we met lots of lovely Chileans helping us with directions etc. All of us have made a note to ourselves to be more helpful to lost tourists when back in the UK.

Picked a random hostel out of the lonely planet and despite from the outside looking a bit tatty once inside we realised how nice it was. Large rooms with incredibly tall ceilings - imagine Hove or for the Scottish relative Boat of Garten house.

Valpo is Chile´s second biggest city but situated on a harbour surrounded by steep hills so we ventured out for something to eat at the main cente down the hill, unfortunately forgetting to take note of where we lived! so after a nice meal and not finding any bars we decided to take ourselves home. map in hand i led the girls up the hill, then up a bit more until we realised we didn´t really have a clue where we wer going! A stray dog, who we nicknamed bladder due to his incontinence issues, joined us in wandering aimlessly - at one point i actually thought maybe he was lassie´s cousin and was going to lead us home then he started to run head on into cars and i realised maybe not!! Killer canine man!

Anyway no help from bladder we found our hostel - ok we got a cab really and decided I cannot be trusted with a map anymore!

Visited a few of the areas sites - lots of statues, and acensores (rickety lifts up the steep cliffs), also south america is big on its murals around the cities and Valpo has an open air museum of different mural - however we were more into the rickety lift than the art apparently we have no appreciation for modern art as i prefer the graffiti mural next to our hostel! Also went down to one of the beaches but yet again waited until it got chilly(yes it is chilly in chile) to go so we only managed to lay for about half an hour before the shorts and tee shirts were back on.

Considering the lack of bars we decided to go for the healthy option and went back to the restaurant for cake. It became evident that i should not try and eat with the big girls as i only made it half way through my chocolate cake much to jem and gina´s amusement. However the tables were turned when they ordered a te con leche and got a teabag and hot milk - Karma!!

next day decided to go to vina del mar and catch a bit of sun to try and hide our obscure burns from yesterdays walking adventure, Got there quite easy on one of valpo´s micr(party) buses - it had neon disco lights and a pretty extravagant horn! Wandered down to Acupulco beach where we lay, turned over, lay a bit more and got a massage to ease our backpack sores.
Rather than navigate our own way back to the bus stop we got a horse and cart ride round the city - Gina loves pretending shes the queen!

Hoping to get the bus to Calama tomorrow to go onto San pedro de atacama in the desert so have booked a meal in a nice restaurant round the corner for tonight so we don´t get too hungry on the journey tomoz.

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


6th March 2006

Taylor, sat here on a Monday morning 0906 and you're making me thoroughly sick....sounds like you're having fun!
6th March 2006

Queen and Country
Good morning Lovely to hear all about your travels - I will not be able to watch Lassie again without killing myself laughing - I think they thought I had gone mad at work. You all look well and not too burnt. I suppose you are saving yourself for the 22nd.... Hiking boots on then girls. was a bit disappointed with the beach at Acupulco. By the way was the lion on the left or the right Love to you all xx
6th March 2006

Ahhhhhh! What a larf!
Remember that old saying Jem? You girls continue to have fun and made me giggle quietly at my desk - perhaps order plain tea next time and when it arrives ask for some milk... Loving the photos - Jem have you lost weight? Looks like you have especially in previous blog's photos. Hope you had no trouble after our win over Uruguay! Did you get my text about not going to Luxembourg this weekend? Was well gutted. Amazing how different the weather is where you are. Take care and til next time. Love to you all, Jo xx
6th March 2006

the three muskateers
Hi girls I just replied to your last blog didn't realise I had another one to read and what a great read it was I actually found myself laughing out loud to that one. I hope Gina didn't do her royal wave to too many people from the carriage I would hate for her to embaress you (yeah right).It's a wonder Gina didn't get one of you to rub her feet and the other to rub her neck and hair she loves that though I think I know what the answer would have been. Take Care Love mun and dad xx
6th March 2006

where's the horse
Hav ing trouble keeping up with you now. Bet the Andes looked great. Liked the the shaggy dog story - bladdy funny. Nice pic of the cart but was there really a horse attached - what with lion and the dog wondered if you were at the zoo. Looks like a great adventure especially the next bit as San Pedro is in volcano territory. Dont get to close - you never know when they're gonna blow. Hope the meal was good - good luck on the next leg.
6th March 2006

mum trying to read nan's writing
Gina I see you have'nt lost the art of lying on your back (I think she is refering to the mermaid photo)do you want your dressing gown?I looked at the photo and thought Marilyn Monroe and when I looked again I realised it was Jemma dancing.I think you should change the leader of the pack as Fiona can't show you the way to go home.Grandad made a little comment about Fulham needing a bit of leadership but she would'nt be any help to them either.Nan said it's not funny when you get old and incontinent. Love to you all Nanny and Grandad xxx
15th March 2006

Too much fun!!
Oi Ladeez! Sounds like you're having too much fun! I'm gonna go on bout the weather again because it is making me very envious of you sunny shots of fabulous places!! Oh you guys! You're so lucky. Can I teleport into you backpacks and come and visit!! Take care, enjoy and live it up la vida loca!! lots lof luv Cums xxx
20th March 2006

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Fiona. Hope you have a great day. Lots of love from us both
20th March 2006

Don't fall over - Cums has got a house!!!
Yoyoyo! How's things? Hope you're all well and making the most of the lovely lifestyle you're used to! Just about to move into house. Got keys todday and am rather inebriated on shampoo/champagne!! Hope I find you well and you having a swell time!!! lots of love the envious p****ed one, Cums xxx

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