Greece to Geneva in a day...jk

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva
August 19th 2009
Published: August 19th 2009
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Hell all!

I am now in the beautiful city of Genevè, Switzerland. And I realize I have not blogged for a long time. So here goes....Last time I blogged we were in Greece...which was actually only two days ago...

Well, first of all we took a train, actually towards North to Ancona, Italy to catch a ferry boat to Greece. And then once on the boat we explored the deck, went swimming (in the worlds smallest swimming pool...still fun tho :P) and slept on the floor of the deck...which was actually pretty fun as well...we watched a beautiful sunset late at night and enjoyed the bluegreen grecian waters. And most of all, there was a disco on the boat! They played a bunch of Greek pop songs and international hits (mostly techno or house) and there were even old ladies getting up and enjoyed the dancefloor. We wanted to dance too, but were pretty tired, and tiff had no where to put her valuables. But it was really fun to watch all these people having so much fun, and the Greek pop hits were pretty funny to hear. The next morning we arrived in the port of Patras, Greece and got settled at our okay not great but decent hotel.

we were going to visit Olympia while we were in Patras, but that did not work out right (we stayed up to late, and slept past the train :P), so instead we went to a reeeaallly beautiful beach in Kalogoria, about an hour away from Patras, it was soooo hot, but in the water you could not even notice at all, which we didnt and payed for later :P

But Patras, except for one day, sucked. BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS CLOSED. Literally the whole city was shut down, the two full days we were there. We asked a waiter at the one restaurant (it catered to foreigners) that was open, and it said it wasnt a holiday, but it was a.....very important day...unfortunately he did not elaborate further than that. lol...Anyways we watched a lot of Greek tv, which was fun, and did a lot of wandering around empty streets, which was fun too. The day we left, all the shops opened. lol. But we did have a few hours to look around. The clothes were the cheapest I had seen in all of Europe thus far and the food was reasonably priced as well. We had some really delicious Pita wraps, for really, i wish I could have one now they were so delicious.

Greek people seem friendly, but at the same time, they dont seem too preoccupied with other peoples business which I thought was a good balance. One thing I noticed in Greece, in a small city in Greece, was that even there almost everyone STILL spoke English. English trully is the second language of all of the world, and really the only trully global language, which is really good for us, but at the same time, I feel that Americans are really spoiled that they are never required to learn more than English, and I really wish that there was more of an emphasis on foreign language, because it would have been really fun to be able to use it on this trip. I can only understand a few words in Dutch, hello and thank you only in all the other languages, and occasionally i can understand a phrase if I see some Chinese tourists. 😉 but i really do think it is fascinating how ubiquitious English is.

Anywho, we are now in Switzerland after just two days, so we must have gotten here somehow, right?...well we took another boat back, and slept on the floor of the deck (but saved money by buying greek snacks and water ahead of time this time) 😊 Then we arrived in Bari, Italy (so hot still), and spent some time exploring the city (and buying Italian snacks) was a pretty nice city too, but we soon hopped on a train to Roma again....and after travelling all day long and all night long, we hopped on a midnight train to Geneva...and had a 6 person sleeper, where the people would sleep immediately above us...but me and Tiffany agreed that it was the most fun train we had taken. First of all, almost everyone in our train section was young and lively so everyone was out in the halls chatting and laughing. And in our cabin, we met a really cool guy from Pakistan (but studying in the UK) who we talked with for a few hours about American pop culture and our experiences on the trip so far etc etc. I had him write down his name somewhere, but all I can remember right now was that his last name was Ahmed...:P. There was also a young British couple in our cabin that got on at Firenze (Florence), but they pretty much went right to sleep. It was an interesting experience to sleep on a train, but it was really awesome at the same time...

Anyways, we have been in Geneva all day, and we have a really unexpectedly nice room in our hotel, so we have just been spending the night inside. But Geneva is a really incredible city. It is on Lake Geneva, which is placid and beautiful....and there is this enormous spout of water that goes meters and meters into the air...we will hopefully show some pictures later...

which, as a sidenote, reminds camera Kalogoria i dropped it in the sand, and now the shutter opens up but then it just spazzes out. but thank god that has been the biggest of our troubles on our trip...knock on wood...

Regarding Geneva, however, we went to a free art history museum with all kind of Roman, French, Egyptian etc works of art, and we went pretty late in the day so there was almost nobody there, which was kinda of cool. It was like our own private viewing...we also went up in a ferris wheel and got a birds eye was kind of expensive...but me and tiffany both said that it was very veryy worth it. We also had some spicy Thai soup...yumm, and..get this...saw totem poles...TOTEM POLES... outside of the ethnography museum...which was really cool too see how far the marketplace of ideas and goods streches...proves that there are no boundaries anymore in this world (sans North Korea lol)...

Well, this has been my longest blog i will finish now...we arrive back in Maastricht in two days, with a night stop in Luxembourg. 😊


25th August 2009

are the pictures in your camera okay?? Upload them sooooon Myleeeessss
28th October 2009

kewl :)

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