general update... sorry for silence!

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February 13th 2006
Published: February 13th 2006
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sam and mike through the hatchsam and mike through the hatchsam and mike through the hatch

this is the funny hatch between our room and the kitchen... we had a party at our house and had some good times climbing through the hatch
Hi everyone... sorry we've been quiet for so long... busy settling in and just generally lazy about writing on the travel blog! I guess last notice was that we were looking for a place and that mike was a bit sick... since then, we've found a place, mike has got better and now has a brand new cold, I've been sick and become well, and we've adopted a kitty cat. We've made awesome friends (ie, Vaila, Cormac, Diane) and those friends have left us for rainy countries called 'home.'. I feel like a little kid in a kid's book I used to like about "little-while friends." Luckily, mike's my long-while friend and he tells me he won't leave until I do. Excellent!

So here's a couple of photos of our new life. Teaching is suiting me pretty well... it's a lot of work, but then, I've never really liked stuff that isn't a lot of work... and it's teaching me a lot about English but more about people (it seems that most lessons are about people when you get down to it.) It's a really interesting way to discover a culture... Peruvians are WAY different than Canadians, I'll tell you that much! And living in Cusco is altogether amazing.

Here's a bit of mike's observations:

cusco is one amazing place. while christy is at work i've spent a lot of time going on adventures and discovering all kinds of neat things and places. there is a huge artistic community here and there is all kinds of art everywhere. work being done on the street, galleries, museums and so forth. i've painted pictures on the walls of our bedroom and now to paint pictures of street scenes around town. this place has some seriously old buildings and so much history. i feel very lucky not to have to get up in the morning and go to work, except for my own projects. no hockey on t.v. , but the soccer season just started a couple of days ago and it's easy to see this town already going nuts.

Well, that's it from us for now... included are a couple pictures of our new house and kitty and city.

love christy and mike

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taxi! a la perutaxi! a la peru
taxi! a la peru

here's mike and his peruvian rendition of the taxi! bird we had on our wall at home.

14th February 2006

Hurray, for the end of the silent travel blog. That hatch looks like a lot of fun!
20th February 2006

buenas dias
Oh, man, you have re-ignited my distant memories of chewing on coca leaves and overcoming a lot of the same kinds of "mysterious illnesses". It sounds as though you are having the time of your lives.. A note about the clever disguises on the llamas though; not so clever, as I can clearly make out that it is none other than Christy who is the second llama from the left. Nice try, though: a little green gel and creative use of the blow dryer can work wonders. Rock on, Team, looking forward to the next installment.

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