Cape Town

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May 7th 2009
Published: May 13th 2009
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Day one

Our final stop in South Africa - Cape Town! Arrived late on sunday night and had a quick bite to eat before we hit the sack. Monday was spent wandering around a bit in central Cape Town. Not too energetic since we still were a bit sick. We managed to visit the Company Gardens anyway! =) A nice park where we had fruit salad with ice cream. Nom! As we were walking down the street we bumped in to Marvil! What are the odds for that? *haha* A city with 3,1 million inhabitants and we meet the only one we know! =)

Day two

Today we felt a bit better so we decided to go up to Table Mountain. Took a taxi for R45 and payed R74 p/p to go on the cable car to the top. Halfway up we dissapeared in the clouds... It was not much of a view since the top was totally surrounded by clouds. But we still walked around some up there, it felt a bit like we were at the edge of the world. We saw dassies! Such cute animals.

Were thinking about hiking down, but a south african woman we met said that you need blankets and flash lights in case you don't make it down. There were also 'bad people' around... So we became a bit hesitant... Jenny had her ballerina shoes on so that was another consern. In the end we hooked up with a family from Vermont, USA. They had already hiked up the mountain and said that it was NO problems. And so we decided to walk down after all. It was a beautiful walk down! Although Jenny hurt her toe and got some blisters. =(

Shared a Rikki down with the family (R65), and back in town we went to 'A Colour Red' for pasta dinner. We were starving!! Felt pretty satisfied with the day, so just chilled for the remains of the day, watching some tv.

Day three

Today we were in for a great adventure!! White shark cage diving!! Got picked up at 9 and went to Hansbaai where we had breakfast and a quick information meeting before we headed for the sea. Good we had to sit still most of the time because our legs were so sore since the hike! =)

Arrived at the anchor spot and the cage was set up. Now all we had to do was to wait for the sharks to come and investigate the fish heads that were used for bait. We had to wait for maximum 10 minutes before the first shark arrived! It was about 3 meters and it was an amazing feeling to see such an intimidating beast! And in the cage we went! The sharks were as close as half a meter at times. Vision was not too good, so when the crew yelled 'Down!' we quickly went under the surface to watch the sharks swim by. About half an hour later we saw the biggest shark for the day - 3,5 meters. It looked enormous! And it was still just a juvenile... Imagine to see one of the fully grown adults at 6 meters... Talk about scary! It is very rare though to see the bigger sharks. They are more careful and don't like to come close to the boats. Also juvenile sharks don't mind to scavenge on left overs.. =)

We had a great day and the sharks were breaching a lot wich apparently were unusual for this time of the year. We even had to go back to shore earlier than planned because the sharks managed to eat all of the bait! Totally we saw 4 different sharks, never more then one at a time though. It was two very satisfied girls that headed back towards Cape Town!

Since we were still kind of excited, we had a quick shower and then went to dinner at Mama Africa on Long Street. What an experience! Ordered in ostrich file and enjoyed the live band playing - Abakhaya. The singer even draged Tess up on stage and danced and sang for her. =D He had a Great voice, and sent chilles of pleasure down our spines. It was awesome! And the food was great too! =)

Then we decided to have a pub crawl. Went to Neighbourhood on Long Str for a beer, but it was not really a place to dance at, so we asked around and was advised to go to Bang Bang Club on Loop Str. Arrived there and payed R50 in admission.... only to discover that the place was cramped with college kids... Bah! Stayed for about ten minutes, but the music was crap. =( Last chance... went to Zula on Long Str. Here we go! Ordered some songs and then we danced the night away... or at least we tried. Sore from the hike remember..? =)

Day four

The plan was to go out to Robben Island to see Nelson Mandelas cell and learn some more about apartheid. But first Tess was getting her last vaccine, against encefalitis. It took about two hours to find the clinic because people kept pointing us in the wrong direction. In the end we managed to get the adress. Problem solved.. almost. It was still tricky to find. But we managed of course! 😉 The woman doctor was very nice, so don't hesitate to go there!! The Travel Clinic at 58 Strand Str. Enter through the mall.

Went down to the harbour only to discover we missed the last trip of the day with about 20 minutes. Darn! Instead we walked around in a souvenir shop for a while. Also treated ourselves to a plate of cheese and crackers. It was delicious!!! Then we went to the Aquarium and looked at fishies.. =)

We had dinner at Nyoni's Kraal, also on Long Street. Had ''Hunters Scewer'' with ostrich, kudu, springbock and impala. The best scewer we ever had! The meat was perfect, the sause was great! And the service was very good. The best so far on the trip.

Headed to bed early since we needed to get up at 4:45 the next day to catch a plane to Jo'burg.

Long Street Backpackers dorm R100 p/p
Aquarium R85 p/p
Shark Cage Diving R1100 p/p with Ecoventures, pick up, breakfast, lunch and drop off included.
Dinner for 2 at Mama Africa R350 incl. 2 glasses of wine and 2 irish coffee.
Dinner for 2 at Nyoni's Kraal 320 icl 2 glasses of wine and coffee.

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23rd May 2009

Jonas hälsar att han blev superavis på dig med hajjarna! Han tycker du är dödscool just nu. Och jag måste säga, fan vilka SCHYSTA BILDER!! Supersnygga! Miss u darling!

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