Day 20 & 21: Sophia University Orientation ; Japanese Test

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April 3rd 2009
Published: April 3rd 2009
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[youtube=ZgT1avFrrZc][youtube=aIWT8I--tN8][youtube=Wi2GSZ8-r4Y][youtube=MJZcf6K_X9U][youtube=g8wHnw3dbNk][youtube=Tc2h2c1Y-v4][youtube=Nm2QjyPMJss] Day 20: Sophia University Orientation

8:00am: I woke up because I thought Jon, Mr. Ng, and I were going to talk on Skype. Then, I thought we were going to talk at 8:30am, so I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

8:30am: I sent a message to Jon saying let's make it 9:30am, so I can eat breakfast. I finished getting ready and I ate breakfast, which was a slice of bread with ham and egg on it, salad, and water. I received the host house key. 😊 My host parents just got the key.

9:30am: Jon says that his dad won't be available until 1:00pm my time, but I will be at Sophia University's orientation! Oh no! So, Jon decided to put his dad and I on speaker phone and Mr. Ng and I talked like that. We were discussing about Jon coming to Japan. Jon is really coming!! When we hung up, I realized that I could have had a conference call using Skype.

10:30: I watched tv and played with Yuzuki.

12:00pm: I left to go to Sophia University Building 2. The trains were quick.

1:00pm: I was really hungry, so I bought a $4 BLT sandwich and a water bottle, it was SO GOOD.

1:30pm: Building 2 looks like old Japanese schools from anime / Japanese dramas. The room looked old and cramped, so I felt like I was in a Harry Potter scene or in a poor Japanese school scene. I got A LOT of papers!! I have to read a lot! Some flyers were in Japanese, so I can't read them. I was really bored because the orientation presenters spoke English that I couldn't comprehend. I wanted to leave and just read the papers myself. I think I will avoid non-native English speaking professors when choosing my classes.

3:20pm: Orientation was FINALLY finished. I learned nothing but to read the important papers. I went straight to Building 11 (CIEE Office) to figure out what I need to do to get the commuter pass. The orientation was VERY HARD to understand for EVERYTHING.

3:30pm: I see a LONG line in front of the CIEE Office. When I finally got in the CIEE Office, I got my travel reimbursement money from the past few days, filled out my commuter pass ID sticker, and headed for
Keihin-Tohoku is Also in DelayKeihin-Tohoku is Also in DelayKeihin-Tohoku is Also in Delay

Good thing I was taking the OTHER way.
Yotsuya station.

4:00pm: There was a LONG LONG line at Yotsuya station trying to get the commuter pass. The commuter pass form was in Japanese ONLY and I had to play "match the kanji" because I cannot read. I used the English directions about the form from my CIEE handbook but it had an old version of the form. It took me 1 hour to fill out such a small sheet of paper. Then, I waited in the LONG line to get the commuter pass.

5:30pm: I finally got my commuter pass. It allows me to travel from my host house to school unlimited times. I can also get off in any station in the middle for free. I rushed home.

6:30pm: I made it to my host family. My host family already ate dinner, so I ate my food, meat with this sauce, rice, and miso soup.

7:30pm: I talked to my host family.

8:00pm: I took a shower, entered the ofuro, and brushed my teeth. I said good night and went to my room. I read a lot of the orientation papers, course schedules, UIC scheduling this Fall, and called Jon. I realized
Lunch PlaceLunch PlaceLunch Place

It has vending machines like the Sophia University cafeteria but it's cheaper and better tasting. It's very close by Sophia University.
that the course that I need isn't offered this year. The only TRUE credit I will get is history credit. Everything else are extras. At least I still graduate on time.

11:30pm: I went to sleep.

Day 21: Japanese Test

3:30am: Jon calls me to wake me up to register for my fall classes on the UIC website (for 2:40pm Chicago time). I talked to my family on Jon's webcam. There's video clips on this. We talk for a while.

4:37am: Jon and I hung up, so I can be prepared to click on the courses that I want for UIC.

4:40am: At 2:40pm, Chicago time, I quickly registered. Total time was 1 minute. I got all the classes I wanted. I'm thinking I will also take Japanese at UIC, but I'm not sure. I think I should focus on accounting first.

4:45am: I read the Japanese Intensive Requirements...I got surprised! I NEED to know 200 kanji for the intensive program?! I didn't study kanji at all!! I cram like crazy to know 200 kanji.

6:50am: I took a nap.

7:20am: I woke up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, fixed myself,
Lunch PlaceLunch PlaceLunch Place

Tiny but worth the price.
called Jon, and ate breakfast (slice of bread with egg & ham and apple juice).

8:30am: I left to go to Sophia University. While on the Keikyu Line, my friend texts me and says that the Yamanote Line is NOT running. Good thing I can also take Keihin-Tohoku to get to school.

9:00am: Shinagawa station was PACKED with people running around!! Lots were asking the police what to do. Whenever you have a question on how to get somewhere, you ask the Japanese police. They know absolutely where everything is (the club Muse, the ice-skating rinks, parks, schools, etc.). I took a picture of the kanji stickers place under the Yamanote and one way of the Keihin-Tohoku lines. Good thing my train wasn't delayed or anything. BUT all the Yamanote riders rushed to get into Keihin-Tohoku. People couldn't move on the stairs and I was being pushed around. I wish I recorded it...but it was so PACKED that even I couldn't move my arms. I was squished in the station. I was MORE squished in the actual train.

9:30am: I was out of the train delay/accident/no running commotion. I went to Building 11 to take the Japanese

I took a picture of this map, just in case I got lost looking for the ice rink.
intensive test.

10:00am: The test started. It was hard. I couldn't read nearly everything. I was pretty ashamed of being half Japanese, carrying a Japanese passport, having a Japanese name, looking Japanese, and have taken 3-4 years worth of Japanese classes...and I STILL can't finish the "BASIC" portion of the placement test. I could barely write sentences. It's been 3 years since I last wrote a long Japanese anything. I wish I studied harder... well, I'm not going to expect much when I see my results. It looks like I will be taking A LOT of extra courses for my UIC curriculum. Oh least my adviser knows that I know that.

11:40am: I finished early because I gave up trying to read things that I know I can't matter how long I looked.

12:00pm: I ate lunch with Elizabeth and we found this great cheap place that had the same vending machine as the Sophia University's cafeteria...but the food is cheaper and tastes WAY BETTER!! I will surely come back. But of course, I want to explore Sophia Univesity's surroundings before I commit going somewhere.

1:00pm: Elizabeth and I went to the book store and I bought 2 Sophia University sweaters ($20 & $27) and 2 Sophia University handkerchiefs ($2/ea). They were in different colors. The store also had pants, bags, goggles, etc. Nothing was called by the university's Japanese name, Jochi Daigaku, only the English name, Sophia University. I would prefer the Japanese name for personal reasons...but the colors and stuff was too cute.

2:00pm: Elizabeth and I split at Shinjuku to take our own host home routes.

3:00pm: I decided to see the ice-skating rink that host dad, Daiki, found from the internet. I took the Keihin-Tohoku line to Higashi-Kanagawa. I had NO IDEA where the ice skating rink was, but I assumed that the police knows. I went straight to the Koban (police box) and asked where the ice rink was. I couldn't really understand I decided just to follow the first direction and keep asking people along the way.

3:15pm: I found the ice rink. I went inside to inquire about the rink and lesson times. It's hopeless. Japanese people can understand me, but I can't understand their answers! I decided to just take the forms and pretended to understand. I thanked the staff for helping me. I went back to the train station.

3:45pm: I accidentally took the wrong train to go to Yokohama to transfer to the Keikyu Line to Zoshiki. I went back and rode on the correct trains. It's so easy to navigate with the trains! I ALWAYS get lost in Chicago, but I'm having such a easy time here in Japan!

4:15pm: I made it to Zoshiki station. I am still early to go home. I went to Lawson 100Yen to buy those white masks that Japanese people wear (6 pieces for a $1). Then, I went to the 100 Yen shop to buy supplies I needed, glue sticks, eraser, colored pens, white out, and post-its. All for a $1. Then, I went to the hair salon to have someone do my bushy eyebrows. I gave up looking for a salon that waxes or threads my eyebrows. This is my first time someone shaving to clean up my eyebrows. I really prefer waxing because these eyebrow shaves will only come back quickly. But my messy eyebrows were really irritating me, so I let the lady shave and cut stuff off. It's okay. I was starving and gave up on
Ice RinkIce RinkIce Rink

It says, "Ice Skate"
being hungry. I went to 7eleven and bought onigiri with tuna inside. My stomach and head felt a relief. I was feeling dizzy from being hungry between meals. I must be using too much energy walking to trains and places. I never ate this much in Chicago.

5:00pm: I was at my host home. Host mom, Manami, read my ice-skating papers. She even called the ice rink to confirm details! I can indoor ice skate everyday from 10am-6pm for $11. That's a good deal compared to the $5 for 1.5 hour that McFetridge gives for indoor skating in Chicago.

6:00pm: Tokyo is dustier than Chicago. Weird right?! I vacuumed and wiped my room. I even opened my windows to get rid of the dust. I was actually coughing and choking from the dust during the last 2 days. I feel better now.

7:00pm: I was already suffering from being hungry again.

7:30pm: Dinner started! It was salad and pasta with fish sauce and tuna. It was so good! My host family and I talked. I played with Yuzuki.

8:00pm: I took a shower and bath. Manami finds it interesting that I switched my washing habits. I just don't want to bother her in the morning when she's trying to do laundry and I want to shower. They're in the same area.

9:00pm: I played with Yuzuki. Manami and Daiki is like Jon and I when we're talking and playing around. It's so cute!

10:00pm: I began updating this again.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


West Exit: Way to Ice RinkWest Exit: Way to Ice Rink
West Exit: Way to Ice Rink

I took this picture so I wouldn't forget which exit to go to.
Sophia University SweatshirtSophia University Sweatshirt
Sophia University Sweatshirt

American Size: S $20
Sophia University SweaterSophia University Sweater
Sophia University Sweater

Front View American Size : S $27
Sophia University SweaterSophia University Sweater
Sophia University Sweater

Back View American Size: S $27
Sophia University HandkerchiefsSophia University Handkerchiefs
Sophia University Handkerchiefs

I keep getting into bathrooms without paper towel!!!!!!!!!! I hate getting into my bag for pocket tissues. My bag and plastic that holds the tissue get SOGGY. This will solve my problem.

5th August 2010

Sophia University Sweatshirt
I am a former student of Sophia University. I appreciated the education and understanding of life, I received while a student there. Where can I get a Sophia University sweatshirt? Please provide me information, throught my e-mail address. Thank you. Does anyone have the phone number, to the college bookstore?
22nd November 2010

Re: Roger Caldwell
I'm not sure if Sophia University sells sweatshirts online, but you may purchase one when you get to Tokyo and visit the university.
23rd February 2012
Sophia University Sweatshirt

Ugly Sweatshirt
That by any standards is the ugliest sweatshirt I have ever seen. Why is there pink in its design? However, I am a former student, and would like to make a purchase. Does anyone have the bookstore's phone number?

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