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February 1st 2006
Published: February 1st 2006
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Our accomodation in LantaOur accomodation in LantaOur accomodation in Lanta

Garden Hill Resort

For the last few weeks Dan and myself have been island hopping round Thailand. We stayed in Ko Lanta first which was a really nice island with loads of beaches. As this island only has one, straight road, it requires no navigational knowledge what so ever, so we dicided even we would be safe on a motorbike!! Once on the bike we took to the open road and found a small town with bars, resturants, mini marts (this discovery was the god send as we found chocolate!!)

From Ko Lanta we went in search of other islands and more beaches, which we did, we visited Mook, Ko Ngai, and another two which neither of us can remember their names. These beaches were beautiful. Perfect clear blue water, stunning white, soft sand, loads of fish and hiden caves which we were allowed to explore. As far as the fish went, i looked and admired them from a safe distance (the top of the boat) while Dan snorkled, i did attempt it but panicked, swallowed a load of water, couldnt then breath and Dan had to take me back to the boat. To top that off, they have loads of

Our little get around!
mini jellyfish that we had to swim through to get back to the boat, they do sting you but they're so small it doesnt hurt its just really annoying pain, like tweezing, you'd think id be used to it!!!

We were helped (haunted!?) by this crazy couple we met, they were so nice to us and took us for breakfast and dinner and showed us cool things cos they knew the island really well, but they were also everywhere we went, not that in the end we could go many places without them, one morning we were woken up at 8 am by them bringing us a toaster and bread they had just bought us, in case we get peackish, another morning a taxi that we hadnt booked turned up for us at 7.30 am to take us to Ko phi phi, Dan thought it was just a mistake but that was where the crazy couple had told me they were going that day, coinsidence?.......i think not!!! Seriously they were a nice pair who thought me and Dan were only bout 18 and wanted to mummy us, (Dan does look really young afterall !!)

After we left Ko

Yeah, not a bad beach all to ourselves!
Lanta we moved on to Rai Lei beach which is where we are still. It is really beautiful. We are surrounded by high cliffs and palm trees and a really nice beech. The sunsets are amazing as our pictures will show. Its still really hot so even i am tanning..slowly!! Our little bunglow is really nice with tv, mini bar, air con, tea making facilities and hot and cold water, i know, were REAL travellers!!! Seriously their isnt alot else to do along this stretch of beech because its not very built up or to touristic so all the accomadation is nice and well maintained (Unlike our Ko Lanta bathroom which had so many insects and geckos we actually used the public toilet instead if we could, that was until the crazy nice couple took us on a shopping trip for industrial strengh insect killer!!)

Should have the pictures on soon, and Dan wants to inform you all that he is in the best place for his gambling problem as there are laws and restrictions here which means he cant gamble!!! Horray.

Speak to you all soon. xxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Our Pool!Our Pool!
Our Pool!

Our pool in railay. We stayed at the sandsea resort.
Railay BeachRailay Beach
Railay Beach

Gorgeous place!
Railay BeachRailay Beach
Railay Beach

Railay has the best sunsets ever!

2nd February 2006

Recommended Accomodation
Hi there, would you be able to recommend some accommodation in Rai Lei? I am headed there in about six weeks and am interested in finding a safe, nice place to stop over for a couple of days. Thanks! Kate
2nd February 2006

its cold!!!
Pics r gd, it was so f in cold v other nite it snowed!!! wot did u get v becket boys from v dodgy man? av u packed ur factor 60 gaffer? em we want more pics? xxxxx
6th February 2006

alright mate
yeah pics are coming, computers are well slow over in thailand so i could'nt be bothered! be in australia on 6th feb so should be able to do them then, what e-mail can i get you at?
6th February 2006

Thanx for the new kit Gaffer....!

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