Boxing Day At The Beach

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December 26th 2005
Published: January 22nd 2006
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After a fairly late start we began cleaning up before lunch. Afterwards, Jens told me to get some warm clothes on as we were going to the north shore. I did as he asked and in 30 minutes my host family, Kiki and I were on our way. Along the way my host parents pointed out several things such as the Aalborg Airport and the farm from which they had gotten Kiki. After driving for around 30 minutes, we reached Blokhus, where a few pubs and restaurants sat closed. Waiting, as Jens told me, for summer and all its visitors. Unfortunately, Like these restaurants, the batteries for my camera had died for the umpteenth time, due to the cold weather.

We then continued on to the beach. Karin pointed out to me that the beach was one of the few in the world that you could drive your car on. We drove up the beach for about 10 kms then parked on the sand and got out and played with Kiki. The winds were spreading across the beach like a fine mist and it was freezing but incredible to watch. By this time it was about 3 pm and the sky had started to darken. We walked along the beach and picked up stones looking for any amber which may have washed up before heading back to the car. After getting in, we looked outside to see that Kiki was still wondering outside. So, to give her some exercise (she hadn’t been out much because of the weather) and drove the car fairly slowly, so she could run alongside.

As we neared the exit of the beach we stoped the car and let her in, she was so happy, that she jumped from the back of the car into the back seat and gave us all a big lick. We then drove to Fafar’s and Farmor’s (Jens’ parents) beach house, Kiki, Jens and I got out. Jens took me out to the top of the hill just behind it and showed me the whole area. It was very pretty as you could see all the houses in the surrounding area as well as the dunes from where we were standing. Jens told me that in that particular area, there were very strict housing regulations to protect the area. As we were stepping through the long grass, Jens also told me that during summer, they had to watch out for snakes because, one of the two snakes in Denmark was found in this area. What was sweet, was that FaFar (Jens’ father) had painted different pictures which were bright and cheery, along the concrete wall that separated the hill from the house, so that it could be seen through the windows. We let Kiki back in the car again and she decided that she wanted to be even more cheeky and this time, not only climbed into the back seat, but then stole the drivers seat much to our amusement. By this time the sky had almost turned inky black and we headed back to Aalborg.


22nd January 2006

Love to Melinda
Great to hear all is well. I love the idea of excercising the odg by letting it run while you drive slowly along!!!! I wounder if Cam would like that too - might be a way to get rid of some excess energy!!!! Thanks for the postcard Mindy. All the best, Love Michelle

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