I miss my Toyota Carolla :(

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January 17th 2009
Published: January 17th 2009
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Hey....SO I was off work at 2 pm today...heading home, and going up a hill and all of a sudden am losing speed....my foot is still on the gas pedal but the car is slowing down!!!! Thank goodness I was in an area of road where there was a passing lane, but it was a 100 km/h area so I pulled off as far as I could before the car completely stopped! Did I mention that it had over heated my first day of work :S and I was 20 minutes late. So I had noticed the gage was at the hottest it could get, so I pulled into a Shell station and a man helped me out and said the water pump was going....so it didn't over heat and stop working, and now we just have to top it up with water before going far distances...anyway back to TODAY! It was also Mark's and my 6 months!!! So I was excited to get home and see Mark and Kobi and then THIS happens! Some people stopped and let me use their cell phone to call Mark. Another really sweet couple, John and Mary, stopped and towed me down the road and out of the 100 zone to a little turn off to Okurukuru winery. Mark showed up around 2:45 pm and assessed the situation. I felt I had done a pretty good job, checked to make sure it hadn't over heated, made sure I hadn't just run out of gas (lol) the lights and radio etc were all working and when you turned the key the engine turned over a bit so I figured it wasn't just the battery. Mark ended up calling his sister and brother in law who came also (Scottie knows a bit about cars) and Deb would have call CAA saying she was driving so they would tow it, if we couldn't get it onto Scotties trailer. Anyway, in the meantime, John and Mary stop by again on their way home from town, turns out John is Mark's aunt Deb's ex boyfriends brother or something weird like that. And then friends of Scottie and Deb's saw Scott's van and pulled in after a day of golf. They pushed the car up onto the lawn of the winery and safely pushed it onto the trailer! I got pictures....you'll notice little Oliver is in the action in some of the pcitures as well. He was right in there helping out! Such a cutie! So we didn't get home til after 5pm!!!! Yikes! what a day! And Mark slept on his neck wrong and can barely move it, plus Kobi is not doing so well last night with us leaving him to cry during the night - Mark ended up putting his bed in the bathroom in the garage so we could get some sleep! Eeeeek! So we have tuckered him out today to make sure he sleeps tonight! So needless to say, we didn't get to do much for our little anniversary! I had made meatballs yesterday anyway so we had spaghetti with italian sausage and meatballs for dinner and garlic bread yummm!
Still loving little Kobi, he does so many funny things that make us laugh. He took a running leap off the couch today, chasing after his giraffe!
SO, Mel, I got your email when I got home and you mentioned about Morgan's car and then asked about MINE....well! That is how my car is! And I miss my little Toyota! Ol' reliable Toyota's!
Love An xxoo

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awww Kobi and his big black teddy dog and his giraffe...I guess I have a thing for giraffe's - I bought one for Bella too! YES Ry it was a giraffe!!!! lol

17th January 2009

You wouldn't want your Toyota Corolla today, as it's buried under two feet of snow!!!! LOL
19th January 2009

Next time
Sorry you didn't have a better day! John is right about the snow! Hope Kobi is sleeping good and having fun with his ... cow :)

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