Ugh drunks... lol

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Europe » Austria » Vorarlberg » Lech am Arlberg
January 14th 2009
Published: January 14th 2009
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So last night was pretty interesting. But telling the story requires some explaining. My room is one of many in this house where they rent rooms out to ski instructors and local workers, BUT on the main floor there is a strip club... (which used to be a very tasteful, family-oriented restaurant), clearly the owners had a change of heart concerning their profession. Anyway, my room just happens to also be lucky enough to be next to the room where 'the girls' get ready for their performance. SOOO last night I was innocentely reading my book in bed and talking to friends online when outta no where i hear loud footsteps outside and then someone kept banging on my door trying to get in! So I was pretty bloody pissed and opened the door to find a bunch of drunken men outside my door and said "UM YA!?" all irritated. Two of the drunken men at this time saw the strippers getting ready in the room next door and B-lined to them, while one of them remained in front of my door staring at me and swaying. Then he extended a hand and in broken drunken english said "Hello.. my name is Gustaf." So then I stared at him swaying there with his hand extended, gave a big sigh and slammed the door in his face lol. I cant help it, i was pissed. How dare some drunken idiots burst through the halls, bang on my door and have the nerve to actually try and pick me up, ugh... lol Though my obvious irritance didnt seem to phase them since he just yelled "goodnight fiesty one!" through the door and said he'll be back to meet me cuz he likes the "fiesty ones." I'll eat my hat if that guy even remembers anything in the morning lol. But apparentely they freaked the strippers out too since i heard a scream and a few slaps, which sent them running out the door.

So whats the ultimate lesson here? Lock your doors haha, and from now on im locking the main door to the hallway :P

On a more higher note, I had lunch today with a few friends in this restaurant thats set in the old dining area of a medieval castle. So that was pretty cool. Im quite the sucker for historical places/things. Go ahead call me a nerd I dont care! Cuz its true haha


15th January 2009

Nerd. haha just kidding, sounds like a pretty interesting evening to say the least. lunch in a castle sounds pretty cool!

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