whoa info overload

Published: September 5th 2008
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Wow! There is so much going on it's hard to know where to start.

I AM IN NICARAGUA THOUGH! MANGAGUA! We're at a 3 day "retreat" in a Best Western hotel that is literally across the street from the airport. Like we walked out and walked across the street. I will have to take photos of the place because it is freaking beautiful. All on one level but the grounds are very expansive and gorgeous. There are flowers everywhere. All the trees - mango = all five species - papaya, banana, coconut - all have signs on them so you know what you're looking at. There are two outdoor pools, which is where most everyone is right now.

It's 5pm. We got out of meetings early. We eat dinner at 6pm. Most everyone is in the pool which is why the complementary computers are relatively free.

Gah! Okay so we arrived yesterday afternoon and have been in training since then - all afternoon yesterday and all day today. Everything from PCV Safety and Security to meetings with ALL of the staff here - and some volunteers who are currently serving, to monetary stuff to getting vaccines to having Spanish language assessments to just getting to know the 40 volunteers that are here.

We've also been splitting up b/t Ag and Env volunteers and getting to know our bosses and program leaders, which I've enjoyed a great deal. My Ag program leaders are two middle aged Nicas who are very competant and cool. There are 22 of us Ag volunteers in Nica48.

We also met the Nica Director and he's just a super cool Italian immigrant American. Everyone here has a good sense of humor and they're making me feel very safe.

For instance, they obviously tell us how to stay safe. Don't go out at dusk on your own. Listen to your host family and watch what they do. Always take taxis in Managua and never public busses - look at the license plates - odd/even plates go in shifts at AM or PM. So if it's at night and an AM taxi is trying to get you, he's probably up to no good so don't get in; also, make a fake phone call - or a real one - saying that you'll be wherever in a few minutes so the taxi drivers feel obligated. BUT if all of the Safety and Security stuff fails and you get mugged or worse, you report it to PC and they will back you 100%! (MISSING) They are going to take VERY good care of us and I am so glad that I have them here to help me out - to help all of us out.

Also, not to worry, Nica is the safest country in Central America. However, it is the 2nd poorest country in the WESTERN HEMISPHERE. So the Nicas are very glad to have us here. About half the staff here - or more? are Nicaraguans who work for Peace Corps.

Ah! So much! So tomorrow is Friday and we have training all day - bfast at 7am and done by 6pmish. Long days. Then Saturday morning we all split up. The Ag volunteers go to communties around Esteli in the north, and the Env kids go down near Masaya. So Saturday night I will be staying with my new host family - my new family for the next 3 months. More on that when it happens.

Right now I just came from the pool. About 15 volunteers were playing pool frisbee. Meanwhile, there is some like judo class of kids here. I think they're Nicas. All teenagers. All dressed in sweats and layers under their uniforms. Boys and GIRLS all practicing moves and throw downs next to the pool - very cool to watch. WM, J and P are running laps around the hotel complex. And I'm listening to my "ha ha tonka steps" mix on my ipod.

Okay, other volunteers want to use the interweb before dinner so am gonna log off so they can get on, too.

LOVE YOU ALL! Sorry for the crackity spazziness of this entry - just don't know where to start or where to elaborate.

love from the nica!


6th September 2008

Hi There
Hi Molly First let me tell you that Arielle gave me the book today, for this thanks, and I wish all the best for you in your new chalenge, adventure, or experience, well if you considere an experience, I think that is a very good experience... Regards and thanks again.

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