New Plymouth

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December 17th 2005
Published: December 17th 2005
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Happy Christmas!!!!!

We are now in New Plymouth enjoying the sun, sea and surf - where we plan to be over the Christmas period.

Since last we added an entry, we have travelled from Kaikoura to Nelson to Picton to Wellington to here! (as you can see, we're still clocking up the miles!)

Just outside Kaikoura we had a great time surfing, finally got up on the board - before falling in the water again! Had a great time though, just practicing and playing.

We returned to Nelson, where we have visited before - as it was such a lovelly town and beach. Helena was able to have perfect conditions for her kite surfing and got out most of the days we were there - she was able to practice and, has come on in leaps and bounds, as well as having a great time. The place is a haven for Kite Surfers with a great friendly atmosphere, welcoming all, from those just starting to seasoned experts. One expert lady called Cindy, was able to help us repair H's kite properlly, after we discovered that it was still leaking air. She has had seven years experinece in the sport (so pretty much from when the sport started) and, was really friendly and encouraging. She has sponsorship deals and has surfed down in Cornwall, doing some cool stuff with the sport, she very down to earth and a good ambassador for Kiting.

Since Nelson we pretty much head straight here to New Plymouth, where the surf is great for learning and the people are generally very friendly. First day here, had a seasoned surfing local, give us some tips with our surfing - which was cool and, we were most thankful for!

The weather has generally been hot and sunny, with a few summer storms. Our campsite is pleasant, with one of the guests being a local lifeguard from the surf station, who gives us the surf forcast most mornings!

We are planning on chilling out and enjoying the fine weather, a Christmas barbeque is planned!

All the best to you all, may you have a great, safe and fun Christmas and New Year period!


Chris and Helena xx


19th December 2005

Wot No Comments !!
You go to all the trouble to add a new blog and there are no comments. Just not good enough. Bit less surfing and a bit more chess playing I say.Have a great Christmas and think of us scraping ice of the cars
20th December 2005

Mistletoe and wine
Ok I'll give you the last BBQ of the year - enjoy but we bags the first one of next year 12:30am on new years day :) Have a great time. Lots of love and hugs us
23rd December 2005

happy christmas
have a happy christmas and enjoy the bbq love mum and dad
26th December 2005

Happy New Year
Hope you both enjoyed christmas, enjoying keeping upto date with all your travel stuff. Realy jelouse about the sunshine and bbq, we lucky things are expecting realy heavy snow in the next couple of days. Have fun XXX Happy 2006!

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