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Europe » Denmark
December 8th 2005
Published: December 8th 2005
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Last night I went to my host sisters music concert. It was held in the biggest church in town. (Which was Lutheran). It was white both inside and out. It had wooden seats and great acoustics...
The sections which were wood were íntricately carved and painted with scenes of Jesus’ last week on earth. Also the Apostles and Mary were there, as well as a few angels. I think that the church was built in 1739 and there was a choir alcove up the back, above everyone. My favorite pieces of music performed were Cannon ( by the string instruments) then, the first Noel (by my host sister Kathrin and her singing group) and a danish carrol sung by my other host sister (Anna) and her singing group.

Afterwards we went to the pub. Which Jens told me that the house above and the cellar area (where the pub was) had onced belonged to a very rich man who had not liked the local government of the day and had built a huge house right next to the town hall just to spite them (this being in the 1600’s). The pub was interesting in that there were four or five very large kegs ( I didn’t ask whether they were full or not) and on each sat at least two elf figurines/doll things...and before you ask I had sprite - which they have in glass bottles (coke too). There were also at least 100 plaques on the walls from ships and stuff. As we were walking back to the car, Karin pointed out a HUGE Christmas tree in the center of the city and told me that it came from Aalbourg’s sister city in Norway ( I asked what the city got given to them and they didn’t know). Also we walked throught the center of town and they showed me this chunk of ice as bigger than me from Greenland.

Anyway, today we went bowling. I got the lowest score out of the entire group as they didn’t have any gutter-guards up and I kept getting gutter-balls.( my score for the first game was 8 - no kidding, that was the whole TOTAL). I also managed to loose my balance and fall flat on my back. Then, the second game went better except, that games here are on time limits and its as many games as you can bowl in that time.. so we didnt get to finish it ( I was atleast hitting the pins that game).

After School today (which is weird because it finished at 3pm and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday it finished at around 2pm, they have 45 minute periods like us just less and they start at ten past eight) Karin took me to the supermarket, so I could get some ingredients for making ANZAC biscuits. I realised how different our supermarkets are. Both have fruit, vegies, meat, milk, ect ect. But they have CLOTHES and a toy section, cd & electronic ( by electronic I mean stereos, TVs, cordless phones) sections as well.

So I got what I needed and went back to the house and made ANZAC biscuits. Which were an instant success with my host parents and Kathrin (which is good since she doesn't like Tim Tams - which is crazy). So much so that I had to make two batches the first batch was to be for Kathrin’s class while we watch the rest of Love Actually tomorrow. One of the teachers has asked me to talk about Australian Christmases to a Year Ten class and answer some questions tomorrow... which I am happy to do. ( I have to ask Jens or Karin about where tenth grade - as they call it, fits into the scheme of things as I thought that after Year Nine, they went to Gymnasium for three years).

I am going to Mor Far’s (Karins fathers) tomorrow night for dinner.

Oh, and Denmark won against Germany in the handball last night 28 to 27 - very exciting final minutes....
Denmark had a by tonight, so no game...

EEEEHHHHH....... I think the Jetlag is finally starting to catch up with me ( I went to school the day after I arrived and have been getting up ever since)

Also it is now dark at 8:10 am when I arrive at school....Very odd considering the sunlight at home....


8th December 2005

Well, go to the states and to WalMart. That's a supermarket joined with a kmart. Seriously, most countries have places like that. ^_^ I travel a lot, so it's not that different for me. Seems like you're having fun. I don't know how you can survive without tim tams! I'd take some with me ^^" along with vegemite and nutella!
12th December 2005

OMG tell em about AFL only jk lol Sounds like your having an awesome time! ANZAC biscuits yum lol. Keep adding entries I love reading them! Their school sounds awesome! Ps. You gotta give em vegemite ;)
12th December 2005


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